• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Left = Misery


Well-Known Member
You spend enough time in the politics section. You must have noticed how many threads there are where ultra-partisan conservatives bitch and whine about Obama. And, don't pretend they're just rationally trying to discuss policy. There are tons of threads and posts full of bullshit about him being muslim, born in Kenya, who he bowed to... If he scratches his ass, there'll be a thread about it, and how his ass-scratching is part of some conspiracy.

Maybe you're just talking about pundits.
A few thoughts come to mind right away regarding that:

  • The left are in power right now. The right wing pundits have reason to be foaming at the mouth. The left ones don't. That makes the loud-mouths a bigger target.
  • Are there equivalents to Beck and Limbaugh on the left? I honestly can't think of any that are so full of vitriol. Maybe I'm wrong here... I really don't watch a whole lot of cable news. The only left news that I get is NPR, and The News Hour on PBS. Sure, NPR leans way left, but I don't hear anyone at all like the Beck/Limbaugh on there.
  • I see a lot more of the conservatives here copying and pasting zealot partisan opinions. They do it, then they get attacked from the other side. So, we see a lot more of the ultra-right opinions as fodder in the debates here.

So, there are a few explanations off the top of my head. Were you really looking for explanation Rick? Because these weren't hard to come up with. Or, were you just looking to have another pile-up of conservatives bitching about libs, and patting each other on the back about how right they are?

The most obvious thing about this thread is that nobody has made even so much as a token effort to actually refute anything I said in the original post.

Can anyone refute the fact that there are a multitude of threads started by Liberals about who they hate?

Can anyone point out similar threads by Conservatives? How many threads have titles containing the names of Left wing pundits?

How many threads are started about the bias of Left wing news organizations? We all know there are dozens that bash Fox - where are the ones bashing CBS?

Of course there are threads bashing the policies of the Obama administration, but few bash the man himself. And I bet there are 5 anti-Bush threads for every anti-Obama thread.

How many Conservatives start threads about how "the man" keeps them down or about how unfair life is?

How many Conservative threads bash organized religion and other aspects of traditional America?

Is it just a coincidence that Liberals instinctively defend anti-American people such as Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez and radical Muslims while Conservatives nearly always oppose the aforementioned and align with pro-American people?

I could ask these questions all day, but we already know the answers. Liberals nearly always take an anti-American, anti-Capitalism, negative stance while Conservatives nearly always take the opposite.

If I am wrong, nut up and give some examples.
The most obvious thing about this thread is that nobody has made even so much as a token effort to actually refute anything I said in the original post.

Can anyone refute the fact that there are a multitude of threads started by Liberals about who they hate?
I am not a liberal, but I am in agreement with them on some individuals. For example, Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh, these two guys are shock jocks. These guys are hyper polarizing politics in our country for the sake of making a buck. There are pundits on the left side that are just as guilty too.

Can anyone point out similar threads by Conservatives? How many threads have titles containing the names of Left wing pundits?
I searched. Their are negative Obama threads out the wazzoo, a few on pelosi, but other wise not much. I dont know wether to give kudos or tell you guys that you are dropping the ball on this one.

How many threads are started about the bias of Left wing news organizations? We all know there are dozens that bash Fox - where are the ones bashing CBS?
Having watched fox, I can see how alot of people get upset. Their news is frightening and a lot of times terribly bias. I couldnt see bashing CBS for their extreme liberal views, maybe Democracy Now.

Of course there are threads bashing the policies of the Obama administration, but few bash the man himself. And I bet there are 5 anti-Bush threads for every anti-Obama thread.
Probably, obamas only been in office for a half a term. Giv it a few more years.

How many Conservatives start threads about how "the man" keeps them down or about how unfair life is?
For you guys, The Man=Liberal. I guess that puts us in one of those threads right now.

How many Conservative threads bash organized religion and other aspects of traditional America?
The shit you guys say about islam is atrocious. Crazy generalizations comdemning millions of people over the actions of a small faction of that group. Seperation of church in state. The bible is a guide to life, but by no means is it a guide to polotics. Your just upset that christianity is no more important than any other religion in America. Dont be so self centered.

Is it just a coincidence that Liberals instinctively defend anti-American people such as Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez and radical Muslims while Conservatives nearly always oppose the aforementioned and align with pro-American people?
I support none of the above people. Che was not wrong in his views, but instead by the means which he tried to achieve them. I dont support Hugo, But I do sympathize with some of the reasons he dislikes america. As to radical muslims, They are bad, all other muslims are good.

I could ask these questions all day, but we already know the answers. Liberals nearly always take an anti-American, anti-Capitalism, negative stance while Conservatives nearly always take the opposite.
As to anti-american, I love my country.
I am anti unregulated capitalism, we can discuss this if you want.

If I am wrong, nut up and give some examples.
peace out yo


Active Member
Left= misery blah blah blah all liberals are like this blah blee blah we know how you think blah blah more bitching and whining blah blah.

Hey conservatives! in reality, not everything fits into boxes to be labeled.


Well-Known Member
fonz, that was a pretty weak retort.
Actually it was pretty good.
Are you a little full of yourself because Aqualung sucked you off on the other "omg i hate obama" thread? oh, ok

It's funny how anything other than complete agreeance with a conservative point of view is "anti-american". This is typical to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Fonzi did not answer a single question. All he did was change the subject 8 times by offering 8 alternative opinions - none of which were answers. I'm not going to get off on 8 simultaneous tangents.

Leo mentioned that Conservatives have voiced opposition to Obama's policies and he is correct. I don't think valid criticism of the policies of a sitting President qualify as vitriol or as being negative. Every President has had their policies criticized and Obama is trying to implement the most radical policies ever. I will say that while Conservatives do harshly criticize his policies, they generally do not attack Obama himself. I rarely hear Conservatives calling Obama stupid and attacking his character the way Liberals did with Bush. And there are serious questions about Obama's character.

As far as Rush and Beck and other pundits - they clearly come down heavy on the Obama administration and they are hated because they are damn good at it. It should be noted however, that nothing these guys say is vitriolic. You may agree or disagree, but it is incorrect to call it vitriol. The difference is that vitriol is an attack on a person's character, not on their policies. The Conservative pundits nearly always rebuke policies or acts, but rarely individuals.

If you want an example of vitriol, look not at what Beck is saying about the Government option, but at those calling him evil - Beck is simply poignant.

But I must be fair. The reason people on the right rarely express hatred of left wing pundits is because none of them are any good at making their case. If the right had people tearing their beliefs to shreds every day, they might get angry too. But for the most part, the left is unable to succeed in talk media as we saw with Air America. The left is much better at slinging insults and wisecracks such as we see with Bill Mahr, Steven Colbert and the other guy on the Daily Show. They rarely gain much ground with serious conversation. Perhaps that is why we see so much hate coming from the left. Perhaps it is the inability to compete in the market place of ideas that leads them to lash out in frustration.


Well-Known Member
I don't think fonz went off on any tangents. He just pointed out how flawed your OP is.

Leo mentioned that Conservatives have voiced opposition to Obama's policies and he is correct. I don't think valid criticism of the policies of a sitting President qualify as vitriol or as being negative.
I'll say it again:
And, don't pretend they're just rationally trying to discuss policy. There are tons of threads and posts full of bullshit about him being muslim, born in Kenya, who he bowed to... If he scratches his ass, there'll be a thread about it, and how his ass-scratching is part of some conspiracy.

There is at least as much complaining and negativity coming from the right around here as there is from the left. Your OP is flawed.

Illegal Smile

Why is anyone being defensive about vitriol toward Obama? I want to rip the bastard's head off and pour vitriol down his fucking neck.


Well-Known Member
Not being defensive about that. Just the idea that all complaining and negativity is from the left here on RUI.
Obama is THE perfect puppet. Everytime he opens his mouth- I'm looking for fingers inside.

As a man- I see him as weak; an appeaser, in light of the pusilanimous nature that affects his every move.

One thing is certain- had he been a 'republican' be would never have even been allowed on stage.
Talk about the democratic party 'trolling on the bottom'.

The only thing you find there are sucker fish and scum.

And Obama truly sucks. (Sucking 'change' from our pockets). He's a slime ball from Chicago. And the perfect example of what kind of 'stuff' floats to the top.


Well-Known Member
Obama is THE perfect puppet. Everytime he opens his mouth- I'm looking for fingers inside.

As a man- I see him as weak; an appeaser, in light of the pusilanimous nature that affects his every move.

One thing is certain- had he been a 'republican' be would never have even been allowed on stage.
Talk about the democratic party 'trolling on the bottom'.

The only thing you find there are sucker fish and scum.

And Obama truly sucks. (Sucking 'change' from our pockets). He's a slime ball from Chicago. And the perfect example of shit floating to the top.

Nice metaphor. I'm sure I'll see that on some twisted ass, extreme right T-shirt one day.

Once again, How can you say a word about ANYTHING after the shit that went on for 8 years. I think individuals that align themselves with the extreme left or right are equally warped. It's just shows how closed minded you really are, but I'm sure you would say something about it being weak. It's only your weak mind that keeps you so opinionated.

As a man - I see you as weak, closed minded and unwilling to accept anything he does as satisfactory because you're hard headed and butthurt that your party isn't running shit. It's no different than anyone who tries to deny that he's done anything wrong. Niether of you are right, however you both seem to feel that you are. He's in charge now, and you're going to have to deal with it or just keep bitching and whinging about it like a little girl for the next few years.

So be man, and tuck in that sad lip. Your party will get their chance again one day. Until then I'd grab my nuts, suck it up, and let it go because YOU aren't going to do shit about it.
When has the left ever admitted they were wrong??

I noticed this years ago- the libs are never wrong- it's always somebody elses fault, never their own.

Show me an admission of wrong doing by the left? Show me an admission of a failed policy/action etc.

On these forums I seen more conservatives admit an error than ever a lib.

I notice the simularities between people and parties and I find the OP to be a staement of fact far more than a piece of fiction.

As forthe libs... more fiction than fact because most libs, i find, are afraid of the facts and quickly change the topic in every conceivable manner possible so as to avoid at all costs having to admit even a sinle or slight error.

Funny? Or just plan sad?

Obama got in because the media gave that suit a green light.
It will be a red light in 10 and a civil mess by 12.
Fonzi did not answer a single question. All he did was change the subject 8 times by offering 8 alternative opinions - none of which were answers. I'm not going to get off on 8 simultaneous tangents.

Leo mentioned that Conservatives have voiced opposition to Obama's policies and he is correct. I don't think valid criticism of the policies of a sitting President qualify as vitriol or as being negative. Every President has had their policies criticized and Obama is trying to implement the most radical policies ever. I will say that while Conservatives do harshly criticize his policies, they generally do not attack Obama himself. I rarely hear Conservatives calling Obama stupid and attacking his character the way Liberals did with Bush. And there are serious questions about Obama's character.

As far as Rush and Beck and other pundits - they clearly come down heavy on the Obama administration and they are hated because they are damn good at it. It should be noted however, that nothing these guys say is vitriolic. You may agree or disagree, but it is incorrect to call it vitriol. The difference is that vitriol is an attack on a person's character, not on their policies. The Conservative pundits nearly always rebuke policies or acts, but rarely individuals.

If you want an example of vitriol, look not at what Beck is saying about the Government option, but at those calling him evil - Beck is simply poignant.

But I must be fair. The reason people on the right rarely express hatred of left wing pundits is because none of them are any good at making their case. If the right had people tearing their beliefs to shreds every day, they might get angry too. But for the most part, the left is unable to succeed in talk media as we saw with Air America. The left is much better at slinging insults and wisecracks such as we see with Bill Mahr, Steven Colbert and the other guy on the Daily Show. They rarely gain much ground with serious conversation. Perhaps that is why we see so much hate coming from the left. Perhaps it is the inability to compete in the market place of ideas that leads them to lash out in frustration.
There is a core group of republican extremist here at RIU that are bat shit crazy. I am really at a loss for word. I gave honest answers to your question and even held back on being an asshole.

As vitriol goes, beck called obama a racist.

Whats it like to be scared of muslims?
Its like the red scare all over agian with you guys.

And thanks goes out in the form of rep to those of you that agree that I answered ricks questions apprppriatly. Nice to know that I am not the only one that sees these republican extremist for what they are.

On a side note, I stuck 4 papers together and rolled a hooter .75 in. diameter and 5.5 inches long with a salad of purple trainwreck and connisuer. So if this is a little disjointed, thats why.

Whats fonzi?
"As vitriol goes, beck called obama a racist."

Anyone that says Obama's black is being a racist. He's also half white.

No one is scared of muslims.

We hate the killing of innocent people who use religion as an excuse to kill innocent people.
Especialy those that hide within their mosqes and the women and children and those who are told 'it's okay to lie to your eneny at all times'. That's just representative of a wacked religion. (Twisted scripture)

Take a toke for me. Sounds like a nice spleaf! A big fatty!


Well-Known Member
Is there an award for most ironic thread?
We start with an angry complaint about the angry complaining of the other side.

Then the punch-line :lol:: After the assertion that the left is full of nothing but anger, and that the right does nothing but rationally discuss policy, we get this from the right...

Talk about the democratic party 'trolling on the bottom'.

The only thing you find there are sucker fish and scum.

And Obama truly sucks. (Sucking 'change' from our pockets). He's a slime ball from Chicago. And the perfect example of what kind of 'stuff' floats to the top.
want to rip the bastard's head off and pour vitriol down his fucking neck.
The OP was meant to start yet another bitch-fest about libs, and a round of conservatives patting each other on the back about how right they are. Unfortunately the opening premise didn't play out well. Face it, there's anger and bitching coming from both sides. In fact, I see more from the right. Perhaps it's justified, since their guys are not in power... nevertheless, it's true IMO.