• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

we are officiallly at war

jeff f

New Member
here is a chance to point out the true difference in a conservative vs liberal.

what does the lib do? give him a lawyer and put him in a jail. he will be there till he makes bail and be gone.

to a cons, this is clearly an act of war. he is a foreigner who was trying to blow up a plane. he belongs to a group who we know want to kill us.

conservative, immediately turn him over to military. they will immediately put him on a plane and send him to a foreign country, most likely his own. then he would be subjected to waterboarding if necessary, but keep in mind, most interrogations never get to that point till they start talking. anyway..

you libs say, poor poor boy.

conservatives say, okay this is the third time this year. it is becoming clear they are going to be doing it slow long pain. if this man were handled my way, or the first guy in little rock who shot the GI, these incidents may have been avoided. there are people in this organization who know where the big wigs are. maybe not top guys but middle end guys. we need to go after these guys and kill them. we dont need to try them in court, we need to KILL THEM. THIS IS A FUCKING WAR IF ANY OF YOU CARE TO PARTICIPATE. AMERICA IS AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. THEY WANT TO INDISCRIMINANTLY KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. WAKE THE FUCK UP. YO YO YO. PAUL REVERE HERE, WAKE THE FUCK UP, AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK. THIS WILL NOT STOP AND ONLY GET WORSE. I WANT ALL YOU DICKHEAD LIBERLS TO CUT AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE. IT WILL BECOME MORE VALUABE TO YOU AS TIME GOES ON. THESE PEOPLE WANT TO KILL YOUR BABIES. let me be clear, not all muslims. we are talking about the radicals. this will be the end of america as we know it if they are successful. there will be weekly attacks just like in isreal. they will get more steady and more violent.

its official, mark it down. you heard it here first.


Well-Known Member
what does the lib do? give him a lawyer and put him in a jail. he will be there till he makes bail and be gone.
That is so retarded. You really think that this guy is going to be let out on bail? You do realize that we can hold people without bail right?

you libs say, poor poor boy.
Just because you say something doesn't make it true. Wake up man, we all are not that far apart. It is like saying that the dallas cowboy fans are very different than the phili eagles fans. It is all a political game, and mostly a joke played on the people that decide to demonize the other.

I think that we are losing the forest for the trees here.

There may be a lot of radical islams out there that want to attack us, but that doesn't mean that they all are a danger to us.
Aside from a very small few most will never even get a chance to strike at us. That doesn't mean we should just let them go, but we cannot lose our heads over this group or that group.

We need to protect ourselves from any group that wishes to attack us.

And to do that means we will have to lose some civil liberties here in the states.

Are you willing to allow that to fight this?


Well-Known Member
That is so retarded. You really think that this guy is going to be let out on bail? You do realize that we can hold people without bail right?

Just because you say something doesn't make it true. Wake up man, we all are not that far apart. It is like saying that the dallas cowboy fans are very different than the phili eagles fans. It is all a political game, and mostly a joke played on the people that decide to demonize the other.

I think that we are losing the forest for the trees here.

There may be a lot of radical islams out there that want to attack us, but that doesn't mean that they all are a danger to us.
Aside from a very small few most will never even get a chance to strike at us. That doesn't mean we should just let them go, but we cannot lose our heads over this group or that group.

We need to protect ourselves from any group that wishes to attack us.

And to do that means we will have to lose some civil liberties here in the states.

Are you willing to allow that to fight this?

are you saying that you are cool with losing you rights?


Well-Known Member
Realistically whatever happens from this I will not have much say in it.

I can really only see us being somewhat safe on airplanes if they do something like the full body scans or something invasive along those lines, But that would not only cost a lot of money, and realistically will become obsolete quickly.

So is it worth it? Doubtful.

We still have airplane crashes so flying will never be 100% safe, and the likelyhood of a terrorist event is far smaller. So I am not worried enough to think that overreacting will really do anything.

All the calls for profiling better and whatnot are right we should be doing something better, but the main thing is why do something unless it is going to be effective.

And realistically the only things that are going to be effective will mean that Americans will have some civil liberties trampled.

Should they?

That is a far tougher question, I personally do not think that the a terrorist event will ever touch me, so personally I would not like to see the government infringe on us, but on a larger scale and worrying about my fellow countrymen and women, we should definantly do something, but then we are right back to the main question, infringe or move on and look like we are forgetting about it and playing patty-cake with the terrorists.

And when they get this fuck to talk by all means we should go after his handlers, but quickly we will fall into a brick wall, because these usually are not very sophisticated structures. And small groups that don't really know who many people are, just a feeling that they are apart of something bigger. So picking another war with another country will not do us any good, and in the end cost far more American lives than we save.
I am a former Marine a medical marijuana patient, disabled, and highly conservative. I have reached a conclusion no matter which side of the fense you get on your on the wrong side. We are a self governing nation, our founding grew cannabis, hemp, as well as many other now illegal items. they approved of living simple free lives without harming others. Everywhere I go I see cops pulling people over for going a few mph too fast. Like they are the real criminals. Everything is a joke now and what scares me the most is that we are at war right now with Muslims. Most americans know nothing of the culture or religion. I have been trained to kill terrorist and more I learned about them the more i realised that we were the terrorists. How many innocent children, teens, and adults get murdered in the middle east mainly of musilm faith my christians and jews. this is a holy war which has been manipulated by the media and government and religion. I have been there and the kindest people i have met has been in a muslium country. I am a buddhist and I have sat in a home of a stranger with lauguage barrier and they gave me more food and tea then they had to give. Gave me fresh water and a prayer. That intrigued me and more I learned about the musilm faith the more I learned that they are completely identifcal to christians and jews. THey have the same prophets, angels, anitchrist...etc. I wish america would wake up and realize that we are not free. We have the right to vote but how can we be fair if only certain people are backed by political parties. The political parties proves one thing that our system is currupt. We started a war to be free of tyranny taxes and unwelcome enforcement of law. The technology will be the destroyer of our government and military,. As a marine we were never given gear that was experiemental it might be older but proven to be 100% efficient. They completely experiemtn on our population with sickness disease and poisoning. If you think that sounds paranoid ready EPA surveys about american drinking water uranium, arsenic and if you have a water tower all meds. They recycle water but the medication does not get filtered completely. Ever been to Mexico? I have they tell you do not drink the water. In america we are told absolutely nothing but propaganda, and paranoia. Why americans so sick look at our food and water. I am 110% true blood american my family can be traced to 13 colonies and to native population. But right now I am ashamed to be an american....our founding fathers would curse our nation for violating everything those wise men worked sp hard to protect. WAKE UP AMERICAN START A REVOLOUTION


Well-Known Member
here is a chance to point out the true difference in a conservative vs liberal.

You sure pointed out the true difference there bucko. Conservatives are mouth-breathing inbred rednecks whose limited view of the world has been spoon fed to them by whack-jobs like O'Reilly and Limbaugh.

See, even a "DICKHEAD LIBERL" can spout insults and gross generalizations proving we have something in common.


Active Member
Jeff, go luck up how many americans die each year from automobile accidents and compare it to the number of people killed in terror attacks against US targets. Decreasing the speed limit to 55 on the interstate system would reduce the number of american deaths significantly compared to anything we could ever do to al quaeda (torture, wiretap, nsa, you name it) but we don't do it because it offends our sense of personal freedom and responsibility. Yet here you are, willing to throw out centuries of jurisprudence and respect for individual liberties because some nigerian idiot tried to blow up a plane with a firecracker down his pants. Don't you think that's a bit hysterical?

I understand the threat posed by islamic extremists and obviously the our government needs to do to what it can to keep nuclear materials safe and disrupt their organization, but beyond that I don't think we need to treat this like any other criminal organization. If the FBI can take care of the kgb and organized crime without torture or otherwise breaking the law, we should be able to deal with these shitbirds without turning into the gestapo...

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
here is a chance to point out the true difference in a conservative vs liberal.

what does the lib do? give him a lawyer and put him in a jail. he will be there till he makes bail and be gone.

to a cons, this is clearly an act of war. he is a foreigner who was trying to blow up a plane. he belongs to a group who we know want to kill us.

conservative, immediately turn him over to military. they will immediately put him on a plane and send him to a foreign country, most likely his own. then he would be subjected to waterboarding if necessary, but keep in mind, most interrogations never get to that point till they start talking. anyway..

you libs say, poor poor boy.

conservatives say, okay this is the third time this year. it is becoming clear they are going to be doing it slow long pain. if this man were handled my way, or the first guy in little rock who shot the GI, these incidents may have been avoided. there are people in this organization who know where the big wigs are. maybe not top guys but middle end guys. we need to go after these guys and kill them. we dont need to try them in court, we need to KILL THEM. THIS IS A FUCKING WAR IF ANY OF YOU CARE TO PARTICIPATE. AMERICA IS AT WAR WITH RADICAL ISLAM. THEY WANT TO INDISCRIMINANTLY KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. WAKE THE FUCK UP. YO YO YO. PAUL REVERE HERE, WAKE THE FUCK UP, AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK. THIS WILL NOT STOP AND ONLY GET WORSE. I WANT ALL YOU DICKHEAD LIBERLS TO CUT AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE. IT WILL BECOME MORE VALUABE TO YOU AS TIME GOES ON. THESE PEOPLE WANT TO KILL YOUR BABIES. let me be clear, not all muslims. we are talking about the radicals. this will be the end of america as we know it if they are successful. there will be weekly attacks just like in isreal. they will get more steady and more violent.

its official, mark it down. you heard it here first.
That's sticking your neck out there... :blsmoke:
I am conservative and I do not share the same view as others conservs. I have liberal views but believe that honesty, integrity, love thy enemy dispite their side, we are all humans and in this country americans. Stop tearing the country in half with these opposing views. We should all make a stand not to elect high paid officials. They should help out the needy instead offering all the jobs, education, etc on people that can already afford it.

jeff f

New Member
because the TERRORIST is lawyered up right now, he cannot be questioned according to the judge. they said maybe after 4 jan they will have a decision. that is how you want to fight terror? there may be 20 others waiting in line at the airport. this guy may have info. he should be "questioned" by the cia or the military. but he cant be because he now has "rights". thanks obama.

you guys should really be paying attention here but all you care about is bahsing conservatives. you areent interested in finding the other terrorists out there. just make sure he gets his day in court....pittyful

jeff f

New Member
Jeff, go luck up how many americans die each year from automobile accidents and compare it to the number of people killed in terror attacks against US targets. Decreasing the speed limit to 55 on the interstate system would reduce the number of american deaths significantly compared to anything we could ever do to al quaeda (torture, wiretap, nsa, you name it) but we don't do it because it offends our sense of personal freedom and responsibility. Yet here you are, willing to throw out centuries of jurisprudence and respect for individual liberties because some nigerian idiot tried to blow up a plane with a firecracker down his pants. Don't you think that's a bit hysterical?

I understand the threat posed by islamic extremists and obviously the our government needs to do to what it can to keep nuclear materials safe and disrupt their organization, but beyond that I don't think we need to treat this like any other criminal organization. If the FBI can take care of the kgb and organized crime without torture or otherwise breaking the law, we should be able to deal with these shitbirds without turning into the gestapo...
this is absolutely the most ridiculous statement i have read in a long time.

so we should lower the speed limit and not worry about the terrorist because cars kill more people?


enemies have never been given jurisprudence. stop fogging the issue with stupid statements. whats next, maranda rights for enemies on the battle field? idiotic!!

in case you havent noticed, unless we kill them first they will kill us. what is so hard to understand about this for you do-gooders?


Well-Known Member
So somehow by following the law is Obama's fault?

I am all for doing what needs to be done, but seriously man people get disconnected.

And even so what district is he being held in? Who is the judge, is there some blog that is following all of this that is set up by the government? If not I would not be so fast to just believe that he has not been questioned. This is a terrorist event, and I am sure that there would be something in the patriot act that would be able to be pulled up.

I was watching Fox 'news' this morning and they went from Janet Napolitono talking about the close call this was, and in it at some point she said (paraphrase)"after the ordeal the system did operate as it was set up". And fast forward a few hours later they have totally ripped away all context and it is now "Janet Napolitono is quoted as saying that the system worked like it was supposed to".

It is all bullshit. I wish we had an actual news that reported the truth, but instead we have entertainment that will report a story no matter what the facts are the way that they want to by any means they want.


Active Member
this is absolutely the most ridiculous statement i have read in a long time.

so we should lower the speed limit and not worry about the terrorist because cars kill more people?


enemies have never been given jurisprudence. stop fogging the issue with stupid statements. whats next, maranda rights for enemies on the battle field? idiotic!!

in case you havent noticed, unless we kill them first they will kill us. what is so hard to understand about this for you do-gooders?
Wow, before you go calling people stupid, you might want go and read over exactly what I wrote. Maybe I was giving your critical skills too much credit with that comparison.

What I was saying is that you are being hysterical about this fool and his idiot puppeteers when you aren't about the highways. More americans die because the speed limit is 65 as opposed to 55 every year than they do of terrorism. I'm not saying we should lower the speed limit (although that might not be a bad idea for a number of reasons...), I'm just pointing out that you are being completely hysterical and irrational over a guy who tried to blow up an airplane...

If someone commits a crime against US citizens especially on american soil, they get the same constitutional protections you and I get and that's the way it works for any criminal prosecution, except that we also get to deport them when they are done serving their time. I don't see why you would want to change that because of this bullshit.

And there are thousands of crazy people who want to kill you and your family, but we keep them locked up in prison or mental hospitals. They still have the right to due process and not being tortured...

jeff f

New Member
Wow, before you go calling people stupid, you might want go and read over exactly what I wrote. Maybe I was giving your critical skills too much credit with that comparison.

What I was saying is that you are being hysterical about this fool and his idiot puppeteers when you aren't about the highways. More americans die because the speed limit is 65 as opposed to 55 every year than they do of terrorism. I'm not saying we should lower the speed limit (although that might not be a bad idea for a number of reasons...), I'm just pointing out that you are being completely hysterical and irrational over a guy who tried to blow up an airplane...

If someone commits a crime against US citizens especially on american soil, they get the same constitutional protections you and I get and that's the way it works for any criminal prosecution, except that we also get to deport them when they are done serving their time. I don't see why you would want to change that because of this bullshit.

And there are thousands of crazy people who want to kill you and your family, but we keep them locked up in prison or mental hospitals. They still have the right to due process and not being tortured...
so tell me what you want done to keep me and my family safe when we fly? tell me how you want to search for these WAR CRIMINALS in other countries.

maybe we should just wait till they succeed and then put them in jail?

your position is very short sighted indeed. you really dont have a clue what jihad is. and if you do, then you are just pretending that they dont exist.

and yes, this is obamas fault. he is the one who wont let us say terrorist and he is the one who ordered these WAR CRIMINALS are treated like citizens of the US who are merely "breaking the law".

they, the jihadists, are laughing at you and your man child potus. thye know how dopey your position is and are licking their collective chops.


Well-Known Member
because the TERRORIST is lawyered up right now, he cannot be questioned according to the judge. they said maybe after 4 jan they will have a decision. that is how you want to fight terror? there may be 20 others waiting in line at the airport. this guy may have info. he should be "questioned" by the cia or the military. but he cant be because he now has "rights". thanks obama.

you guys should really be paying attention here but all you care about is bahsing conservatives. you areent interested in finding the other terrorists out there. just make sure he gets his day in court....pittyful

shall we just water board him?


Active Member
so tell me what you want done to keep me and my family safe when we fly? tell me how you want to search for these WAR CRIMINALS in other countries.

maybe we should just wait till they succeed and then put them in jail?

your position is very short sighted indeed. you really dont have a clue what jihad is. and if you do, then you are just pretending that they dont exist.
Actually we are doing pretty much everything an open and democratic society can do about terrorism....try to prevent it by keeping them on the run and disorganized, prosecute known terrorists in courts with special rules about secret evidence and whatnot but with judicial oversight and get the fuck on with our lives.

Hysteria in the name of fighting "terrorists" can lead to some pretty ugly shit. Britain dealt with the IRA, western europe dealt with the red terrorist and we're going to deal with these assholes the same way. I think I understand what the jihadi fanatics are about but I don't think that justifies crazy overreactions like the patriot act and 'enhanced interrogation'. It does justify making sure nuclear materials are safe, working with other countries' intelligence and security agencies and keeping these fucktards on the run, but that's about it...


New Member
I am conservative and I do not share the same view as others conservs. I have liberal views but believe that honesty, integrity, love thy enemy dispite their side, we are all humans and in this country americans. Stop tearing the country in half with these opposing views. We should all make a stand not to elect high paid officials. They should help out the needy instead offering all the jobs, education, etc on people that can already afford it.
Wow, if you are a conservative, I just might change my views on conservatives, You are just about right on with my ideas. Helping out the needy, man you'd be shot at a conservative rally. The selfishness of most of the conservatives (on this site) really make me wonder about the conservative movement in general. Seems they are a bunch of selfish brickheads spoon fed their Ideas By Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Cuntler, etc., Amazing but true.


Well-Known Member
If tyranny ever comes to this country it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.
All you have to fear is fear itself.

"Oh my God terrorists, take away my freedoms and give me security!"
F***ing Pussies