How far away do i keep a 150 WATT HPS light away form my plant?

many will say about 10" but i never figure how they gt it so close i always experience damage to leaves due to th elight intensity at that distance about 20" is good for me with gd airflow and maybe 2 ft otherwise, also depends on age of plants, check out the thread if u gt time as it will help u alot gd luck
many will say about 10" but i never figure how they gt it so close i always experience damage to leaves due to th elight intensity at that distance about 20" is good for me with gd airflow and maybe 2 ft otherwise, also depends on age of plants, check out the thread if u gt time as it will help u alot gd luck
20 inches ?? That seems really far away for a 150wat. I have a 400 watter and it's about 8-10" away from the top of my plants. I have fans blowing on them and the temp at the top of the plants are about 80deg at most. Thats probably on the close side for a 400 watter, but i have no problems. With that said here's a nice picture to have.

i have buds almost touching my 400w hps... it is vented really well.. it all depends.. yes 150w is not as hot but still, in a small closet, it can get really hot with no ventellation... I would just wait til you turn on the light and with your bare hand, feel when it gets really warm/warm and then double that distance and you should be good
yeah like i said heard it all before i bet all those with lights real close have tips hooking and curling up due to intensity damage to leafs etc during the last few weeks of flower it is prob ok to do so. but i really wouldnt reccomened any closer during vegetive still we all do it our own way and it works for us all. i tried lots of time due to people saying closer closer but i find the light ditribution is affected also plus i always see unhappy foliage at so close. maybe 20" is a bit far but start there and move it closer as the plants gt older but i wouldnt bring it any close than 15" at any stage gd luck an happy growing
I have no leaf damage or leaves curling up or down. Nothing like that. I have 2 fans blowing on my plants so I have really good air flow across the tops of my plants. Maybe thats where you went wrong and had problems like curling leaves. I don't know. Everyones set up is different. If your light is too far away your plants will begin to scretch for it though. You don't want that either. Like the one guy said a couple of posts back wait till you get it set up and use the hand feel methood. Put you hand at the top of the plants. If it's too hot for your hand then it's too hot for the plants.
na dont agree mate sorry u can feel heat on the back of ya hand but not intensity lets leave it at that no grow i have ever seen has ever had lights that close to plants only people on here say that shit makes me wonder if they have ever grwn 4 real or are jus livin a weed forum world, where they read shit then regurgitate either that or cant measure properly 10" 250 mm hmmm 400w of hps dont think so dude sorry and if u gt fans blowing directly at ya plants that aint healthy either,,

also my plants never stretch bud if anything i sometimes lift lights 1 day a week to encourage a small strecth. so light can gt to nodes properly tell me if ya lights are 10" away from 1 then how much light do u think the others are getting?
The best way to tell how hight to put the light is the hand test, put you and face down on top of the canopy and if the light don't feel uncomfrtrable to leave it there for 10-20 secs then lower it till it does, then just raise it up some so it don't.
na dont agree mate sorry u can feel heat on the back of ya hand but not intensity lets leave it at that no grow i have ever seen has ever had lights that close to plants only people on here say that shit makes me wonder if they have ever grwn 4 real or are jus livin a weed forum world, where they read shit then regurgitate either that or cant measure properly 10" 250 mm hmmm 400w of hps dont think so dude sorry and if u gt fans blowing directly at ya plants that aint healthy either,,

also my plants never stretch bud if anything i sometimes lift lights 1 day a week to encourage a small strecth. so light can gt to nodes properly tell me if ya lights are 10" away from 1 then how much light do u think the others are getting?

Well don't agree. I don't care. But saying none of use grow for real is BS. Yeah I do have my light that close. I am sure the others that said they do also have them that close. What do you want pictures. I know I can provide some check below and i am sure others can as well. I have a perpetual grow going and have had it going for almost a year with no issues with my light that close. Telling someone to put his 150wat light 20inches away is nuts. Thats extremly far away for such a weak light. The plant with sretch for that weak of a light being so far away. Look closly in my picture. You can see a tape measue so you know I can messure now. BTW sence when is air blowing on a plant not healthy?
easy fella put that chest bck dwn, jus my opinion like it or lump it it seems alot of people on here get away wit puttin there lights real close but like i said it doesnt work 4 me , i tried after partaking in a thread like this ages ago. puttin a fan on directly on plants can cause windburn especially if its on constantly. but like i said everyone does it diff and it all works out. your plants look gd as well m8 maybe u shud try getting the light closer though ..........roflmao
My 250 is 2 inches away. I have glass and active exhaust. Closer the better. Look at that awesome chart, every time you go an inch further, you lose twice as much light, or some really huge amount like that.... Why would you want to stretch your plants Sweetsmoker? Unless you have a small light over a big area, and your trying to spread out the light. Not something I'd do.