I think that youtube video gets better ratings than any other cable news network than Fox. Wait Faux...wait Dough

Follow the money. CNN was a giant and no one bitched about anything.
People just hate "winners." These haters suddenly become "whiners." I can hear it in their heads "it's not fair, one thing, one person or station should not have a better market share and make more money." "There must be a way to balance these ratings." Don't worry, the left is working hard to silence anything they don't agree with. Even free radio. The problem is that if the left wanted to accomplish something so outlandish it would require that they agree within their own party and well that...that is an even bigger issue. One big train that can't get out of its own way. 2010 will leave them helpless.
I know people say Obama hasn't done anything. He has to have past a bill or some serious legistlation. It's been a year. He got his budget. What else? Let's hear it. Don't give me "he's opened up dialogue." Music opens dialogue... I know, he's not Bush and that's good enough. That won't go far in exactly a year when he lost 15 seats. What legistlation?