Almost as in, a democrat won. So let me see if I got this, it doesn't matter how smart she is.supports a member of the Conservative party over a candidate of her own Republican party and almost gets the guy elected,
...So, let's see if I have this right: You guys on the Left, think that the two party system is corrupt, right? If so, I agree with you on that. Now then, Sarah Palin: Wiped out corruption in her own party in Alaska just as she promised to do in her campaign, talks about getting back to the Constitution, supports a member of the Conservative party over a candidate of her own Republican party and almost gets the guy elected, and yet you can't see the potential Palin has to help lead the country back into a true representative republic?
Like I've said many times on this forum ... don't underestimate Palin. She has the support of the electorate of Middle America ... you know, all of those rubes the anointed ones on both coasts love to call stupid?
There is a major revolution coming in 2010 and Palin will be one of the major leaders of the movement. And by the way ... she won't be running for office again. Write this prediction down.
im afraid you are correct...There's always next year.. LOL very funny u should be a stand up comedian.. ^^
But really there might not always be a next election.. If the Fiat money system stays in place, the filthy rich top who created that system in 1913 are gonna let the economy dry out, resulting in a major dollar crash, property values dropping like bricks in mid air.. Then they will only enforce their position in all of the markets get more property until america is no longer of americans... (sounds like someone in american history.. xD ) And this will soon happen not only in america... it is happening global, Europe is already united and not far from being controlled centraly.. America, the same with alaska and mexico (and probably the rest of south america later on) Havent you heard of the new dollarthe ameco or what was it again..? In africa they are uniting, and asia is going the same way.. are a moron...i feel bad for your immediate relationshipsSo, let's see if I have this right: You guys on the Left, think that the two party system is corrupt, right? If so, I agree with you on that. Now then, Sarah Palin: Wiped out corruption in her own party in Alaska just as she promised to do in her campaign, talks about getting back to the Constitution, supports a member of the Conservative party over a candidate of her own Republican party and almost gets the guy elected, and yet you can't see the potential Palin has to help lead the country back into a true representative republic?
Like I've said many times on this forum ... don't underestimate Palin. She has the support of the electorate of Middle America ... you know, all of those rubes the anointed ones on both coasts love to call stupid?
There is a major revolution coming in 2010 and Palin will be one of the major leaders of the movement. And by the way ... she won't be running for office again. Write this prediction down.
call some one a moron because you dont agree with are a moron...i feel bad for your immediate relationships
Rule 5 is used way too much here in this thread. Constant ridicule defeats it's purpose. See rule are a moron...i feel bad for your immediate relationships
there is no not an obama supporter any more than a palin supporter, its just that i think that if someone is going to put their trust is Sarah Palin i think they might as well play with their dick in the garbage disposal.....Rule 5 is used way too much here in this thread. Constant ridicule defeats it's purpose. See rule 7below:
RULE 7: "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag." Don't become old news. (Even radical activists get bored. So
to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.)
Don't you gys do your homework here? Come on. I expect at least a basic grasp of facts. Innuendo and slurs are so yesterday on page 13 here.
That might be the most accurate post in this entire subforum!!!
Roger that, bro.She is easy on the eyes though. I'd like to get a private interview.![]()
She gives the supermodel type answer to every question.Thing is is, she is dumb. I know that worked for Ronald Reagan, but the republicans should really find a candidate with walking around sense.
Honestly I'd tell people what they want and hire the REAL smart people to tell me what to do. So? I'm a massive tool. At least I'd be doing what's best.She gives the supermodel type answer to every question.
If you could have anything in this world, what would it be? "I want world peace"
How do you plan on bringing this country out of the hole it finds itself in? "Cut everyones taxes and give everyone money"
What do you feel is great about America? "Freedom, Liberty, Church, God, GUNS"
She has no substance in her words, she just spews out shit people want to hear. She has no real policies just talking points that get slow minded people on her side.