• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

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Well-Known Member
damn! way to lay down the law.
have you considered bagseed?
i grow bubba kush, nl#5,
and a (bluewidow*nl#5)*shiskaberry we call tally mist.
and bagseed just for fun. there's a big difference.
but the bagseed is still lovely dense crystally weed.
and believe me the bags of regs it came out of were not pretty.
Not considered it since there is no such thing here really. We have neither weed with seeds nor bags of it for that matter :) it`s sold by the gram here since it`s so expensive

Not reading through all the posts on this thread, but to the OP... hopefully everything is going OK for you, whatever the status is of your growing situation...

Just remember, if things seem to be getting shady or questionable, remove all the equiptment and forget about it for awhile, just to be on the safe side... not worth getting into trouble and losing the opportunity to get a college education..

Be careful... and happy smokin'... good luck @ school
Thanks mate, nice to hear a friendly thought now and again

Yea, I'm anxious to findout myself. And it is quite funny though, that people read, and post at the end bitching because there's not a grow happening yet.....But people just seem to follow anyways. There is a lot of drama on this thread, I wonder if he'll post a new thread with a quick breakdown of how this situation started, when the seeds arrive.
I left my college town to go home for the holidays. I left on the 18th and they hadn`t arrived at that time, neither your seeds nor nirvana`s. I`ll likely be back in the first or early second week of January, hopefully i`ll have a nice surprise but it feels more and more like i`m getting fucked by the customs. The fuckers could at least send a letter telling me though :/

And i guess i probably should start a new thread, though i`ve become quite attached to this one really :) We`ll see, just let the seeds come first and i`ll see what i`ll do

hey bud just catching up on your thread, not to long now id say!!!
hopefully not if all goes well, thanks for keeping up with the thread, i wish it had more to offer but it really is out of my hands at this point. I never thought it`d be this difficult to get some damn seeds through.

Hey Andreyy,

I know a lot of people are giving you a hard time about growing in your dorm. I agree that it's a very risky idea. But I'm not here to lecture you. But, you did come here for advice, right? I, myself grow in a very risky situation too. I live in an apartment building and I do a small closet grow as well. You have your college education to lose and I have my son to lose. They're both a big deal and essentially, neither are worth losing over weed, yet we still choose to do it. The biggest piece of advice I can give you (since I'm not an experienced grower) is DON'T TELL ANYONE! Seriously, ppl have big mouths. My mom's boyfriend grows in his closet too, and when I was 18, I didn't have any sense in my head about the repercussions of anything. Whenever someone would even TALK about weed, I'd say "Oh man, my mom's BF grows in his closet and he gives me free bags" In hindsight, that was a really idiotic thing to do.

People will blab their mouths out of stupidity, to make themselves look cool, for revenge, and even out of jealousy. So do yourself a favor and, no matter how excited you are about this, don't tell anyone. Make sure your roommie understands the importance of this too. All it takes is one wrong person knowing and it's all over.

Tell me about it, i know how people are. I`m keeping it all very low-key. There are a few people that know of it but they don`t talk. It`s all need to know basis only and i trust the people who know about it (2 people)

Secondly, be careful about the smell! Esp if you're getting lemon skunk ::whew!:: Let me just say that I have a strain known for its stealth growing abilities (low smell) and if I leave my bedroom door open, it still manages to stink up my whole apartment (1100sq ft). Granted, I usually have about 4 plants going and I know you said you plan on doing 1 or 2. But it's still good to keep in mind to get rid of the smell as best you can. If you don't tell anyone, the smell will tell someone for you.

The plan is to use a DIY carbon filter with activated carbon from air purifiers at both ends of an exhaust duct and some activated carbon pellets in a bag inside the duct. By my newbie eye it should do the trick while the doors are closed. I honestly hadn`t thought of managing the smell when i open the doors but turning on the AC and opening the windows + some incense sticks or air freshners should do the trick i reckon. Thanks for that.

Be careful who you invite into your dorm. I make it a point to not open the door for uninvited guests. When I know someone's coming over, even if it's just the pizza guy, I close the closest doors, my bedroom door, put a towel to seal the crack under the door, light up a stick of Nag Champa, and spray Febreeze air freshener. Same thing goes with having girls in your bedroom. Even if you can mask the smell and make your closet light-proof, the noise involved may raise some questions. So just be very careful with people who come into your dorm.

I don`t invite anyone into my room :razz:

On a side note, I think one reason people keep telling you to just buy an oz is quite justified. I know you're dead set on doing this, and that's cool--it's your choice. But, speaking from my minimal experience, growing is hard. It takes a lot of time, dedication, and money (even for a small setup). For me, to sprout, veg, flower, dry, and cure takes about 5-6 months. And if you only have 1 plant going, well it's gonna take you that long to get an oz. (depending on plant yield). So I can see where they're coming from: it's a lot of effort and risk for a very small amount of bud. -----ETA: The other thing that makes growing difficult is the fact that your first harvest never turn out how you'd like it to. My first ended up being the quality of mid-grades. So another piece of advice; don't expect the best. Just expect some "free" weed.

buying an ounce is not justified at all, like i said earlier, the price for an ounce is about 1000$ so that is in no shape or form justifiable at all

However, it is good experience for future grows whenever you do have more room and less risk, so that's a benefit. The point is, just be very careful because you do have a lot to lose. Most growers here are adults who own their own houses. I can't imagine how much the media would blow up the story of a student growing weed on campus. More media attention means higher chance of steep penalties (the same would happen to me when the newspapers read "Single mom grows weed with toddler in the house"). It's very different from "40 year old Joe Schmoe has 4 plants growing in his backyard".

I know you said you planned this out carefully. So you're off to a good start there. Just keep in mind that it is dangerous. It's more likely that you won't get caught than getting busted, but that doesn't mean you should ever let your guard up. Because you have everything to lose and only experience and a couple ounces to gain.

My mind is on this always, i never let my guard down, my only worries are my roomie and i don` know... hazard i guess

Also, please start a grow journal, I'm very interested on keeping up with your efforts 8)

Thanks for taking the time to reply and for all the good advice, it really does help and i appreciate it
I'm curious, did home boy ever get your seeds? Did he ever start his grow??? I read through 22 pages of this thread before I decided to ask. I was kind of curious to see the outcome to this. I also don't see what all of the angst is about. Truth is is that if the kid has never seen an ounce, and it in fact goes for the price of around $1,000 for one, there is probably a reason for that. I wonder why it is so difficult for people in your area to grow large amounts of chronic bud without charging so much via supply and demand...?

Truthfully, if i went and asked for an ounce worth of weed the dealer would probably get so excited that i`d get it for like 800 maybe 700$ equivalent but that is still overly steep. You have a good point there with supply and demand, it got me thinking.... the weed i smoke is not local, there are no real local grows. I hear there were a couple of guys a few years back that had a greenhouse grow but the stupid stoners got themselves killed in a car crash so there goes that. The weed comes in from outside and i don`t even buy from a dealer. I pay a guy who takes the money to the guy who has the weed who has a bigger boss, who deals with the border guards and the guy on the outside. So yeah, there`s a lot of money to be lost on that trail, it makes sense now.

Depending on the tolerence of the people out there (wherever there is) and how they feel about mary jane, I wonder how people would react should they actually find out that homeboy was growing inside his dorm. Say an "Oh Shit!" moment happened that you wasn't expecting, such as your room mates mom and dad showing up for his birthday that you didn't know about. What is your plan for a situation like this? Your grow sounds easy to tear down, should you need to. Are you planning to clone the first plant you produce? Going from seed to harvest for only an ounce seems a bit extreme. If you had a couple of clones in the works though and averaged one ready-to-harvest clone ever month to month and a half, EVERY MONTH, your plan would seem a bit more worth it. Try to break down your plans and figure out what's the fastest you can get to your harvest stage, as many times as you possibly can, within a 12 month limit.

Good point with the oh shit moment, my birthday is in mid summer though :razz: and people don`t surprise me really. It`s something to think about but i don`t really think it`s likely to happen.
As for attitudes, we have legal drugs here. We have drug stores where you can buy all kinds of herbs to smoke and salts to sniff up your nose and pills and you can buy roaches and blunt papers, everything you need really. Weed and prostitution have also been in talks for decriminalization for years now, but it`s hard to say if it will ever go through.
An ounce would last me for more than a month i think, but Sly`s suggestion with and ounce a month is really appealing to me and is what i want to try. I will definitely keep some seeds aside though.

An ounce, among casual smokers, should last you around a month. If home boy did this right, he could have some chronic every month to smoke, broken down to a couple nuggets every day, for the rest of his college days.

Also: from your pictures of your cabinet, I couldn't see where you planned to exhaust all of your fumes to your place. How did you plan on going about that w/o attracting the attention of your cleaning lady? I read earlier that you was talking odor cover-ups, but that wouldn't cycle fresh, clean, air to your plants though, like a good squirral cage fan would. In the 4 or so months that you've been staring at your cabinet thinking "When am i going to start this", did you consider figuring out how you was going to swap the stinky air (remember, you are growing lemon skunk---the shit is going to stink like the name suggests that it will) for fresh air? once you go 12/12, you will notice a scent trail (a faint one) of cannabis coming from your front door, until you open it, and you get hit by a frieght train of lemon skunk as you walk in. believe it. It will happen.

Exhaust wise, i don`t plan to filter the air directly outside and i can`t if i wanted to. I instead plan on realying on my carbon filter to do the work, sending filtered air into the room.
Thank for your interest and advice. I can hardly believe you actually read through the whole thread to be honest :) very cool


Well-Known Member
Also, what's up with nirvana not sending you any seeds? All I hear is shady shit from that seed bank. Why advertise a shady website on the forum? Just because they pay for the ads? Weak sauce. http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/diesel-ryder-feminized-cannabis-seeds/prod_1294.html is what you want

Honestly, i have nothing against Nirvana. They sent my pack 3 times in total (allegedly, i know, but i trust that they did) and i never asked for it, they offered to do it and Alice was always very kind and friendly. The only thing i would complain of is that they don`t seem to have good enough stealthyness. In any regards, i am satisfied with them, no quarrels there.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm actually being nice, if I said what I really felt about low life parents you'd know it ;)
You're part of the reason this country doesn't advance.. Everyone with an opinion
thinks theirs is so righteous and pure, you are under the impression your opinion
should really make a difference and you go through with attempting to make that
difference. Has it ever occured to you that people live naturally different than you
do and might actually have a differing opinion on the subject that doesn't include
the negativity which you so aptly bring to the table? The whole reason this
country is losing it's ability to live free, is because mother fuckers like you think it
is up to them to protect people. Laws, opinions and judgements formed by others
in order to oppress the lives of others only inhibits further advancement.

Woopity doo, you think your parents raised you perfectly, woopity doo your parents
don't grow weed, if my parents were actively living against the oppression and still
living the way they wanted to I would applaud them... Especially if it wasn't
hurting anyone else. Laws are formed by man, just like the words you and I use.

Its all bullshit, get over yourself, the real "low life" is one who tries to force his
way of living on to others. You go your way, and I'll go mine, I think you're crazy
as you think I am, but atleast we can live seperately.


Well-Known Member
You're part of the reason this country doesn't advance.. Everyone with an opinion
thinks theirs is so righteous and pure, you are under the impression your opinion
should really make a difference and you go through with attempting to make that
difference. Has it ever occured to you that people live naturally different than you
do and might actually have a differing opinion on the subject that doesn't include
the negativity which you so aptly bring to the table? The whole reason this
country is losing it's ability to live free, is because mother fuckers like you think it
is up to them to protect people. Laws, opinions and judgements formed by others
in order to oppress the lives of others only inhibits further advancement.

Woopity doo, you think your parents raised you perfectly, woopity doo your parents
don't grow weed, if my parents were actively living against the oppression and still
living the way they wanted to I would applaud them... Especially if it wasn't
hurting anyone else. Laws are formed by man, just like the words you and I use.

Its all bullshit, get over yourself, the real "low life" is one who tries to force his
way of living on to others. You go your way, and I'll go mine, I think you're crazy
as you think I am, but atleast we can live seperately.
amen brotha, you couldnt have put it any better!!!


Well-Known Member
You're part of the reason this country doesn't advance.. Everyone with an opinion
thinks theirs is so righteous and pure, you are under the impression your opinion
should really make a difference and you go through with attempting to make that
difference. Has it ever occured to you that people live naturally different than you
do and might actually have a differing opinion on the subject that doesn't include
the negativity which you so aptly bring to the table? The whole reason this
country is losing it's ability to live free, is because mother fuckers like you think it
is up to them to protect people. Laws, opinions and judgements formed by others
in order to oppress the lives of others only inhibits further advancement.

Woopity doo, you think your parents raised you perfectly, woopity doo your parents
don't grow weed, if my parents were actively living against the oppression and still
living the way they wanted to I would applaud them... Especially if it wasn't
hurting anyone else. Laws are formed by man, just like the words you and I use.

Its all bullshit, get over yourself, the real "low life" is one who tries to force his
way of living on to others. You go your way, and I'll go mine, I think you're crazy
as you think I am, but atleast we can live seperately.

You been smoking more then weed while writing this? lol its just a wall of rambling nonsense...

Thank god for those laws you speak of, you obviously aren't fit you guide yourself


Well-Known Member
You're seeds haven't arrived, yet? Wow, I'm going to go research the cannabis laws in Romania. I'm not making an educated guess at this second (I'll come back and recomfirm later), but I would guess that home boy's seeds are not coming through. It sounds like customs is confiscating your seeds as they enter your country. If this hold's true, then it may account for why herb seems so hard to come by.

Also, not to call out Sgt Sly on his grow, but I would think that because you are medically legit, worrying about such things as "Whether or not my grow stinks" is an issue that you have to deal with. For people that don't smoke cigs or weed, it is really easy for them to smell scents, such as the beautiful smell of mary jane, because their nasal passages are not damaged due to inhalation of smoke. Armed with this knowledge, even a faint smell would cause reasonable suspicion to anyone that would happen upon such a scent. In all likely hood, if you have other apartments around, until the last month of your harvest, you could probably get away with people smelling mary jane, but not knowing where it is coming from. Also, keep in mind that just because you have a medicinal reason to smoke weed, if your country does not observe marijuana as a medicinal alternative, than you cannot claim a medical reason as your defence in your country's court of law.

If you are not about cut a hole through the backside of your cabinet, and through the wall to the outside to vent out your airway, you should at least buy 2 way window fans that you can use to exhaust all the air from your kitchen (that's what it looks like you are growing) to the outside. This will at least cover any smelliness that may or may not be lingering within your grow. I'm thinking that you probably won't smell so bad when your cubard is closed, but whenever you open it, all that build up is going to rush out, and spread throughout your kitchen area (which is where the fans come into play). You'll likely will have to keep the cubby open for your plants daylight hours, just so that you could swap out old air for new.

Are you waiting for your seeds to start construction on your cubard or have you already started installing the lights and converting your cubby to a grow area? Are you considering a hydro set up or soil? I would almost say that you have plenty of room to set up small ebb n flo for both your vegatative cycle and your flowering cycle (since you are doing one plant at a time)

Also, just me throwing this out there, just because Sly sent you a shit ton of seeds, doesn't mean you shouldn't consider having a small mother seperate from your flowering clones. Seeds still take time to germinate and the early growing process can be a pain. eliminating all of this by getting some rooting gel could easily save you 4 weeks for every grow. If getting seeds is so difficult in your country, you might want to treat those babies like gold and prolong them by cloning, but that is just my humble, growers opinion.

Definately favoriting this for me to check up on from time to time. Also, thanks for the rep. I didn't want to voice an opinion based off of just what the first few pages stated alone. About 1/4 of all the messages that I read included people that did just that.
You speak with much knowledge. Which makes me curious about your Red brick on your Reputation status??

But you're wrong on one thing...I'm not Medical, and i do worry about smell, well not anymore, because the combination of DIY carbon filter, and electronic air cleaner COMPLETELY ELIMINATE any worry.......I always bring a fellow non smoker over to the house once in a while and ask...You smell something funny??? Response is always NO....why what do you smell....??? Keeps things in check.

Perhaps you and I can help our friend recieve his package...I would love to know more about HOW infact they are stopping seeds from crossing the border. What technologies are available to stop this from happening?


Well-Known Member
Shit bro still no seeds eh? Road trip to Amsterdam or something! that seems like the only available option to you, i was hoping you could start for Christmas, im sure you were hoping the same. Merry Christmas and good luck in the new year bro!


Well-Known Member
well if nothing else this should help teach patience while doing your grow. i know i want to cut mine do so bad right now but its just to soon. stop looking for the seeds and they will come. think i read you are out of town for a few days my money says they will be there when you get back. im hoping to put my next ones in the dirt on the first maybe you can do the same !


Well-Known Member
30 fucking pages a fair time...no seeds, for fuck suck not even try it with some bagseeds??? damn
Come on....if you read some things on this thread, you'd know it's not accessable in romania, where an OZ goes for $700-$1000


Idk If I can do this but shit, If your paying $1000 for an OZ, somethings seriously wrong. You just don't know the right people. Growing in a dorm has bad news written all over it, sure you can stealth it but remember the what if's. I'm not one to tell anyone what to do, and I am sure your have thought this out, but really this has your life involved, your school. Marijuana is awesome don't get me wrong, but I don't think I would want myself or anyone else to take such a risk.

Smoke on


Well-Known Member
Come on....if you read some things on this thread, you'd know it's not accessable in romania, where an OZ goes for $700-$1000
Im pretty sure thats bullshit, ive been to romania bucharest or whatever the capitals called, brilliant architecture there. I got hooked up on some dough out there...just suppose about where you flow and who you know...This would be fun though, ganja in the dorm..hehe


Active Member
Im pretty sure thats bullshit, ive been to romania bucharest or whatever the capitals called, brilliant architecture there. I got hooked up on some dough out there...just suppose about where you flow and who you know...This would be fun though, ganja in the dorm..hehe
I know, it sounds a little steep, but I checked on this site and it seems to be pretty close.

The site says that in Romania, it's about 20euros per gram. That's roughly US$28.70 per gram. There are about 28g per ounce. So an ounce costs about US$812. Making a quarter about US$203. Even I can't afford that and I have 2 high paying jobs. He's a student. So I definitely see the desire to learn how to grow.


Well-Known Member
I know, it sounds a little steep, but I checked on this site and it seems to be pretty close.

The site says that in Romania, it's about 20euros per gram. That's roughly US$28.70 per gram. There are about 28g per ounce. So an ounce costs about US$812. Making a quarter about US$203. Even I can't afford that and I have 2 high paying jobs. He's a student. So I definitely see the desire to learn how to grow.
Here's a long over due + rep.....I've been reading your posts.

Here we go again..
Yea man.....DRAMA!!!!! It's hilarious how the title of this thread attracts so many...DEBATES, without pictures OR even a grow to critisize.
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