Problem with attitude

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Active Member
Everyone tells me that attitude is the best place to get seeds. So I order from them. their prices are not the best but descent. The order was pretty quick I think it was like 6 business days. And thats about where the good things I have to say end.

First they shorted me. Now I'm use to that in the drug game but they are suppose to be a legit business. They could have sent a little note or something sayin they ran out, but nothin. Then out of the ones I did get a whole strain never germed. Im not new to growing and I have never had less than 80 percent germ rate from any of the many strains I have started and even if I happened to mess something up, it wouldn't kill a whole strain and then have ever other seed sprout. Especially, when they all were fed the same water and used the same dirt. To top it off, I write them, stating the list of problems I had and the send me a generalized "Sorry tough luck" letter. And I quote...

"Hi there

I am sorry you are dissatisfied with your souvenirs, as you are aware we
sell these solely for souvenir and storage purposes and by ordering you
confirm you comply with your local laws regarding the purchase of seeds in
your country.

Please return any dissatisfactory items and packaging back to us to forward
to the breeder to inspect with a view to a replacement.

Many Thanks and I thank you in advance for understanding we do not process
claims in the UK.

Many Thanks
The Attitude"

So that's what they send you when they just want to f*ck you and take your money. I got swindled of my good hard earned money by CRAPITUDES so buyer beware, they will take you for all your worth and smile and say have fun tryin to get what you paid for.


Well-Known Member
Dude, chill out!! THOUSANDS of us have had nothing but EXCELLENT service from The Attitude!! That reply was nothing more than legaleze double-speak to cover the asses of all parties involved (you ARE aware that it is illegal to germinate MJ seeds in pretty much every country on this rock?). Did you try actually calling them and talking to a real person instead of just sending an email?? I bet if you do they'll make it right and then some. I have yet to hear of ANYBODY who they didn't succeed in making happy --- but ya gotta talk to a real person, not just send an email like some high school kid!!


Active Member
Dude, chill out!! THOUSANDS of us have had nothing but EXCELLENT service from The Attitude!! That reply was nothing more than legaleze double-speak to cover the asses of all parties involved (you ARE aware that it is illegal to germinate MJ seeds in pretty much every country on this rock?). Did you try actually calling them and talking to a real person instead of just sending an email?? I bet if you do they'll make it right and then some. I have yet to hear of ANYBODY who they didn't succeed in making happy --- but ya gotta talk to a real person, not just send an email like some high school kid!!
no I'm not going to chill out. Who the hell are you to tell me what to do. Dude I have called and called and called. I haven't been able to talk to anyone because haven't answered and don't call me back. And guess what now you've heard of someone they haven't made happy. And its funny the little middle schooler is callin me a high school kid what do you think your doing. Crying like a little girl cause someone doesn't like your seed company. Get over yourself their prices aren't great at all and they think they can buy your love with a 1 or 2 free seeds and on top of it I've never had such a shitty germ rate and I mean pathetic. I can piss on seeds from a shitty 10 sac and get better results. And the fact that they are so arrogant because for some stupid reason everyone on this site is on their little hermie nutsack. They are not anything special, and go a head and have fun talkin shit to other people and I'm gonna have fun bangin your mom later tonigh


Well-Known Member
no I'm not going to chill out. Who the hell are you to tell me what to do. Dude I have called and called and called. I haven't been able to talk to anyone because haven't answered and don't call me back. And guess what now you've heard of someone they haven't made happy. And its funny the little middle schooler is callin me a high school kid what do you think your doing. Crying like a little girl cause someone doesn't like your seed company. Get over yourself their prices aren't great at all and they think they can buy your love with a 1 or 2 free seeds and on top of it I've never had such a shitty germ rate and I mean pathetic. I can piss on seeds from a shitty 10 sac and get better results. And the fact that they are so arrogant because for some stupid reason everyone on this site is on their little hermie nutsack. They are not anything special, and go a head and have fun talkin shit to other people and I'm gonna have fun bangin your mom later tonigh
They are one of the bigger retailer of seeds. It's common to see one or two orders that are bunk. It's shitty it happened, but it happens. Attittude has a great record and I wouldn't hesitate to order from them.


Active Member
They are one of the bigger retailer of seeds. It's common to see one or two orders that are bunk. It's shitty it happened, but it happens. Attittude has a great record and I wouldn't hesitate to order from them.
I respect your opinion and I had the same attitude towards them before I ordered but then when they gave me the run around when I had a problem and the fact that they didn't even send my whole order kept the money. my faith and stock in there company went way south. Since they didn't do anything to make it right I did the only thing I could do. And I bitched. I just don't see how no one can see my point.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I just get pissed when people don't show respect. Thats why I hate attitude and why all of this started is because they didn't show me any respect and that dude didn't either.
The 'Tude rocks. Chill for a minute dude, take a deep breath, hold it, hold it, hold it. Are you still holding it? Anyways, you do realize there is a time difference between here and the UK, right? When you call that is. Just wondering. And as stated. Even the most respected businesses. Doing thousands of deals a day. A few are bound to go sour. Sorry for your luck, really. I will give you some of my seeds.


Well-Known Member
Im guessing you did......

Attitude does not produce these seeds. So the germ rate can be blamed on whoever you decided was a good breeder. Bad choice there.... Maybe do some more homework? If you did email them and told them you had unsuccessful germ rates. Thats your mistake and your not going to get any help from attitude. You can't email them telling them that. It says it all over the site. However, Attitude should be responsible for contacting said breeder(it looks like they will if you just read the email), and getting the seeds replaced. But breeders can be more than difficult to work with in these situations.

I think you jumped the gun way to fast and have started a big problem over nothing. Kicking and screaming only gets you so far, and usually only when your young.


bud bootlegger
yeah. i also don't understand why a bank would be responsible for one of their breeders seeds not germing.. i understand your being pissed, i just think its not at the right people.. and like everyone else said.. germing seeds is not a legal activity in most countries, so that is their standby email to cover their asses when people say that their seeds didn't germ.
i think you would have been better off saying how you are pissed that so and so breeders seeds didn't germ instead of placing blame on the attitude...


Well-Known Member
He just plain and simple should have read some of the rules when purchasing. If he had, he would have known not to mention anything about germination. He should have just said he was dissatisfied with his purchase and would like a replacement. They will do their best to help you out. IF YOU FOLLOW THE RULES.


Well-Known Member
Sweet. Sounds like they had a whore skunk running around the breeding facilities! Looking forward to letting her offspring loose outdoors in the spring. BIG BEANS!


Well-Known Member
Here is the problem and its clearly stated....

We sell our seeds for souvenir purposes only and for storage in-case the laws change. We at ‘The Attitude’ are here to help, but we have our restrictions. We can not, and will not discuss germination/yields/THC levels (etc.) of seeds, as it is ILLEGAL to germinate seeds and we cannot be seen to be promoting this. Unfortunately, E-mails may be ignored and remain unanswered if questions relate to the above and you may be refused a sale should you persist in requesting further information.

Send them your ungerm'd seeds and they will replace them. Send them an email bitching about seeds not germ'n and you'll get a return email that doesnt make you happy. You may not even get a return email.

It's always someone elses fault... Attitude is only protecting their own ass so the rest of us can keep buying seeds and enjoying life.

Check yourself

I got my 15 xmas freebees in 8 days :hump: South East US :bigjoint:

:joint: ~Boneman

Mikey Hustle

Well-Known Member
I orded from them because they were the only reputable company that ships to the US.

I have seen quite a bit of people of late claiming ALL their beans that they ordered from attitude didnt shoot.. Not 2 or 10, or 8 of 10. But NONE of them. This is the 3rd post this week. Read the seed strain forum. One dude even ordered beans from 2 diff mfg thru attitude & none sprouted.

Nobodys perfect, but if that happened to me, my post would have had evil pictures of people dying and shit. People being tourtured and blood everywhere.:cuss::fire::evil: Give dude a break.

He wasnt taking about your mama.. He was simply telling about his experience.
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