No comment....It'd be a great cover to sell weed. order a pizza and bring that Z we talked about ...![]()
Are you fuckin retarded?I need nukes and anthrax to protect my rights... why can you have your weapons but I can't have mine?
Last Thursday Night Around Midnight, A Woman FromHouston , Texas WasArrested, Jailed, And Charged WithManslaughter For Shooting A Man 6 Times In The BackAs He Was Running Away With Her Purse.
The Following Monday Morning, The Woman WasCalled In Front Of TheArraignment Judge, Sworn In, And Asked ToExplain Her Actions.
The Woman Replied,"I Was Standing At The Corner Bus Stop For About 15Minutes, Waiting For The Bus To Take MeHome After Work.
I Am A Waitress At A Local Cafe. I Was There Alone, So IHad My Right Hand On My Pistol, That Was In My Purse, That Was Hung Over My
Left Shoulder.
All Of A Sudden I WasBeing Spun Around Hard To My Left.
As I Caught MyBalance, I Saw A Man Running Away From MeWith My Purse.
I Looked Down At MyRight Hand And I Saw That My Fingers WereWrapped Tightly Around My Pistol.
The Next Thing I Remember Is Saying OutLoud, "No Way Punk! Your NotStealing My Pay Check And Tips."
I Raised My Right Hand, Pointed My Pistol At TheMan Running Away From Me
With My Purse, And Squeezed The TriggerOf My Pistol 6 Times!
When Asked By TheArraignment Judge, "Why Did You Shoot The Man 6 Times?
The Woman Replied Under Oath, "Because, When IPulled The Trigger Of My Pistol The 7th Time, It Only Went Click."
The Woman Was Acquitted Of All Charges.
And She Was Back At Work, At TheCafe, The Next Day!
Now that's Gun Control....[/QUOTE]
No, its ridiculous...![]()
" the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"the intention of the second amendment was to provide the means to form a militia. at the time the u.s. government could not afford to form a military let alone arm one. it was never intended for your average citizen to be carrying around firearms for personal defense during times of peace. did that thief deserve to die for stealing that woman's handbag?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."" the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"
do your best to twist this around and tell me im not allowed to own a gun?
if your going to make a disagreeing statement... its common knowledge your argument has to at least make sense...
A well regulated Militia..., being necessary... to the security of a free State..., the right... of the people... to keep and bear Arms,... shall not be infringed.the purpose of our right to bear arms is to protect us from the government..
militias are still very necessary, and you still just said my qoute
the right... for the people... to keep and bear arms... shall not be infringed
once you outlaw guns, only outlaws have guns
both criminals on the streets, as well as criminals in government can just have their way with you...
there you go, invalidated your own argumentA well regulated Militia..., being necessary... to the security of a free State..., the right... of the people... to keep and bear Arms,... shall not be infringed.
i can put ... in between words to make my point too
and your missing a a crucial aspect of the second amendment, it's intent (militia).there you go, invalidated your own argument
we have an inalienable right to self defense, as well as the right to keep and bear arms, milita or no militia
fucking shit even says right there that the people have a right to bear arms to keep the security of a free state
Completely untrue. The U.S. Army was established in 1775 and was never deactivated.the intention of the second amendment was to provide the means to form a militia. at the time the u.s. government could not afford to form a military let alone arm one.
Poppycock. What do you think a militia is composed of? Armed was never intended for your average citizen to be carrying around firearms for personal defense during times of peace
The National Guard is not militia. Each National Guard is a auxiliary component of the Army administered by each individual state.A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. - 2nd Amendment
That story was a joke, but to answer your question - crime is a risky business.did that thief deserve to die for stealing that woman's handbag?