Scarlette's First Grow


Well-Known Member
the new growth is looking really healthy. the switch to fox farm seems to be working well.


Well-Known Member
I know, they look so much better now. I will never use miracle gro again. Thank you You are awesome!


Well-Known Member
for your next grow, we're gonna have to convert you to hydro :mrgreen:

NO shit! I know this guy around here who owns a hydroponic shop. He custom makes his hyrdo set ups, and I do believe he said that for a set up containing the space for 8 plants is like 250.00 is that good deal. I checked them out and they were very nice. But I dont know how things like that are priced.


Active Member
NO shit! I know this guy around here who owns a hydroponic shop. He custom makes his hyrdo set ups, and I do believe he said that for a set up containing the space for 8 plants is like 250.00 is that good deal. I checked them out and they were very nice. But I dont know how things like that are priced.
You can make your own for less than 100 , If you want directions ill post a few links


Well-Known Member
does that include lights? i doubt it does but i can assure you that your current light set up won't be adequate for 8 plants. If it's just the set up, that seems really pricy. hydro set up are pretty easy to design and diy's are pretty cheap. besides the more you know about your hydro setup the better.


Well-Known Member
You can make your own for less than 100 , If you want directions ill post a few links

OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH! i would love directions! Not that there is anything wrong with soil, I just think they grow faster and do better in a hydro system.


Well-Known Member
this is a prototype of a new system of my design.

it's long winded. but pictures of the first assembled version are at the bottom of the first page. the explanation is at the top...sort of. the ms paint pic is a better explanation of the how the system works. the whole system cost about $70 +/- $10. that includes the pots and reservoir. I also had to buy a drill and drill bit so that's why it's higher than what i said in that thread.

when you add net pots, rockwool, hydroton, and nutes expect to pay maybe $30 in addition to that.


Well-Known Member
Sky, what's happenin' with the plants. i assume they're getting quite big but i need reassurance....PIX PLZ!


Well-Known Member
21 days into my grow this is how some are looking so far.

There is alot I still need to buy. pH tester, and I want to upgrade my lights. I don't think they are getting the lumens they need. I have to invest. But so far so good.

should they be that small?



Well-Known Member
i really wouldn't worry about their size. my plants usually grow in spurts. they have a really nice shade of green, so the growth will come when it's ready.


Well-Known Member
how close are your lights?

i dont know much about soil, your grow looks good so far

I'm doing dwc, if your interested, my journal walks through most everything ^_^

i noticed in some earlier pictures your lower leaves getting a little lighter green, could be a deficiency?


Well-Known Member
how close are your lights?

i dont know much about soil, your grow looks good so far

I'm doing dwc, if your interested, my journal walks through most everything ^_^

i noticed in some earlier pictures your lower leaves getting a little lighter green, could be a deficiency?

no no deficiency, just my dumb ass watering under lights. ^_^

I was thinking about starting nutes tomorrow? Anyone have any input? I am lowering the light tomorrow anywho, they need it.

Katie I've been periodically looking at your grow, I might just get me a hydro system ^_^


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hey Scalett, what kind of light are they under? I think they should be bigger myself, but they have minds of their own and will grow at their own rate. They do look healthy. I have some planted at the same time and they are all different heights. Who knows eh? :peace:


Well-Known Member
It's been 25 days, and now this is how they look.

I have been watering every 3-4 days. I haven't been using any nutes yet, I drove to get some Fox Farm Grow Big yesterday and wouldn't you know it? I drove all the way out to BFE and the hydroponic store was closed! :evil:

Oh well, I will be going Monday. After I give them some nutes do you think they will hit a growth spurt or something?

What is a node? Is it like where the leaves/branches sprout?

Also, I found this bug in one of my plants....I squished him immediately, but what is he?

And another thing.........are they too young to tell whether or not they are indican or sativa?

