New Drug Alert!


Well-Known Member
Holy crap....has any one out there ever heard of this, or better yet, actually tried this?
I gotta believe that this is not a great idea!:mrgreen:

New Drug Alert!

Florida sheriff's bulletin warns of purported new human waste high

NOVEMBER 5--We're not sure what they're inhaling down in Collier County, Florida, but here's the bizarre "information bulletin" prepared by the local sheriff's intelligence bureau about a purported "new drug" favored by the kids. It's an inhalant called "Jenkem," and causes hallucinations and a "euphoric high." Of course, as the bulletin notes, Jenkem users dislike its sewagey taste, which can last for days. That's because Jenkem's active ingredients are urine and fecal matter, hence its street names like "Butthash" and "Fruit from Crack Pipe." Click here to see a video report on Jenkem, via We've tried to speak with the bulletin's author, Lieutenant Al Ganich, but he has not returned TSG calls. Perhaps he's realized that his "CONFIDENTIAL" September 26 report--which is authentic, according to a sheriff's official--may be itself full of shit. Ganich's alert reminds us of a New York Fire Department memo from a chief who also apparently never heard of (1 page)

New Drug Alert! - November 5, 2007


Well-Known Member
yah it was first used by kids in africa to get high from the nasty shit in puddles i believe. doesnt look like anything i would want to do.


Well-Known Member
What was that line in the movie? "I think I threw-up a little in my mouth!" Yeah that just happened.


Well-Known Member
That is one of the craziest things Ive seen. Who would want to get high off fecal matter and urine? WTF!! Thanks for the article and informing me of the weird things people do.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like a great high! 'The euphoric high of cocaine but with strong hallucinations'-that sounds like one hell of a drug. Too bad it's made out of poo:cry:...