question about women smoking weed


Well-Known Member
hey guys,
today my girlfriend told me she smokes weed,
before i had to keep it a secret from her because she gets really mad about it.

what are the "bad" things that could happen to her?

like for guys it "lowers" sperm count.

what could it do to her?
something with pregnancy right?
She could forget who you are (short-term memory loss).....or she could get really fat (from the munchies).....uumm that's about it I think:rolleyes:
she might be more interesting than before. sex is always pretty cool stoned too. my and my girl bake brownies every once in awhile. its a good thing. party on. and yeah, dont listen to all the govt hype about what weed does to you. chong is still alive and kicking.
my first girlfriend got mad because she didn't smoke and she thought i was choosing it over her. i spent most of my time around her sober and would wait for her to fall asleep before i toked, but if i was already high and she wanted to do something she felt that she was out of luck. i would have gladly spent time with her, she just didn't really approve.

she eventually put me against the wall and although she didn't outright say it, the choice was clear. to me, this is no choice at all (like a woman could actually change the way i think about drug use) which sucked because i really loved her. but i'd rather be strong enough to stand up for my beliefs instead of caving just to get my dick wet.

what made things worse is that after we broke up she had some time to think and review her position on pot, AND NOW SHE SMOKES TOO. fucking bitch.

Justin, you're lucky your girl turned faster than my ex. to me, there's nothing finer than enjoying a nice fat chronic stick with your other.
Well, my wife and I smoke - she used to smoke more than now.

We got 2 kids, each was concieved in the first month of "trying" </TMI>

Didn't seem to affect conception in any way :mrgreen:
She also got horribly sick :spew:during pregnacy - for the second, weed was the only thing that helped. Even after getting prescribed some bad-ass anti-nausea meds.

Both kids beautiful, happy etc....
well. during pregnancy, consuming any drug is bad. let the baby decide if s/he wants it or not.

A study done in the 80's to study cannabis using pregnant mothers. Amazing results...children of smoking mothers had higher stats on everything vs. children of non smoking mothers. Done in Jamaica, 'high usage' defined as 21-70 spliffs a week..'s a long video but if you are really interested in this specific topic it's a great resource.. knowledge is power.
YouTube - Marijuana Cannabis Use In Pregnancy Dr. Dreher
my first girlfriend got mad because she didn't smoke and she thought i was choosing it over her. i spent most of my time around her sober and would wait for her to fall asleep before i toked, but if i was already high and she wanted to do something she felt that she was out of luck. i would have gladly spent time with her, she just didn't really approve.

she eventually put me against the wall and although she didn't outright say it, the choice was clear. to me, this is no choice at all (like a woman could actually change the way i think about drug use) which sucked because i really loved her. but i'd rather be strong enough to stand up for my beliefs instead of caving just to get my dick wet.

what made things worse is that after we broke up she had some time to think and review her position on pot, AND NOW SHE SMOKES TOO. fucking bitch.

Justin, you're lucky your girl turned faster than my ex. to me, there's nothing finer than enjoying a nice fat chronic stick with your other.

i know exactly how this feels bro same thing happend to me. theres nothing cooler than bein able to smoke with the ones close to you. always wish i could toke with my grandma cause she has the most badass stories ever. alright peace:blsmoke: