I've smoked a few nugg's today, but no rocks. I don't f with that shit.

What does that mean: "seedlings are fine in hydro"? What exactly are you refering to as hydro?
And, he said the third set was already coming in! Are you reading the conversation or just trying to attack me?
Are these not being grown in hydro? I read through and follow a lot of threads and it's possible I have this one mixed up. I thought this was growin' in Rockwool w/ Hydroton using Ebb & Flow?
I could reread it, but that's just crazy, it's huge.
When I start from seeds I feed them PLAIN water for ~ 2 weeks. By then they are on about their 3rd or 4th set of leaves.
Veg feeding Schedule looks like this....
Week 1: 0 ppm
Week 2: 0 ppm
Week 3: 200ppm - Start the 3rd week with 50ppm. Increase by 50ppm each day until 200ppm is reached.
Week 4: 200ppm
Week 5: 300ppm
Week 6: Increase by 100ppm each day until you reach ~600ppm.
Week 7: Flowerin' time. Whole different schedule.
Some people like to pump the nutrients faster, but if you look through all of my past grow journals you will see WHY I do it this way.
Now, this is a basic guideline for what I would call "safe growing" and a good start for a first timer. This is a minimal feeding schedule and will should give you healthy plants, but not all strains are created equal. And that's where things get interesting.
Using this basic guideline I can work on determining my plants needs without risking burning them and slowing my progress.
I am looking for these indicators in veg:
1) PPM is rising as the water level drops - Too strong. Need to add water and lower the PPM. The plants are taking up more water than nutrients.
2) PPM is falling as the water level drops - Too Weak. Plants are taking up more nutrients than water. Need to add more nutrients to keep the plants happy.
3) PPM stays steady as the water level drops - We are in the right zone.
That again is another basic guideline, I then have to look at the plants....
1) Lower leaves are starting to yellow and overall the plant looks a bit "pale"
-Pleant is underfed and she would really like some more nutrients. Don't need to be drastic, she's just a hungrier breed.
2) Plant is REALLY dark green and starting to get "The Claw". The leaf tips are beginning to curl under. - She's overfed and has too much Nitrogen. Back off the nutes for a little bit. Overfed plants aren't happy.
You'll get the hang of it over time, but it's best to start out with less.