New Grow! in my kitchen?!


Active Member
Hey guys!

Just picked up 3 baby MK Ultra plants! I am new to growing so please feel free to post anything (comments, tips, instructions)! Got them today down at AEC, which has an extensive collection of clones for anyone interested.

I haven't changed them out of the rockwool they came in because I'm not really sure what to get for soil. I've heard Light Warrior is good, then eventually Ocean Forest....? haha

Also, I was thinking to build my own hydroponics setup.... I think I have most of the materials at home. Just need to spend a couple of hours putting it together. I was watching on and he stays with rockwool till he puts them in to the bigger pots. hmmm.....?

K now for the exciting part! PICTURES OF MY BABY GIRLS!!! :-P

Aiight guys! Thats all for now!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
white paper would work better than foil. Foil is kinda all around bad. Creates hot spots and relects very little.

I dont know the rest of your grow strategy. Just remeber the more light the better and that 6500k are better for veg in terms of cfl color temps, it is printed on the box. But dont let that make you turn down any deals on HPS fixtures your freinds get you, lol.

They prob be fine for a little while you sort all the details out. MK ULTRA is a nice bit of gear.


Active Member
Decided to stay with rockwool! and also picked a Growlab 40 for my babies! Got rid of all the foil!!! hahaha



Active Member
Oh and thats what the inside of a grow lab 40 looks like for anyone that wanted to know, but couldn't find a picture online.


Well-Known Member many times a day are you feeding them? You have your resevoir and drippers set up? You may also consider planting them in dirt too. You should do something though before they all die. The one in that one pic is already looking REALLY sad.... :(


Active Member
I am running 6 x 15 watt CFLs.... got them for around 7 bucks each at home depot with the socket converter too! Alright.... got my babies in some soil!
I ordered some fox farm ocean forest and I am waiting on that, but for now I just planted them in some potting soil mixed with perlite.



Well-Known Member
Get the lights closer to unless you raised them for the pic. They are not looking so hot ATM hopefully they make it... GL


Active Member
Yeah, I def want more lights, but my budget is kinda limited... =/

When I get some money next week, I'll upgrade! I still have the sale receipt! =)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I def want more lights, but my budget is kinda limited... =/

When I get some money next week, I'll upgrade! I still have the sale receipt! =)
dood theyr all basicaly the same price, and u could probally find em cheaper at wally world or target


Active Member
Yeah i moved the lights back closer after i took the pic.... thanks for the help guys! Hopefully I'll manage to save my plants....


Active Member
got some new lights... trimmed some of the older fan leaves off my babies. They are looking a lot happier today! =D Thanks everyone for the info and help! +REP byaahhhhh



Well-Known Member

congrats them bitches r gunna make u happy!!!! i swear growing is almost better than sex. almost like it too!! haha