64 plant ebb and flow sog purple kush and purple erkle

What will I yield?

  • 300 - 400 grams

    Votes: 13 6.3%
  • 400 - 500 grams

    Votes: 34 16.4%
  • 500 - 600 grams

    Votes: 36 17.4%
  • mroe than 600 grams

    Votes: 124 59.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Im currently in the process of setting up my next grow. 8x4 SunHut. 2 1000w digital HPS air cooled Magnum XXXL hood. co2, dehumidifier. i might add and A/C. im not sure yet cause its getting cold now so i dont think i need it. i will run 2 4x4 trays. GH Lucas formula in one res with big bud. and fox farms nutes in the other res. im the experimental type and i want to see what nutes gives better results. i will post the link in here when i start a new thread.
great thread will keep a look out for your next, you gonna run same amount of plants in each tray as this last one, been debatin bout how many for my ebb 4x4 same style, runnin PPP, bubblicous, same nuts. interested in foxfarm vs GH almost went and got fox but already have GH and yours was a great gig with it.

next one should be dialed in, best of luck

going all pk this next one?


Well-Known Member
great thread will keep a look out for your next, you gonna run same amount of plants in each tray as this last one, been debatin bout how many for my ebb 4x4 same style, runnin PPP, bubblicous, same nuts. interested in foxfarm vs GH almost went and got fox but already have GH and yours was a great gig with it.

next one should be dialed in, best of luck

going all pk this next one?
i am not doing 64 per tray my next run. the PK woulda not all be able to fit. it would definatelty be hard to fit that many so im going with 49 per tray. and definately all PK. i should be able to get around 2lbs per tray. maybe a little less. but for sure i know ill get atleast 1 1/2 lbs per tray.
hey quick question guess i could re read your thread but ...

I areo clone about 99% sucess but have been soil up to this point just got into rockwool cubes 4in for my trays, I soak (ro water) prior but do you soak in nutes solution from begining if so I am GH what part per gal do you recomend for transplant into rock cubes if any.

my soil is out of control for growth but my cubes are just kinda chillin and not where i would expect.


Well-Known Member
hey quick question guess i could re read your thread but ...

I areo clone about 99% sucess but have been soil up to this point just got into rockwool cubes 4in for my trays, I soak (ro water) prior but do you soak in nutes solution from begining if so I am GH what part per gal do you recomend for transplant into rock cubes if any.

my soil is out of control for growth but my cubes are just kinda chillin and not where i would expect.
i soak with ph'd water. i used a little liquid karma in the soak because it promotes good roots. it may take a while for the roots to get going but when they do the growth rate will be good.
thanks for getting bk to me, I just ph soaked them and I run just a dab of root 66 in my cloner few days befor I transplant.

seems like I double, triple check every move on something new.

I am sure you have had your questions, transitions to ebb and flo from soil any regrets about trays and ebb.

+ rep

Al B has some good thread as you said but yours has helped me with alot of debating I was having.


Well-Known Member
thanks for getting bk to me, I just ph soaked them and I run just a dab of root 66 in my cloner few days befor I transplant.

seems like I double, triple check every move on something new.

I am sure you have had your questions, transitions to ebb and flo from soil any regrets about trays and ebb.

+ rep

Al B has some good thread as you said but yours has helped me with alot of debating I was having.
No problem. If you have anymore questions fee lfree to PM me. In my transition to ebb and flow I have had no regrets. Only enjoyment. I find it easier than soil. Its pretty much a no brainer. I use to kill my back watering all those damn plants. Now i barely do anything. The hardest thing during my whole grow was puting all the plants into the tray and spreading them out evenly. Everything else was a breeze. I think you will definately appreciate it....


Well-Known Member
I weigh them closely..... soil still ends up the winner with me.... though I think I will continue to work with Coco, I think eventually coco will pull ahead of the soil once I have gotten it dialed in....... kind of too easy, know what I mean? Im not on my toes enough with it yet, ;)


Well-Known Member
That would be me. No offense. It's been my experience w/ these "elite" purple's that smaller yields are the case. You'll get right around a pound. Nothin to sneeze at either. I can't seem to get over an elbow w/ sea of green style. I hope you score a lot more. Good Luck
Right around a pound huh?

So, what do I win? lol.

Great job!!! Good luck w/ next one.


Well-Known Member
damn im a lil late but ill have to follow ur next grow. im checkin into a setup similar to urs as well. ill have to find more time and read the whole thread. -scribed anyways

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
yeah. woulda easily been 1 1/2 to 2 lbs if i used all PK. my next round should go much better....
Hey man, just checking into this thread again, as I (inadvertently) have basically copied your entire setup.

We already had the 4x4 tent , 1000HPS, and Sentinel in common, and now I've switched up my plan from buckets and have a Botanicare 4x4 tray in there to run E&F.

Ironically enough, I'm also a disciple of Lucas (I swear, I'm not your stalker ;-)).

However, I'm gonna put about 25-30 plants per tray in 2 gallon pots with hydroton, as opposed to rockwool (only difference I can really see).

Anyhow, if you're still checking this thread, had a couple of questions for you - #1, do you have an RO filter? Also, how often did you change out your res? Did you do every couple of weeks or did you just top off for the whole grow like Lucas does? How large was/is your res? Did you use the 0-8-16 of Flora or the 6ml of Floranova?

Sorry if these questions were already covered in your thread - I read the whole thing a few weeks ago but don't recall if you answered these questions.

Thanks for your time, and not to scare you or anything, but my next setup is also going to be a 4x8 tent with two 4x4 tables.

Weird, huh?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, just checking into this thread again, as I (inadvertently) have basically copied your entire setup.

We already had the 4x4 tent , 1000HPS, and Sentinel in common, and now I've switched up my plan from buckets and have a Botanicare 4x4 tray in there to run E&F.

Ironically enough, I'm also a disciple of Lucas (I swear, I'm not your stalker ;-)).

However, I'm gonna put about 25-30 plants per tray in 2 gallon pots with hydroton, as opposed to rockwool (only difference I can really see).

Anyhow, if you're still checking this thread, had a couple of questions for you - #1, do you have an RO filter? Also, how often did you change out your res? Did you do every couple of weeks or did you just top off for the whole grow like Lucas does? How large was/is your res? Did you use the 0-8-16 of Flora or the 6ml of Floranova?

Sorry if these questions were already covered in your thread - I read the whole thing a few weeks ago but don't recall if you answered these questions.

Thanks for your time, and not to scare you or anything, but my next setup is also going to be a 4x8 tent with two 4x4 tables.

Weird, huh?
LOL!!! i dont mind at all if you copy my entire grow. as long as it comes out good im happy for you. Im currently setting up my new grow. 4x8 sunhut with 2 4x4 trays. everything else will be the same. ill post the link when i start a new thread. at first i was going to use 2 res's but now i am just going to stick with one. and just have the timers alternating. so when one is on the other is off and have the next one start about 15 min after the other one so the nutrient solution has fully drained back into the res. I figure that way i will use half as much nutes and save some $$$. im kinda tight on funds right now so im trying to save as much as i can. I know ill have to top my res off every single day but thats not a big deal to me.

After my first grow i have decided to go with 53 PK in each tray. I know if i put 64 PK in each tray they would be FAR to crowded and i would end up having problems. i figure ill get ATLEAST 15g off each one. so the total will be somewhere around 1590g or MORE.

To answer your questions. #1 i do NOT have an RO filter.and #2 i changed my res every 2 weeks. I did not continue to top off like lucas does. I ACCIDENTALY didnt change my res one time for more than 2 weeks and when i checked the EC i found it to be a little high. So i would definately advise you to change it every 2 weeks. Better safe than sorry...

The res i use is a 38gal res. I just 8ml/gal of Floramicro and 16ml/gal of Florabloom. I started adding advanced nutrients Big Bud after about the 2nd to 3rd week at half the recommended stregth or so.

Also, if your only going to use 25-30 plants i would definately NOT lollipop them and I would also use some sort of netting like a scrog to support the lower branches because they will definately need it. Good luck with your grow.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
LOL!!! i dont mind at all if you copy my entire grow. as long as it comes out good im happy for you. Im currently setting up my new grow. 4x8 sunhut with 2 4x4 trays. everything else will be the same. ill post the link when i start a new thread. at first i was going to use 2 res's but now i am just going to stick with one. and just have the timers alternating. so when one is on the other is off and have the next one start about 15 min after the other one so the nutrient solution has fully drained back into the res. I figure that way i will use half as much nutes and save some $$$. im kinda tight on funds right now so im trying to save as much as i can. I know ill have to top my res off every single day but thats not a big deal to me.

After my first grow i have decided to go with 53 PK in each tray. I know if i put 64 PK in each tray they would be FAR to crowded and i would end up having problems. i figure ill get ATLEAST 15g off each one. so the total will be somewhere around 1590g or MORE.

To answer your questions. #1 i do NOT have an RO filter.and #2 i changed my res every 2 weeks. I did not continue to top off like lucas does. I ACCIDENTALY didnt change my res one time for more than 2 weeks and when i checked the EC i found it to be a little high. So i would definately advise you to change it every 2 weeks. Better safe than sorry...

The res i use is a 38gal res. I just 8ml/gal of Floramicro and 16ml/gal of Florabloom. I started adding advanced nutrients Big Bud after about the 2nd to 3rd week at half the recommended stregth or so.

Also, if your only going to use 25-30 plants i would definately NOT lollipop them and I would also use some sort of netting like a scrog to support the lower branches because they will definately need it. Good luck with your grow.
Thanks much man; tried to give you some rep but evidently I must spread it around first.

I've got an RO filter coming, so I think I'm gonna try to go to whole flowering without changing the rez - if I decide it needs it, I'll change it, but trying to hold off - I have a 50 gallon rez, FYI.

I'm going to try out Floranova instead of Flora.

And I'm going to top all 25-30 plants for two main colas which will be staked with bamboo sticks, and will certainly be trimming off the lower branches.

Anyways, thanks so much for your help, it's quite appreciated - I'll give you some rep when the system lets me.

P.S. - didn't copy your grow, decided what I was going to do and then found your grow - that being said, maybe great minds do think alike :idea:

P.P.S. - take a look at my setup in my sig if you get a chance - everything's setup but the RO filter.


Well-Known Member
i snapped these pictures today. The plants are doing great. Im kinda wondering how many times i should start flooding now? Ive only been flooding once a day. Should i start flooding 2 or 3 times a day. They look like they are getting enough water but IDK. a little help folks.

Rock Wool is one of those mediums that is always wet. You can get away with watering 1x a day but the standard is either every 2hrs for 10min or every 3hrs for 15min. The strain I'm running right now can't handle that much watering. I've got it watering approximately every 4hrs for 15min then and hour before lights out one more watering for 15min. Three waterings during the 12hour light cycle. Many strains can handle every three hours.

Edit- just finished this journal. Nice grow.