legalizing marijuana


Well-Known Member
I personally think (or like to at least) that it wil be legalized soon. i mean so many peopl smoke it already and there is no way to stop that. its a fact that the police use ALOT of resources on weed. legalising would mean hey dont have to spend on stopping dealers and would be able to generate a revenue from it, theoretically turning it from a cost to a profit. the growing thing is minor as alot of people cant be assd with it and would rather just go to the shop and buy a 8th. another good thing is they could get the current dealers to work in the shops where they sell it and get the growers to grow it.

Blaze all day

Active Member
If cigarette companies ever poised marijuana as they have tobacco I would grow my own, and never buy it from them.
And thats another reason why it wont get legalized, they wouldnt make a profit if everybody had their own suply in their back yard. You can get weed seeds anywhere on the web but can you get tabaco seeds on the internet? no


Well-Known Member
What if there is a cure for every sickness known to man in the hemp oil and the only practical way to make it would be to grow your own because it takes a pound of good bud to make a month supply(1oz). THC kills cancer cells. not saying this is true but its eally interesting and hasn't been proven wrong so far as i know. watch rick simpsons "RUN FROM THE CURE" on youtube if you have any interest in this. take pharmaceutical companies for example, how many commercials do you see that are for drugs; enlarged prostate, depression, arthritis, are you fat, do you wake up tired in the morning? think about it it's fucking rediculous, they must make a shitload of money and have some power in government, so who wants a cure you can grow in your backyard? not them
bring up a 2 year old topic lol?


Well-Known Member
serious son, like i quit tokin and became overweight, started up again and its like im focused or something like that, but i lossed like 5 pounds in 2 weeks, iv been running and all and my lungs feel better then ever, i swear by the stickyicky green:D


Well-Known Member
Man is born free, then the government steps in. No governemt volutarily gets smaller or less intrusive in people's lives. Cannabis is symbolic in the sense that any individual is free to go about their lives in any peaceful manner. For American's, democracy and freedom have been reduced to terms which are used sporadically by politicians playing upon people's emotions. In truth, our country has turned into the same force which our founding fathers sought to overthrow. So many concepts have been swept under the rug with the thought that our nation is now more sophisticated due to our better technology. There is a tendency to look back at the founding fathers with a silent sense of arrogancy with the thought we are now more 'enlightened'. We tolerate increased dissolution of our basic rights and freedoms in the name of better security. The tentacles of big government will do anything but curl back and slink away. In a free society cannabis would be legal as a matter of course. Has man any right to construct a law that runs contrary to nature and god himself? We tolerate laws which by definition control how our minds may operate, what visions we are able to witness.


Active Member
Life, Liberty & 'da iLLegal Pur$uit of Happine$$ ??? Of 'da People, By 'da People & For 'da People ??? or for 'da Corporation ???
Google Cocaine Import Agency. Privatized Pri$on Profit ??? NATURE iz iLLegal ??? $ue GOODne$$ ??? If Legal-Tender could pay U$ tax'z for OVER 200 year'z and fight'z CANCER, why allow Hemp 4 Fuel - Clean Energy Solutions in OUR Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash ??? When GOODne$$ made man, $he made a Mi$$Take.

Why not forget 'da "m" word and think HEMP. Indu$trial HEMP. Columbu$'$ canva$ $upplied EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT of ALL U$ mechanical oil in 1925. I told my Father'z friend that 'da world wa$ changing becau$e Canada iz growing Indu$trial HEMP and he $aid "No, the world iz NOT changing. It iz going back to the way it u$ed to be.". OK, Mr $team-Engine mechanic .......

ForBidden Fruit from 'da Tree of Knowledge of GOODne$$ and BADne$$ fight'$ cancer ??? I'm ForBidden' FREE_4-ALL -the OILy$andWitch'z from Texa$ $icken me in ME

read Febuary 1938 Popular Mechanics @ Jack Herer - Popular Mechanics - Billion Dollar Crop ??? dynamite to Cellophane ???


Well-Known Member
Life, Liberty & 'da iLLegal Pur$uit of Happine$$ ??? Of 'da People, By 'da People & For 'da People ??? or for 'da Corporation ???
Google Cocaine Import Agency. Privatized Pri$on Profit ??? NATURE iz iLLegal ??? $ue GOODne$$ ??? If Legal-Tender could pay U$ tax'z for OVER 200 year'z and fight'z CANCER, why allow Hemp 4 Fuel - Clean Energy Solutions in OUR Peak Oil: Life After the Oil Crash ??? When GOODne$$ made man, $he made a Mi$$Take.

Why not forget 'da "m" word and think HEMP. Indu$trial HEMP. Columbu$'$ canva$ $upplied EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT of ALL U$ mechanical oil in 1925. I told my Father'z friend that 'da world wa$ changing becau$e Canada iz growing Indu$trial HEMP and he $aid "No, the world iz NOT changing. It iz going back to the way it u$ed to be.". OK, Mr $team-Engine mechanic .......

ForBidden Fruit from 'da Tree of Knowledge of GOODne$$ and BADne$$ fight'$ cancer ??? I'm ForBidden' FREE_4-ALL -the OILy$andWitch'z from Texa$ $icken me in ME

read Febuary 1938 Popular Mechanics @ Jack Herer - Popular Mechanics - Billion Dollar Crop ??? dynamite to Cellophane ???
wtf is that gibberish


Well-Known Member
i would be happy if every state would wake up, like california, and truly realize the medical advantages of marijuana...


Well-Known Member
The us is never gonna legalize weed. hell when politicians can't even approach the subject with out being ridiculed by others in power. and the government gets plenty of money from the taxpayers to fight their war on drugs. they have no reason to legalize. just because we the people want it. you don't really think the government gives a shit do you? back in the 70's (yeah i'm an old stoner;) ) we dreamed of a country were you could go to the corner store and buy weed just like buying a pack of ciggies. but it ain't gonna happen. i hope that doesn't stop anyone from dreaming. funny thing though our corner store has recently begun selling bongs behind the counter. go figure. but legal or not i practice my personal freedom and light up when i want.


Uh-oh, another idea from a stoner:

Break it down similar to the way alcohol is...

Allow the common user to grow and possess a reasonable amount, without fear of prosecution. (like beer & wine)
While the government sells the right to producers of hashish (like distilled spirits).


Well-Known Member
yeah probably not gonna happen, cause the cause evolves too slowly.. netherlands and the MMJ are a good start but i dont think it will be ever 100% legalized..
if its like netherlands were isnt legalized in theory but in practice is, then it would be real nice.. not sure if the system will be much more advanced then how it is there now..


Active Member
I live in nor-cal and there has been a lot of talk abvout legalization because cali needs the taxes. Im personally afraid that legalization would flood the market and cause prices to go to extreme lows.


I once heard that a major issue preventing the legalization in the U.S. is the easy growing procedure that goes along with the product. That is, because it is so easy to grow people could produce their own MJ and the government would have a hard time taxing the stuff.
Since when do you have to have a tax on something you make?

It's just the same as growing your own Tomatos in your back yard, Big Brother doesn't seem to care about that.

Thats like saying if I don't pay for it through a store and tax, I gotta pay to grow my own, ain't gonna happen.


Well-Known Member
i live in nor-cal and there has been a lot of talk abvout legalization because cali needs the taxes. Im personally afraid that legalization would flood the market and cause prices to go to extreme lows.
oh no - not that!!!


Well-Known Member
Since when do you have to have a tax on something you make?

It's just the same as growing your own Tomatos in your back yard, Big Brother doesn't seem to care about that.

Thats like saying if I don't pay for it through a store and tax, I gotta pay to grow my own, ain't gonna happen.
Pay your tax, say thank you very much, and be GLAD if it's legal.


Well-Known Member
Lets hope soon. Maybe by next election if were extremely lucky, but maybe within the decade?

Marijuana/Hemp has so many benefits. How could the government ignore them all. They just have to some what set aside the smoking part of it. Hemp is like one of the strongest known materials to make rope from and the oil from the plant would help the country so much in our "oil crisis."

And Im pretty sure you hear about more accidents of drunk drivers than anything about people smoking pot. Such as "drunk driver kills whole family in car accident" while you might hear this about pot. "Teens found smoking the refer in their backyard... and went into a store and bought food" Like seriously nothing wrong with relaxing and eating. What food market would complain about people buying a lot of food? And I know it's not just me, but I can really concentrate when I'm high, especially while and if I happen to drive.

Another thing. Smoking Marijuana hasn't been proven, in fact has mostly been disproven, to cause cancer. May even prevent cancerous growth. I mean, drinking alcohol can make you fat, and smoking cigs can easily kill you or cause you to have a hole in your throat but those are still somehow legal. So why not marijuana since it has little side effects, such as, easy laughing and hunger... haha. By the way, second hand smoke from cigs is bad, but second hand smoke/high from marijuana is nearly impossible and non harmful. Oh, and police force's spend soooo much money on trying to hunt down marijuana growers and what not. If it was legal, think of all the money they could save from not bothering with trying to hunt those people down and actually go towards the real, and actual drugs like coke and all that bad crap.

Making it legal would definitely help the economy though. I mean, look at Cali and how much they make in a year from taxing just little dispensers. $142 million last year and if legal could make up to 1.4 billion a year. And thats just one state. If we could do it like Amsterdam and have cafe's that sell their own stuff and able to smoke and relax in, like hookah bars, we would have a huge increase in profit there. Sure people would grow their own stuff still but other people would just want to run in and buy something to smoke somewhere else or for another time. Theres nothing wrong with carrying a bag of weed in your pocket. Like people carrying a 6 pack down the street or a pack of cigs. Shouldn't be a big deal.

Those are just a few reasons. People will think of excuses to make it sound bad but its not. I mean, my aunt did it before school every day and she was a straight A student. If the kids failing class, thats his fault, not weed's. I mean, its natural! I heard this from a comedian "Weed is not a drug. Drugs you do shit to chemically (ex. coke) like heat and melt and filter and whatever they do. But weed on the other hand is a natural plant that if you just so happen to burn it, some fun side effects will occur.... So with all those reason's... I'm hoping soon enough it'll be legal.