why its falling like this


it's a male,so there virtually no chance it going female if u do something(doesn't stress make it go male?) if u were collecting pollen, and worried it(weight) will make the plant fall,tie some string to it,to give it some support.


Well-Known Member
u need to kill that male! asap if they got lil white hairs. kill that thing. and if any Balls pop up on the ones white white hairs, cut those balls off and keep growing. u gunna get ur weed dood. ill help u, forieners r kool in my eyes, even tho it is extremly difficult to understand u....speacialy on a computer.


yah if your lookin to harvest a crap ton of seeds keep it. but if you do keep it in the same room all of your plants will produce seeds. which is good in your case cuz you said that you cant just find weed seeds there. you could keep it growing so youll have alot of seeds for your next grow. but if you do your females will decrease in thc potency and produce almost more seeds then buds. good luck in what ever you choose to do.


yah the ones with hairs are female or hermaphrodites because they may have been pollinated by now. but just a peice of advise. the more you let your plants grow b4 you start budding them, the more buds you will get off them. usually you wanna let them get at least afoot tall and have about 6-10 nodes (or sets of leaves). honestly ive never seen plants that small budding.


Active Member
Tank you brothere
please from libya

i need to smoke them thats all and with this one dont want to seed

what i do boys

they are 2 and half weeks old


Well-Known Member
:wall::wall::wall:Oh my fukin god dood!:wall::wall::wall:

just read!! read a thousand pages a day on here, go to the top right corner, press FAQ's and READ like u have never READ B4!!!!!