a few days of dark before harvest???

just sayin a grower that knows what there doin doesnt have to resort to such myths.. afterall if u couldnt get it done in the first 8 -10 weeks what makes u think u can accomplish it in 3 days

You may gain and if you do it may be an imperceptible amount and it might be a great deal and even if you do not gain, or not gain enough that your senses are capable of detecting the minor difference, you have not lost anything. It is not like you added 3 days more until you harvest, you still harvest when you would but the plants are just in darkness the last 3 days.
By giving 72-hours of darkness you just cut out three light cycles, that is three cycles when THC would be broken down by light rays and replaced those hours of light with hours of darkness when growth and THC production are running at their most efficient.

Hi Brick Top, thanks for your usual usefulness and precision of great info you provide!

So you are saying that the trich ratio we can observe right before the 72 hours dark period, will stay the same after 3 days of dark?

As I asked in another thread, I'm fearing that 3 dark days may increase too much the amber trich ratio. But I'm unsure if my assumption is correct.

So, do trichs mature in darkness, or they just react to light (turning from clear to milk and then to amber)?
Very interesting points brick top brings up

At harvest if you are at your desired trichomes ratio and your fan leaves are still green and lush---the plant us able to store more energy for longer periods of dark---thus benefiting from the darkness

while if your plant is already pulling all it's energy from it's leaves and is not able to store energy for that darkness may not benefit as much as a healthier plant

good shit mane
The Stichting Institute of medical Marijuana (SIMM), the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmicies of Holland, has been investigating the medical possibilities of cannabis, together with TNO laboritories and the University of Leiden.

One of their discoveries has been that to keep the ripe plants in the dark before harvesting could increase their potency.

SIMM's growers seperated a crop of mature plants, harvested half of them and kept the other half in absolute darkness for 72 hours before cutting and drying.

Analysis of the resulting dried buds showed that some varieties had seen increases of THC of up to 30 %, while the CBD and CBN remained the same.

If you stop and think about this it makes sense. In the wild the plant would be producing seeds but since we control reproductive cycle it is just growing bud. By putting it into darkness for x number of hours, the plant will send its energy into making a "seed" that will survive until it can find a viable place to grow. From all the responses it doesn't seem like it harms the end product to try it.
Where does this seemingly magical energy reside? In the roots? Because otherwise I leave most of my buds on stems to dry, is this not having the same effect?
furthermore, some seed co's in the dam will give additional light near harvest...like greenhouse...this darkness theory is as good as starving your car of gas to make it go faster...what?...it weighs less so is should ge faster right?...I call BS
If you stop and think about this it makes sense. In the wild the plant would be producing seeds but since we control reproductive cycle it is just growing bud. By putting it into darkness for x number of hours, the plant will send its energy into making a "seed" that will survive until it can find a viable place to grow. From all the responses it doesn't seem like it harms the end product to try it.
if u stop to think about what u said . your a idiot.. if this is true y not grow plants in the dark..oh yeah cause they need fuckin light.. go boil your roots and stab your plants wit thumbtacks i hear that helps increase thc production too.:o
this is all bs, with the same lame defunct references. what a croc

As far as I can see, (and I've read this whole thread) you've done nothing to actually refute the data Brick Top has put out. You called SIMM a defunct and BS research company. I'll give you it may be defunct now, as they seem to have disappeared from the news around 2004. (Their funding was most likely cut, due to the lack of participants in the medical marijuana program.)

But how exactly is their research bull shit? Tell me what makes it croc? If you have evidence that SIMM's research findings are incorrect, then please share that. Because that would be incredible kind and helpful to this thread.

And may I suggest that in the future, rather than simply insult the things you disagree with, you give substantial proof that your stance is right or else STFU?

Nobody has answered the question Im wondering. But it was asked 4 times! Do you start the dark cycle when your trichs are where you want em? Or start it when you think they need another 3 days. And then they continue getting amber in the dark?
As far as I can see, (and I've read this whole thread) you've done nothing to actually refute the data Brick Top has put out. You called SIMM a defunct and BS research company. I'll give you it may be defunct now, as they seem to have disappeared from the news around 2004. (Their funding was most likely cut, due to the lack of participants in the medical marijuana program.)

But how exactly is their research bull shit? Tell me what makes it croc? If you have evidence that SIMM's research findings are incorrect, then please share that. Because that would be incredible kind and helpful to this thread.

And may I suggest that in the future, rather than simply insult the things you disagree with, you give substantial proof that your stance is right or else STFU?


brick top himself is bs.. have u ever seen one of his grows? no no one has cause he dont even grow pot.. should b more careful who u rely on for credible information.. dark b4 harvest does nothing
I thought there were better arguments for this, than against it. Not to sure I wanna try though.

BUT NOBODY WILL ANSWER WHEN TO PUT THE DAMN PLANTS INTO THE DARK! When the trichs are ready? Or 3 days before you think they will be ready?
if harvesting a plant just before you turn your lights on in the morning helps, then why wouldnt it help putting them in the dark for longer before harvest??? you argue that it doesnt help and yet you harvest after your plant sees nothing but darkness for 12 hours... and if youre harvesting 3 days from today and you turn your lights of for that time, how are you wasting your time?? obviously the plant is more potent w thc after the 12 hours, if ppl think that 72 hours wont do n e thing, then whats to believe that the initial 12 will... answer me that???
I am sorry to have to be the one to have to tell you this but you are wrong. THC is created within the trichome-head and no where else on or in a marijuana plant, and definitely not in seeds. You cannot find THC anywhere in a marijuana plant other then in the trichome-head where it is created and then stored.
If you get, as you put it; "honey oil" from stems and leaves is only because they are covered with trichomes with THC producing resin-heads on them. If not what you are getting is not; "honey oil."

What are Trichomes?


capitate stalked trichome photo by: Eirik

Although cannabis resin glands called trichomes are structurally diverse, they come in three basic varieties:

The bulbous type is the smallest (15-30 micron). From one to four cells make up the "foot" and "stalk," and one to four cells make up the "head" of the gland. Head cells secrete a resin - presumably cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the head cells and the cuticle. When the gland matures, a nipple-like protrusion may form on the membrane from the pressure of the accumulating resin. The bulbous glands are found scattered about the surfaces of the above-ground plant parts.

The second type of gland is much larger & is more numerous than the bulbous glands. They are called capitate, which means having a globular-shaped head. On immature plants, the heads lie flush, appearing not to have a stalk and are called capitate sessile. They actually have a stalk that is one cell high, although it may not be visible beneath the globular head. The head is composed of usually eight, but up to 16 cells, that form a convex rosette. These cells secrete cannabinoids, and related compounds which accumulate between the rosette and it's outer membrane. This gives it a spherical shape. The gland measures from 25 to 100 micron across.

Cannabinoids are most abundant in the capitate-stalked gland which consists of a tier of secretory disc cells subtending a large non-cellular secretory cavity. During flowering the capitate glands that appear on the newly formed plant parts take on a third form. Some of the glands are raised to a height of 150 to 500 micron when their stalks elongate. These capitate-stalked glands appear during flowering and form their densest cover on the female flower bracts. They are also highly concentrated on the small leaves that accompany the flowers. The male flowers have stalked glands on the sepals, but they are smaller and less concentrated than on the female bracts. Male flowers form a row of very large capitate glands along the opposite sides of anthers.


photo by: Proof_of_the_pudding


photo by: Proof_of_the_pudding
The figures above denote capitate-stalked trichomes with green arrows, the bulbous trichomes with yellow arrows & the red arrows mark the capitate-sessile trichomes. Cyan arrows denote cystolith hairs.

Life inside a capitate-stalked trichome

image by: Snaps_Provolone
Disc cells, attached to leaf or bract by stipe cells (RED) & basal cells (GREEN), release fibrillar wall matrix into secretory cavity where it contributes to thickening of subcuticular wall during enlargement of secretory cavity. Plastids (ORANGE) in disc cells produce secretions called lipoplasts which synthesize quantities of lipophilic substances that accumulate outside the plasma membrane, migrating into the endoplasmic reticular cytoplasm and through the plasma membrane and cell wall into the secretory cavity where they form vesicles (BLUE) in the secretory cavity. Vesicles in contact with the subcuticular wall release contents that contribute to the growth of the cuticle during the enlargement of the secretory cavity. THC occurs in the walls, fibrillar matrix & other contents surrounding the vesicles, but not in the vesicles. Trace amounts of THC is present in the disc cells.


photo by: Eirik

When to harvest your trichomes
There are several schools of thought as to when it is the time to harvest. I shall attempt to explain how you can determine the harvesting time that will produce the most favorable psychoactive effect for your individual preferences.

We are most concerned with the capitate-stalked trichomes, as these contain the overwhelming majority of the psychoactive cannabinoids (THC, THCV, CBN). Different cannabinoids affect the high in a multifaceted manner.

delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol & delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol - THC mimics the action of anandamide, a neurotransmitter produced naturally in the body, which binds with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain to produce the ?high? associated with marijuana. THC possesses high UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties.

tetrahydrocannabivarin - prevalent in certain South African and Southeast Asian strains of cannabis. It is said to produce a ?clearer high? & seems to possess many of the therapeutic properties of THC.

cannabidiol - previously believed to be psychoactive, or to contribute to the high by interacting with other cannabinoids, conversely the most recent research indicates that CBD has negligible effect on the high, it is however a strong anti-inflammatory, and may take the edge off some THC effects, such as anxiety. CBD as a non-psychoactive cannabinoid appears to be helpful for many medical conditions. CBD biosynthesizes into cannabinol (CBN) & tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

cannabinol - a degradation product of THC, produces a depressant effect, ?fuzzy? forehead.

cannabichromene - non-psychoactive , a precursor to THC.

cannabigerol - non-psychoactive, hemp strains often posses elevated levels of CBG while possessing only trace amounts of THC.

Heavy trichome production is not necessarily an indication of a potent plant. Some hemp strains have moderate layers of trichomes yet pack only a strong headache. In a drug strain, a thick layer of trichomes is a symbol that it may well posses an elevated potency level, but it is certainly not a guarantee.

What defines a cannabis drug strain is the plant's ability to produce THC & THCV.

A small 25x or stronger pocket microscope, which can be picked up inexpensively at an electronics store like Radio Shack, works well for getting a closer peek at your trichome development. We are examining are the capitate stalked glandular trichomes, the coloration of these gland heads can vary between strains and maturity. Most strains start with clear or slightly amber heads which gradually become cloudy or opaque when THC levels have peaked and are beginning to degrade. Regardless of the initial color of the secretory cavity, with careful observation you should be able to see a change in coloration as maturity levels off.

Some cultivators wait for about half of the secretory cavities to go opaque before harvesting, to ensure maximum THC levels in the finished product. Of course nothing tells the truth more than your own perception, so try samples at various stages to see what is best for you & the phenotype your are growing. While you may be increasing the total THC level in the bud by allowing half of the glands to go opaque, the bud will also have a larger percentage of THC breakdown products such as CBN, which is why some people choose to harvest earlier while most of the secretory cavities are still clear.

Indica varieties will usually have a 10-15 day harvest window to work with. Sativas and Indica/Sativa hybrids often have an extended period to work with.


photo by: Eirik


photo by: Proof_of_the_pudding
The figures above denotes clear trichomes with green arrows, the cloudy trichomes with yellow arrows & the red arrows mark the amber trichomes.

Why did trichomes evolve in nature?
Cannabis has evolved trichomes for a multitude of uses in nature, some of these require THC & other cannabinoids to be effective, and others that do not.

Insect Protection:
Many insects find the thick coating of trichomes unpleasant, this offers a level of protection for the developing seeds.

The layer of trichomes and cystolith hairs makes cannabis less palatable to many herbivores & omnivores.

The layer of trichomes helps to 'insulate' the pistilate (female) flower from low humidity levels and high wind.

UV-B Light:
UV-B light is harmful to living things, THC has very high UV-B adsorption properties, thus cannabis evolution may have favored the evolution of genotypes that produced these THC laden capitate-stalked trichomes as a built in 'sun-screen' for protection against UV-B light rays.

Fungal Protection:
Some of the compounds present in the trichomes actually inhibit the growths of some types of fungus.

Quite possibly, the most important reason for the evolution of the THC laden capitate-stalked trichomes is the intercession of man in the natural selection process, favoring genotypes that produce copious amounts of THC laden trichomes.

Inside the Trichome

By Bubbleman and Jeremiah Vandermeer, Cannabis Culture - Thursday, June 11 2009 Tags:
CANNABIS CULTURE - An up-close look at the THC-producing resin glands of the cannabis plant through pot-ographer Bubbleman's macro lens.
If you’ve seen pictures of mature cannabis plants taken with a macroscopic lens that’s zoomed-in very close, then you’ve undoubtedly noticed the many glistening translucent resin glands protruding from the buds, leaves, and just about everywhere else on the plant (see “Stalking Trichomes”, CC #72). Most marijuana growers and readers of pot magazines are quite familiar – and some downright obsessed – with these resinous outgrowths known as trichomes. You may have also read that the sticky coating of trichomes is home to the active ingredients in cannabis – the stuff that gets you high and has all the medical benefits – tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), and other cannabinoids. But have you ever wondered exactly what the trichomes do for the cannabis plant, or what biological purpose they serve?
Sticky resinous growths knows as trichomes are home to the active ingredients in cannabis. (Click picture to enlarge)Evolution of Trichomes
In nature, only the strong survive, and it is hypothesized by biologists that trichomes evolved as a defense mechanism of the cannabis plant against a range of potential enemies (1). Trichomes, from the Greek meaning ‘growth of hair,’ act as an evolutionary shield, protecting the plant and its seeds from the dangers of its environment, allowing it to reproduce. These adhesive sprouts form a protective layer against offensive insects, preventing them from reaching the surface of the plant. The chemicals in the trichomes make cannabis less palatable to hungry animals and can inhibit the growth of some types of fungus. The resin also helps to insulate the plant from high wind and low humidity, and acts as a natural ‘sun-screen’ in protecting against UV-B light rays. But since trichomes contain euphoric properties attractive to humans, it may be man who has had the most influence on the plants’ development through many years of favoring strains that consistently produce more of these gooey resin heads.
Trichome Types
Trichomes grow in numerous shapes and sizes on many types of plants. The cannabis plant has developed three main types (from NationMaster Encyclopedia):
Bulbous: This type is the smallest (15 to 30 micrometers). From one to four cells make up the ‘foot’ and ‘stalk’, and one to four cells make up the ‘head’ of the gland. Head cells secrete a resin, presumably cannabinoids, and related compounds that accumulate between the head cells and the cuticle. When the gland matures, a nipple-like protrusion may form on the membrane from the pressure of accumulating resin. The bulbous glands are found scattered about the surfaces of the aboveground plant parts. [Pictured below.]

Capitate-Sessile: The second type of gland is larger (25 to 100 micrometers) and more numerous than the bulbous glands. They are called capitate, which means having a globular-shaped head. On immature plants, the heads lie flush, appearing not to have a stalk and are called capitate sessile. They have a stalk that is one cell high, although it may not be visible beneath the globular head. The head is composed of usually eight, but up to 16 cells, that form a convex rosette. These cells secrete cannabinoids and related compounds that accumulate between the rosette and its outer membrane. This gives it a spherical shape.
Capitate-Stalked: Cannabinoids are most abundant in the capitate-stalked glands, which consists of a tier of secretory disc cells subtending a large non-cellular secretory cavity. During flowering, the capitate glands that appear on the newly formed plant parts take on a third form. Some of the glands are raised to a height of 150 to 500 micrometres when their stalks elongate. These capitate-stalked glands appear during flowering and form their densest cover on the female flower bracts [specialized leaves that cover the seeds]. They are also highly concentrated on the small leaves that accompany the flowers. The male flowers have some stalked glands, but they are smaller and less concentrated than on the female. (2)
Cannabinoids are a group of chemical compounds that occur naturally in the cannabis plant, first discovered in the 1940s. When consumed by humans, the chemicals bind to CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body, causing euphoria and other effects. The broader definition includes three general types: phytocannabinoids, which occur uniquely in the cannabis plant; endogenous cannabinoids, produced by the bodies of humans and other mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles; and synthetic cannabinoids, which are related compounds produced in laboratories. Cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant include THC, CBD, cannabinol (CBN), cannabichromene (CBC), cannabigerol (CBG), and tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV).
Inside the Trichome

THC and other cannabinoids are produced in only one place on the cannabis plant: inside the heads of the
capitate-stalked trichomes.

How it happens: Organelles produced by the plant called Vacuoles – which contain phenols, a chemical compound similar to alcohol [pictured at right in blue], and another type of organelle called plastids – containing hydrocarbons called terpenes [red], make their way up the trichome stalk [green] and combine inside the secretory cavity into a fibrous mat [yellow]. This concentrated mat is hit by UV-B light waves, causing the creation of cannabinoids. Since all of the psychoactive ingredients are produced inside the trichome, these tiny resin hairs have long been sought after by hash and oil makers and can be separated from the plant and harvested in a variety of ways (3).
Potency and Tricomes
Many media outlets and politicians say the ‘potency’ of today’s pot has increased dramatically in the last 30 years, claiming it contains anywhere from 10%-40% THC. Most are dubious claims, as it is quite obvious that a sample of herbal plant material does not consist of nearly half THC, but there is still much debate on the issue of potency classification. One thing is for sure; heavy trichome production does not necessarily mean higher potency, because the resins inside the trichome may or may not contain high levels of THC and other active ingredients. Some speculate that the percentage levels refer to the amount of THC in the oils produced inside the resin glands, but new studies show that cannabinoids other than THC also have distinctive effects on brain functions and cause correspondingly different effects on human cognition and psychiatric symptoms (4). This makes gauging the ‘potency’ or ‘strength’ of cannabis plants very difficult, as different cannabinoid level combinations may induce different types of highs. (For more information, see “Pot Potency” CC #34.)

This was by FAR the best post Ive ever seen on this forum. FIlled with complete information and acurate at that.
Kudos, props and dankness should befall the poster... :weed:
if harvesting a plant just before you turn your lights on in the morning helps, then why wouldnt it help putting them in the dark for longer before harvest??? you argue that it doesnt help and yet you harvest after your plant sees nothing but darkness for 12 hours... and if youre harvesting 3 days from today and you turn your lights of for that time, how are you wasting your time?? obviously the plant is more potent w thc after the 12 hours, if ppl think that 72 hours wont do n e thing, then whats to believe that the initial 12 will... answer me that???
Ive tried what cervantes said about the buds getting oily and full of resin if you givem 24 dark..then chop em...and ive tried the other way also..and it seems that they are stickier and taste better when put in dark..then cut...I have 15 coming out of my garden..into a dark bathroom 2nite before showtime at the appolo.(lights come on)...that way they will only need 12 more before the cut..I scoped them last night and they looked mostly milky white with some amber..and some clear but not as many as the milk and amber. that works for me and the kind....hope that helped you business...peace
ok that doesnt answer my question. y wouldnt a longer than 48-72 hr dark period be better if doing it the last 12-24 hrs helps? wouldnt you think that it would be a benifit to do it a few hrs longer ??
ok that doesnt answer my question. y wouldnt a longer than 48-72 hr dark period be better if doing it the last 12-24 hrs helps? wouldnt you think that it would be a benifit to do it a few hrs longer ??
yeah,,heah...the only way is to try it....I was trying to reply to business' question..but i fucked up...theres no hurt to trying..got another batch in 2 weeks...the shit is dank anyway..PPP strain..gonna try 36..then scope it..gotta go to work upstairs now...get back to you guys...happy marijuanica to all!!
As far as I can see, (and I've read this whole thread) you've done nothing to actually refute the data Brick Top has put out. You called SIMM a defunct and BS research company. I'll give you it may be defunct now, as they seem to have disappeared from the news around 2004. (Their funding was most likely cut, due to the lack of participants in the medical marijuana program.)

But how exactly is their research bull shit? Tell me what makes it croc? If you have evidence that SIMM's research findings are incorrect, then please share that. Because that would be incredible kind and helpful to this thread.

And may I suggest that in the future, rather than simply insult the things you disagree with, you give substantial proof that your stance is right or else STFU?

refute? are you a fuckin moron? noobs suck! :spew:thanx for the input. do u know what defunct means? substantial proof? what proof have you seen against my comments? if you have read my threads, you would know i have been at it for a bit and tested chemical differences in diff light conditions. just because you read this "whole thread" and bought into it doesnt mean shit. no need to "refute" when the arguement is imaginary...keep fighting the good fight bro. :hump:
if it was true then ppl wouldnt even grow with light bc dark makes pot stronger.. so in the believers own words if 12 hrs help y not 3 days.. well if 3 days is better then 12 hrs why not a week.. and if a week is good y not a month and shit why not the entire grow cycle?? cause its garbage go boil your fuckin roots and keep your plants in the dark.. u still wont be able to touch the quality of the pot grown on this site.. i hate the way this argument gets popped up by newbs every fuckin month.. sit back and learn
i asked a question smart ass..... y would you put a plant in 12 hours of darkness?? where is the line crossed on hours of darkness at the end of flowering? and scientificly explain it... if you can come up with a better explanation than bricktop of y it doesnt help, then i might believe you... but youre doin the same thing by sayin its bullshit and doesnt work, when its abviously been tested... honestly, all of us noobs get our fuckin "retarted noob" information from retarded fuckin "know it all assholes" like yourself.... if someone told me that your mom sucked dick better after 24 hours in the dark, you better believe im gonna put that bitch in pure darkness for 24 hours....