Soil... Sog... Diffrent strains... Lots of muh fuccin ????'s... Lots of pictures...


Active Member
cant wait another week or 2 i should be able to top mine and start training gonna be fun :) did you stop the pc grow? i was kinda following it just never posted in it. i didnt wanna be a dick but in all honesty didnt see it being worthwhile at all hehe. the rubbermaids will be a huge improvement though and worth your time in the end :)


Well-Known Member
i harvested the pc grow and got a eighth wet... i needed components outta that box for the rubbermaids, so i ripped it apart and got what i needed... when i get more supplies, i will prolly have the pc grow going again but just on the side, while i focus on my rubbermaid grows... i could always sex clones proffeciently in the pc box... i know that the box WILL grow bud... so in that sense, the box was my first succes in growing... learn a lil, grow bigger... learn alot, overgrow the


Active Member
are you using any spiffy soil or nutes? yours looks like were about the same starting. i would be interested in a comparison grow day by day maybe we can learn some things from each other :P


Well-Known Member
i am using a bag of soil i bout at wally world.. it was like $1 for a big ass bag... i am gonna try to go as low on nutes as possible... i have some mg veg nutes that i will prolly use till i flower, then it will be mollasses, bone meal, epsom salt and some good ole tap water... possibly ph'ed... i never adjusted the ph levels of water on my last grow... it taste really good when i drink it, so i didnt figure it would be too bad for the plants... my tap water tatse like that vitamin water water... the shit they purify through reverse osmosis and collect vapors for their water... its good that got alil off subject, but point being made is, i think my tap water has a pretty neutral ph level... it worked for the last go round... i do however sit out a gallon of water the nite before i water to allow around 24 hours to let anything settle on the bottom that could be harmful... a homie commented my thread with that technique... it has worked for me... and i will prolly continue this method... why fuck up a good thing...rite?


Active Member
bagseeds from some good mids. im not using any special soil i went to look for fox farms but they didnt have it and i didnt wanna buy anything else. i didnt want the time releasing soils i got some stuff that was on sale organic something. i looked when i got home and its organic bumper crop builder soil? so i mixed that with some perlite a little vermi whatever and dirt from out by the dog. i dont wanna have to buy nutrients so well see what happens if i run into some major problems ill make a trip to walmart.


Well-Known Member
wal mart gardening is seasonal... so good luck on that... i am pretty sure home depot has it all year round...well, or soil variations are a lil dif... i did 75% perilite and 25% soil last time and it worked good... i did one (that turned out to be a male) with just the opposite... 75%soil and 25% perilite... it did good as well, until it showed my some balls, then i hacked the muh fuccah... my seeds are all random shit.... i know i have some sativas and indicas going... on rite now... i am hoping to have a good mix of both to flower.. only time will tell... one thing i learned about schwag bag seed is that with enough tlc and taking out the males it WILL be dank... just not a strain named dank... but dank is dank rite?


Well-Known Member
i like the fact that you can order strains by name, but i feel it is better to grow out the unknown and get good at not relying on specific breeder specs, and rather just learning for myself now.. that way when i do order a strain i shouldnt have a prob with it at all... mystery shit is harder to grow rite, since you dont have anything to compare it to, imho... i do have some strain seeds i am waiting on to grow.. i wanna get this mystery shit perfected first...


Active Member
they still have basic shit like soil and nutes i thought if not another store nearby has it for sure i seen the other day


Well-Known Member
your lucky on that end... we dont have shit at our wal mart... not even soil... i will suggest the organic mg soil... so far, that has been the best outta the bag... the nutes are low, it has a good mix of every soil component, and no chunks of stems or branches.. something i notices with the cheap shit... i got a homie from the 707, where fox farm is made... he said that their soil sits outside in big ass piles and they bag it when needed... not saying fox farm is bad at all, because i have seen some amazing results with it, but i dont have the option of getting it either, unless i order it online, and i dont do that shit... too traceable...


Active Member
well its still seasonal and they get rid of most stuff but they still have a small section left with gardening shit. but on the other hand they dont have 1 single damn fan. i was trying to find a small fan for inside to blow on the plants. they said fans are seasonal they dont have em anymore


Well-Known Member
well i guess no one wants to stay cool in the winter... it makes since, it just sucks for us... well homie, i will upload some new piks... i changed my vegging hood out for a new one with more than double the lumens...tubes are a lil longer and they are 20w a peice instead of 15w i also added another light, so that makes 3x 20w tubes... also, my sprouts are doing good...


Well-Known Member
rite around two weeks.. one thing i have noticed with scwhag seeds, it takes a lil time before they kick into hi gear... but also being mostly indicas, i dont i see alot of height growth as seein more girth than anything...


Active Member
oh wow i expected around a week mine are 5-6 days since breaking soil. your biggest one is just a little behind my biggest one im gonna take a picture or 2 of mine real quick


Well-Known Member
like i said, i have noticed mine dont ever grow as fast as the ones i see on here, but they are growing and healthy... i will prolly give it some nutes tomorrow. i gotta finish off making my drainage caps...


Active Member
try some different soil its probably that cheap walmart stuff. even miracle grow mixed with some yard dirt and perlite would prolly be better. 2 weeks in the yard even would be bigger then them no offense just sayin :P heres the one in my avatar their just under 4 inches wide

and heres one of the other bigger ones


Well-Known Member
hellz yeah homie... i was gonna move this thread to cfl, but ti think i may keep it here... i am shooting for a qp depending on how many fems i get... if i get all fems, then i may go for trying to pull a half pound, but we all know that we dont get all fems from seed... anyways, i am glad you pulled up a chair to check it... did you notice i took out that "street lamp" light i had over them in the beggining? the spectrum was way off on those bulbs.. the new ones are kicking ass...