Do You Believe In Mind Control?


Well-Known Member
I was once a victim of mind control :shock:. But I got divorced from her and now I are all better..:-P


Well-Known Member
'Neuro-Linguistic Programming' If i do remember correctly.. lol

But HEY!

Isn't belief itself a form of subtle mind-control??

Whatever beliefs one takes to be foundational will dictate what seems reasonable at any given moment.


Well-Known Member
^^all of the above is true..

trolls do exist

NLP is a method of mind control used by religion and government to control the masses

and the GOAT you all are referring to is Baphomet aka Satan aka Lucifer



New Member

I believe that if men stare at goats intensely enough, their minds meld like computer guys' do when they communicate via ITspeak (similar to Hippiespeak).

Many goats are overwhelmed by this and strangeness ensues.


Well-Known Member
yeah you definitely do get mind control, theres someone on tv over here called derran brown i highly recommend watching some of his programs

he completely fucks around with peoples minds its actually pretty scary. theres one where he makes a woman stand frozen at the side of the road looking at a car crash in front of her with a dummy of herself while an ambulance comes and takes the dummy away
freaky stuff


Active Member
Capitalistic America is the leading Source of mind control, from advertisements to flu shot you give your children that's filled with mercury a.k.a. the most leathal chemical known to man... The oldest source of mind control would be religion of course... religion to keep people in a certain order and if you break the lines you break the law and go directly to jail... If thats not mind control what is? ohh f*ck i forgot about them goats.