Is This Looking Good For 2 Weeks?


Active Member
I got a 2 or maybe even 3 week old White Rhino plant , and im just woundering if it looks about right for its age , or should it be bigger?
Its about 1 inch tall.



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Im using one CFL , 5600k , but i think i might have stunned its growth because i had to transplant it like 4 times , it was under a fish tank light but it had a Gro-Lux Daylight bulb in it , then i made my grow box and then switched it to CFL so i think the switch and the transplanting might have somthing to do with it


My guess is its normal size is 3-4 inches because it looks like youve got the stem buried a few inches under the soil looking at how high (or low) the smooth leaves are. It may be even bigger if the fish tank light caused it to stretch.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
it should look like that after 4-7 days.
at 3 weeks should start forming branches and all that.

check your temps and humidity.


Active Member
ya look at the plants in my sig their about 3 weeks now and bushes lol. why have you had to transplant 4 times already thats your problem. even my runts are bigger then that


Active Member
it should look like that after 4-7 days.
at 3 weeks should start forming branches and all that.

check your temps and humidity.

What Should my Ideal Temp and Humidity be? , cuz it always changes , and i have no idea why , temp will be at 70 with lights on , then 75-80 , then humidity will be 40 , then 45-50 -60 , its so weird , im thinking about moving my grow box over beside my tv and stuff because there is more heat over there , right now its kinda away from everything where its cooler , i got 1 intake fan and 1 outtake fan but i think i know why my temp is so messed up , my intake fan is at the top where my light is and my out take is at the bottom , so i think if i put the intake at the bottom and out take at the top , it will push the heat out from my light and suck cooler air in from the bottom? idk


Well-Known Member
yeah, definetley switch your intake and exhaust places. the only reason i can think of for the temps getting higher at seemingly random times is because the air your pulling in is warmer at those times(furnace kicking in? or whatever you use to heat your house?), 70-80 is fine bro, your humidity sound fine too, you might need to bring it down a lil for flower but thats still a long ways off.......


Active Member
yeah, definetley switch your intake and exhaust places. the only reason i can think of for the temps getting higher at seemingly random times is because the air your pulling in is warmer at those times(furnace kicking in? or whatever you use to heat your house?), 70-80 is fine bro, your humidity sound fine too, you might need to bring it down a lil for flower but thats still a long ways off.......
Well i just switched my intake and outtake , so ill see if that changed anything , and i have a baseboard heater so i can control how hot or how cold it gets , and my room is located in my basement , so its cold and damp down here , but not in my room where my grow box is , its confusing but hopefully it was just my intake and out take making this difficult lol


Well-Known Member
your temps are fine if you have it under 85f, it was still best to flip the places of them though. you've got a problem most new growers get-....they worry about every little thing,lol(no offense to you or them, I was the same way first couple grows). your fine though, im almost willing to bet the reason its still so small is the constant transplanting you did, what watt is your cfl? your gonna need alot more lights than that soon, is their any way you can set up the tube in the growbox? how far away is the cfl from the plant?


Active Member
my cfl is 5600k or 6500k i forget how it goes , but its the ones for Vegging , and the only way i can fit my tube in there is if i put it in sideways cuz my box is 2 feet tall and so is my tube , i have another 5600k or 6500k cfl to put in their also , and the only reason why i transplanted so many times was because i had to make my own little pots for them till i got real ones and it kept out growing the pots i made and the roots were coming out the wholes lol but if i was to put the tube in there it would have to go along one of the walls or on the door cuz the top is 1ft and it deffinitly wouldent fit there lol


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oh , and my other light , is a SYLVANIA Gro-Lux Wide Spectrum 20watt ,and i have just a normal fish tank light that "might work" its a 15Watt Perfect-A-Lamp but its not like a White daylight light , its more of an orange colour when its on , probably no good


Well-Known Member
why would the other tube be "no good" to you? im guessing its cuz youve not been taught the truth of color spectrums. bro, color spectrum during veg doesnt matter in the least imo, ive used all blue spectrum for veg and ive used all red spectrum for veg too and guess what........It made no difference. their is something you can do with color spectrums that will help faster growth however, use a mixed spectrum like the sun.......2 blue spectrum bulbs for every 1 red spectrum in veg and vice versa in flower(but then again you might as well just keep the blues in after you switch to flower if you can and just add the red spectrum lights your going to use for flowering to the existing setup w/o taking anything out.)


Active Member
so , your saying , if i have 3 Blue spectrum lights in my grow box , when it comes to flowering , just put 6 red spectrums in with the blues? , and the only reason why i said its probably no good was because its just a fish tank light and i dident think it would work for growing but if your tellin me different and it will work then ill throw it in there with 2 of my white daylight cfls lol


Well-Known Member
you should use a red spectrum or two in veg still, or use all the lights you have for both veg and flower throughout the plants life, i veg w/mostly red spectrum since 6500k 42w cfls are hard to find here and lots of people use hps for both flower and veg, so once it gets bigger you should add all the lights you have and just bombard it with light, do you plan on fimming or lst?


Active Member
i will probably just top it , i dont really know much on LST , im kind of a newbie on indoor , ive done a couple indoor grows but i was lazy about it and dident really get much from it , this time im just trying to do the best i can an not be so lazy lol , i usually get clones , but this is my second try from seeds , and from my experience growing from seed and clone are different , for me atleast , i still have to figure out when i should start feeding it nutes , when i get clones i start feeding it nutes right away , but with seedlings i dont really know how and when to start lol , but yeah i will more then likely top it unless i do some research on lsting


Active Member
this is just an update pic of my plant and my grow box , just threw them in there so yall know what im workin with lol , i had to make it so its not that great , the only light leaks i need to deffinitly fix is the door



Well-Known Member
lst is super easy and will be a huge benefit to your yeild,you should give it a shot..... check these few links out- lst, but dont use wire like he says, use soft string like you use for sewing. a little bit different method of lst awesome fim guide, its a must read and he makes it extremely easy. -awesome scrog info.
any questions?