• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Religion Poisons Everything

Hi everyone :lol:

If you all havnt relized already, im an athiest. And i dont come by it lighty. I think about it pretty much everyday, its hard not too, if God exists and I choose to be an atheist, then that means when i die I am deliberately choosing torture for eternety, when the other option is to live forever in paradise, hevean.

Ofcourse i wish there was an all-knowing powerfull caring and loving creator that loves me, knows my path in life ( and every other 6 billion of us). But you have to know when to tell fact from fiction and this myth clearly. I know alot of people believe in god because they are affraid of death(like most of us are)

I dont know how people can believe all of these lies. I mean, if all the evidence you has is a man-written bible, i dont understand why im destined for hell just for not having faith and turning my life over to be a follower of god. I mean, its just common knowledge not to believe, i think. But clearly many think other wise.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva] (Jeremiah 32:17) Ah Lord GOD! You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm, nothing is too hard for you.

If god really has power on the world, why do we face poverty, murder, war, flesh eating diseases, cancer, global warming, child abuse, dictatorship, racism and sexism, slavery.. the list goes on and on.
Why havnt any of these critical issues changed? Why hasnt god saved any of them?
You say you can talk to the guy, so i'd be interested to hear you think.

I could be wrong, but its my take on it all.

I always love a good debate, dont worry i dont bite :twisted:



Well-Known Member
Yes, religion IS a poison. One that can only spread through sharing, rather than that could we say it's a transmitted disease of sorts?
I don't mind the sharing point as giving somebody enlightenment towards a particular way of thought, but this isn't typically so.
Keep it off of me and we have no qualms. Now, bring it to me as a philosophy, and we my friend, can talk for hours. Happily so.


Well-Known Member
So I know this guy who has two kids. A boy and a girl. He didn't want two at first, but then he realized he didn't want his son to grow up alone so he gave him a sister.
He really loved the kids, so he built them an awesome treehouse in the backyard. It had running water, windows, flower boxes with big lush plants, a small LCD TV, and there was even a dumbwaiter so the kids could bring the pets up into the treehouse with them.
The kids absolutely loved it.
He was pretty proud of the whole setup, and told them that as long as they stayed away from his prized fig tree they could spend as much time in the treehouse as they wanted.
But the sister snagged a fig one day, and you know how kids are. When dad saw that one of the figs had been yanked off his prize winning tree, she made up some story about how something else came along and snacked on the fig.

Dude was PISSED. He dragged both kids out in the yard. Screamed at them. Beat the shit out of them. And told them to get out of his house and never come back.

They were both crying and really upset. They didn't really get what was going on. They asked "But Daddy, what are we going to do?"

In anger he shouted, "I don't care. Go fuck yourselves. Just get out of my sight."

And then he gave her cancer, and him syphilis.

But it's okay, because he loved them.



Well-Known Member
No no ThaDutchie, you have to be real upset about making that small typo, it's reeaal important. Why else would Buddreams have specifically referenced the typo?

Seriously though, future reference, it's nice if you can watch out for those things but it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, the point you were making was horribly obvious, so the meaning got across - what other use is there for language but to convey meaning?


Well-Known Member
my two oldest and dearest friends in this world are very christian. they grew up, as did i, surrounded by the happenings of the sixties and seventies. free-wheeling sex and drugs and rock and roll, nothing too far over the line to give at least a couple of tries, twenty-four hour a day, party til the cows come home and then some sort of folks, as were we all back then or so it now seems. they returned to their childhood faith after those years of excess. after watching friends and loved ones come to untimely ends, visiting too many graves, and, finding no solace in the secular, they returned to familiar traditions. they bowed before a master greater than any earthbound patriarch, placed themselves at the mercy of a judgment greater than that of any mortal arbiter, and they were happy to do so.

these two dear friends pray for me each and every day. even though they know my atheism is born of a disgust for the concept of a god that would condone suffering and that i would despise their god if he truly existed, they pray for me. each time i see them and the conversation rolls around to the topic of religion, they assure me that i am not damned. even though i would accept damnation with a smile, they declare with unfeigned certainty that there is a place for me among the saved. they firmly believe that my good works and the charity in my heart are enough to grant me that passage and to save me from an eternal doom. this is the nature of their faith. this is what religion has done.

my paternal grandfather was a baptist minister, a missionary that traveled the world is service to his god. he devoted his life to that service, even at the expense of family and friends. he traveled the globe, meeting with other movers and shakers of various religions, and sought to ease suffering wherever he found it. he helped to feed the hungry, to give warmth and shelter to the needy and never asked for a thing in return. he helped to develop organizations which still exist today, devoted to aiding those who cannot help themselves. he met with men like mohandas gandhi and albert schweitzer, searching for the means to heal the sick and injured and feed the starving at home and in places you and i have hardly even heard of. he did all this because it was right, because it was the christian thing to do.

my grandfather's greatest sin was that he was a dyed in the wool homophobe. brought up in a time when such things were simply not talked about, he saw homosexuality as among the greatest of sins and, believing in the indoctrination of the times, he considered homosexuals to be dangerous to the fabric of society. he despised the practice and the very concept of what he saw as a crime against nature and god, but when a homosexual walked up to him and asked for his help, he did not falter. in the face of what he knew as great evil, he gave what was needed and offered a prayer as well because it was right. he put aside his fear and his loathing because it was the christian thing to do.

as i have previously stated, i am an atheist. i have never had real faith and don't even know what that's like, so you know i don't bring up these people in an attempt at conversion. i despise the hypocrite that uses the trappings of religion to gain power and prestige and would spit in the face of this god that demands obedience but offers so much suffering and despair, without so much as a word to assure the faithful of his interest in our affairs. i bring up these people to remind us that religion is not only about power and domination. it is also about charity and taking care of the world around you. religion is not made up just of popes and televangelist and blind buffoons, meekly following the words of an ancient and jealous god. it is also made up of people who honestly care and who are devoted to man's higher instincts. we atheists tend to paint the religious with a broad brush, labeling them all as deluded crusaders and unthinking zealots or hypocritical oafs and lying scoundrels. the claim that religion poisons everything is as hypocritical as a pedophilic priest. it is man's baser instincts that are the poison, defiling even our highest ambitions and most generous endeavors.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I agree with most of you that organized religion is a poison. It seems to deter and hurt more people than it brings and helps. However, atheists always confuse me when they ask "If God exists, and is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, then why is there pain and suffering in the world?" As thedutchiecouple said it,

If god really has power on the world, why do we face poverty, murder, war, flesh eating diseases, cancer, global warming, child abuse, dictatorship, racism and sexism, slavery.. the list goes on and on.
Why havnt any of these critical issues changed? Why hasnt god saved any of them?

I don't agree with the logistical implications of this type of question. It assumes that God views love in the same context as the person, most of the time an atheist, asking the question. How can one judge an omniscience God with any other set of knowledge besides an omniscient one unless God reveals himself unto that person? Furthermore, if we cannot do this, because we definately cannot, then how can we justify assigning expectations to God about how he should run the world if we are not omniscient ourselves?

Simply put, if love was a box of crayons, then what makes your box of crayons better than God's? They're not, he has a superior brand name and more colors. Whatever shades and colors he uses in the coloring book, this big place we call the world, are the best. That's not to say he drew murderers and and deadly diseases with his crayons. He used his crayons to allow his characters in his coloring book to make their own choices. He gave them choice, or free will. Whatever people do with that free will is up to them. How can one have love without choice anyways? God allows us to chose to follow him or not. If we want to be bad we can. If we want to use or crayons instead of his, we can, but the picture won't be as pretty as it would if we allowed him to color it.

Don't most responsible people, even if reluctantly, allow their kids to drive a car once they reach an appropriate age? Don't those people also realize that their kids could be killed in an instant in an accident? Don't they love their kids? Using the logic of the original question I responded to, no, they don't. That's obviously not true though, they do love their kids. They are allowing them to take the risk of being in an accident to go hang out with friends or to get places faster in a car. They are giving them a choice, or allowing them to use their will freely, hence the term "free will".


Well-Known Member
It's a bucket full of insight but it still has a hole in it.

Assuming you mean the Christian "God", as they have co-opted the term and capitalized it to make it their own and none others, your interpretation of his love leaves out one critical point.

God directly kills millions in the bible. This is not human free will in action. This is petty, vengeful, murder by a creature worshipped by the fearful.

Whatever the motivation, should a creature like that exist it does not deserve worship. It should be reviled, hunted, and killed as a threat.

But fortunately it's no more than a fairy tale used to control people and money.

If you're referring to a non-theistic deity, there is no doctrine to base it on and people can just make it up as they go along. But then you may be worshiping the equivalent of a procedural algorithm that generates universes from pure math. That would actually be kind of cool, but an algorithm doesn't care if you love it or not, and we are just a tiny speck in a very large universe.

With no evidence to support them, man creates gods whose concerns are banal and reek of the taint of small minded, racist, and misogynistic desert tribes of millennia ago.

If Darwin wasn't enough to cast off the charade of literal biblical creationism, the discovery of bacteria and viruses should have laid waste to religion all over the world. Sickness and death are no longer the realm of demons and sin, but infection and amplification.

Strip away the taint of religions that deny scientific advancement, and you find that there really is no controversy over evolution, plate geology, or the laws of thermodynamics.

There is the simple fact that man is not the dominant life form on this planet. Bacteria are.

If there are gods watching this world, and they have chosen a race that can adapt, survive, and prosper longer than any other, it is not us.
We're just along for the ride.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I love you Morgan, i'm going to try to patch the hole, but forgive me for errors because I am high and tired. I'll quote your individual arguments. I should also prerequisite that I am a Christian, but I ascribed to Intelligent Design before I was so.

"Assuming you mean the Christian "God", as they have co-opted the term and capitalized it to make it their own and none others, your interpretation of his love leaves out one critical point.

God directly kills millions in the bible. This is not human free will in action. This is petty, vengeful, murder by a creature worshipped by the fearful.

Whatever the motivation, should a creature like that exist it does not deserve worship. It should be reviled, hunted, and killed as a threat."

To address the events you refer in the Bible, as a whole, I will use the Bible. I refer you to Romans Chapter 1.

18.For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
19.because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.
20.For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
21.For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

These people exercised their free will(s) by ignoring evidence that had been presented to them. Their society was full of super-natural events. The probality of them occuring randomly is infinitesimal. They had supernatural events and ignored it as proof of a God. Now we have science, and ignore it as proof of a God. I will elaborate in my next point, as it will tie into some of your comments.

"If you're referring to a non-theistic deity, there is no doctrine to base it on and people can just make it up as they go along. But then you may be worshiping the equivalent of a procedural algorithm that generates universes from pure math. That would actually be kind of cool, but an algorithm doesn't care if you love it or not, and we are just a tiny speck in a very large universe.

With no evidence to support them, man creates gods whose concerns are banal and reek of the taint of small minded, racist, and misogynistic desert tribes of millennia ago.

If Darwin wasn't enough to cast off the charade of literal biblical creationism, the discovery of bacteria and viruses should have laid waste to religion all over the world. Sickness and death are no longer the realm of demons and sin, but infection and amplification.

Strip away the taint of religions that deny scientific advancement, and you find that there really is no controversy over evolution, plate geology, or the laws of thermodynamics."

If there was a non-theistic diety or God, he, she, or it would be more probable than what you seem to be suggesting. You mentioned evolution, so I take it you believe in the Big Bang. You also mentioned thermodynamics. Can't the first law of the thermodynamics be stated as such "The increase in the internal energy of a system is equal to the amount of energy added by heating the system, minus the amount lost as a result of the work done by the system on its surroundings."?

Doesn't this simply mean that energy can be transformed from one form to another but never created or destroyed? Didn't Einstein conclude that energy is equivalent to mass times light squared? Doesn't this mean mass must be equal to energy divided by the speed of light squared? If so, then how could any of the mass have come into existence at the beginning of the big bang if there was no energy? It couldn't. That leaves us two choice. We must either lie to ourselves and say that the energy came from no where and break our own law, or more logically, we could say a deity input that energy into the system. That doesn't tell you where the deity came from, but a God creating energy is more logical than energy created by nothing. That just sounds silly.

Also consider the strong nuclear force since we're being scientific. You expect me to believe the protons and neutrons are held together perfectly because of chance? I don't that's a wise thing to believe in because the universe only had one chance at making it perfect in the beginning. If the strong nuclear force was only a few more micronewtons stronger, then neutrons and protons would collide making all other atoms besides hydrogen impossible to exist. Without carbon, you and I wouldn't be typing these arguments. If the strong nuclear force was a few micronewtons weaker, then atoms would fall apart and newtonian objects couldn't exist.

To speak of Darwin, out of the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of species we know of, we have never seen evolution in progress, ever. We see adaption everyday, bird beak lengths vary based on diets, horses get smaller or larger depending on how their bred. These are variations within DNA, but not actual mutations as macro evolution suggests to have happened. Why haven't we seen these mutations? We even tried to replicate them in fruit flies, their DNA did mutate, but not one single time was the mutations beneficial. That's not evolution, sounds more like a birth defect or cancer. If the discovery of bacterias and viruses were suppose to make the idea of God crumple, then why didn't it? Why is Evolution still taught as a theory and not as fact? I don't think it's religion denying scientific advancement, I think it's people misinterpreting and sometimes fabricating evidence (such as the most recent and perhaps the most infamous evolution frauds was committed in China and published in 1999 in the journal National Geographic 196:98-107, November 1999. Dinosaur bones were put together with the bones of a newer species of bird and they tried to pass it off as a very important new evolutionary intermediate.) to deny a deity so they don't have reprocussions for their actions.


Well-Known Member

religion is not made up just of popes and televangelist and blind buffoons, meekly following the words of an ancient and jealous god. it is also made up of people who honestly care and who are devoted to man's higher instincts. we atheists tend to paint the religious with a broad brush, labeling them all as deluded crusaders and unthinking zealots or hypocritical oafs and lying scoundrels. the claim that religion poisons everything is as hypocritical as a pedophilic priest. it is man's baser instincts that are the poison, defiling even our highest ambitions and most generous endeavors.
I agree with you up to saying religion isn't a poison or trying to say that just because religious organizations do some good that therefore relgion is a good thing. It isn't.

There would still be good people doing the same good things without religion, it's in their nature to do those things they are just those type of people.

Strip religion away and we wouldn't loose anything good. You as an athiest know it doesn't take some phony book to tell you how to be a decent person, a religion wouldn't make you any better of a person if you adopted it.

btw I'm not just an athiest I'm a bisexual male so religion never would have fit me well. So I'm angry and I'm coming to corrupt all religious peoples children and turn them gay. :)

Not really, I'll just try to convince them not to hate and to question the bible... Same thing I guess.


Well-Known Member
These people exercised their free will(s) by ignoring evidence that had been presented to them. Their society was full of super-natural events. The probality of them occuring randomly is infinitesimal. They had supernatural events and ignored it as proof of a God. Now we have science, and ignore it as proof of a God. I will elaborate in my next point, as it will tie into some of your comments.
You completely dodged the point that God murdering all those people was not an act of human free will.

Of course no one really died, but if the bible wasn't a work of fiction then they must be mass murders by a loving god, however you choose to define love.

You are also treating the bible as a historical document. It is not. It is a religious text.

how could any of the mass have come into existence at the beginning of the big bang if there was no energy? It couldn't.
You're operating under the assumption that this universe came from nothing. The big bang is merely an explanation for how this universe formed, but it does not limit that which can occur outside the system. To assume "God" simply because you don't have the answers is to embrace ignorance.

People used to belief that dirty clothing or piles of moldy grain spontaneously generated mice.

That leaves us two choice. We must either lie to ourselves and say that the energy came from no where and break our own law, or more logically, we could say a deity input that energy into the system.
1. You assume a closed system.
2. "God Did It!" is not an acceptable answer without proof. Admitting one does not yet have the answer to a problem and working toward it is the proper methodology. Claiming a deity performed an act without substantiating proof is fraud. *The bible is not proof.

That doesn't tell you where the deity came from, but a God creating energy is more logical than energy created by nothing. That just sounds silly.
Yes it sounds terribly silly that you would consider God logical.
What you might consider "nothing" can be the equilibrium of two states of charge, positive and negative arriving at a zero sum.
And once again you make assumptions about the origin of the universe. Where do you get your information? The people with the best tools to see back into the depths of time still don't have access to that information yet.
And you can just pull it out of your head like that?

Also consider the strong nuclear force since we're being scientific. You expect me to believe the protons and neutrons are held together perfectly because of chance?
No I don't. Because they are not.

I don't that's a wise thing to believe in because the universe only had one chance at making it perfect in the beginning.
What is your definition of perfect, and what qualfications do you have to define a perfect universe?

If the strong nuclear force was only a few more micronewtons stronger, then neutrons and protons would collide making all other atoms besides hydrogen impossible to exist. Without carbon, you and I wouldn't be typing these arguments. If the strong nuclear force was a few micronewtons weaker, then atoms would fall apart and newtonian objects couldn't exist.
When speaking of probabilities of something that already exists, the probability of such a thing occurring is 1.

To speak of Darwin, out of the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of species we know of, we have never seen evolution in progress, ever.
Would you care to retract that statement?

The 20 year E. coli experiment by Richard Lenski observed over 20,000 generations of E. coli, archived at 75 generation steps, and shows demonstrable evolution.


Bacteria evolved to eat Nylon, which did not exist until the last century:


There has been observed speciation in many types of plants, and short-lifespan creatures such as Rhagoletis pomonella.


Additionally look into Ring Species to see how genetic distribution over long distances results in short range interbreeding ability, but long range inability as genetic drift occurs.


These are variations within DNA, but not actual mutations as macro evolution suggests to have happened.
I have 2 animals with specific genetic mutations in a cage 3 feet from me.
Male humans average around 150 mutations per generation.
Apply that to hundreds of thousands of generations and you will find a significantly different organism.
Take a full set of Encyclopedia Britannica's and change 150 letters each second for the next 100,000 seconds. Then read one of the articles. That is evolution in action.

but not one single time was the mutations beneficial
Patently false. See above.
Additionally, the random nature of mutations will result in negative, neutral, and positive outcomes.
A mutation which kills off the individual on their 50th birthday will persist in offspring until eliminated by sexual selection of genes or point mutation. Since the individual is beyond reproductive age this lethal gene does not interfere with reproductive fitness, the "fittest" of Darwin's mechanism.

Why is Evolution still taught as a theory and not as fact?
Another example of a creationist trying to discount something because their definition of the word is "guess" while science has a very different interpretation.

A scientific theory is arrived at through several stages. An observation is made, and a hypothesis is formed. From the hypothesis experiments are designed. The experiments are performed and the evidence is collected. If any part of the experimentation process is found to be falsifiable, eg. removing an element of the experiment does not change the outcome, then the experiment is revisited until it is no longer falsifiable. With sufficient evidence you may then present this information as a theory.

If you don't have much regard for theories you can just float off into space now, as we only have a theory of gravity as well.

We have the fact of gravity.
We have the fact of evolution.

edit: Just in case you try to use the "Law of Gravity" here, a law refers to a consistency of predicted state but does not entail an explanation. You can know that what goes up must come down, but not know why. This falls under the purview of laws.

Dinosaur bones were put together with the bones of a newer species of bird and they tried to pass it off as a very important new evolutionary intermediate.) to deny a deity so they don't have reprocussions for their actions.
Scientific frauds don't last long, because there is continued inquiry.
If religion tolerated inquiry there would be no religion, hence the whole Adam and Eve fable intimating that seeking knowledge is wrong.

Mitochondrial DNA and the study of Endogenous Retroviruses confirm the main talking points of natural selection. Darwin was not aware of genetics, nor the specificity of how the traits were passed on, but his theory of natural selection has borne out under close scrutiny by whole fields that couldn't exist if he was wrong.

Genetics is not a field where the bible can provide any insight.


Well-Known Member
Why is it that the ones arguing for God never know how to use the editor?
Do we need to add an appendix to the bible on internet technology?

Might as well get these in before the "no transitional fossils" bit gets thrown out.
It gets really annoying when creationist views of biology also appear to have stopped reading any discoveries published after 1850.

One of the coolest ones recently.
Darwinopterus modularis

Science also makes changes to the records of how some species have evolved as better methods than pure phenotypic appraisal become available.
What may have seemed obvious from mere visual appraisals changes with additional genetic materials and fossils and science updates accordingly.

You may notice that the bible still indicatees that sickness is caused by demons and sin.
I prefer to get my education from science and not from fairy tales.

Oh, and don't waste your time quoting Behe and the flagella as an example of irreducible complexity. He was quite embarrassed when it was shown that you could remove 80 percent of the components of the flagella and it still had functionality for another purpose, an effective pump.

Intelligent Design is not Science.
my two oldest and dearest friends in this world are very christian. they grew up, as did i, surrounded by the happenings of the sixties and seventies. free-wheeling sex and drugs and rock and roll, nothing too far over the line to give at least a couple of tries, twenty-four hour a day, party til the cows come home and then some sort of folks, as were we all back then or so it now seems. they returned to their childhood faith after those years of excess. after watching friends and loved ones come to untimely ends, visiting too many graves, and, finding no solace in the secular, they returned to familiar traditions. they bowed before a master greater than any earthbound patriarch, placed themselves at the mercy of a judgment greater than that of any mortal arbiter, and they were happy to do so.

these two dear friends pray for me each and every day. even though they know my atheism is born of a disgust for the concept of a god that would condone suffering and that i would despise their god if he truly existed, they pray for me. each time i see them and the conversation rolls around to the topic of religion, they assure me that i am not damned. even though i would accept damnation with a smile, they declare with unfeigned certainty that there is a place for me among the saved. they firmly believe that my good works and the charity in my heart are enough to grant me that passage and to save me from an eternal doom. this is the nature of their faith. this is what religion has done.

my paternal grandfather was a baptist minister, a missionary that traveled the world is service to his god. he devoted his life to that service, even at the expense of family and friends. he traveled the globe, meeting with other movers and shakers of various religions, and sought to ease suffering wherever he found it. he helped to feed the hungry, to give warmth and shelter to the needy and never asked for a thing in return. he helped to develop organizations which still exist today, devoted to aiding those who cannot help themselves. he met with men like mohandas gandhi and albert schweitzer, searching for the means to heal the sick and injured and feed the starving at home and in places you and i have hardly even heard of. he did all this because it was right, because it was the christian thing to do.

my grandfather's greatest sin was that he was a dyed in the wool homophobe. brought up in a time when such things were simply not talked about, he saw homosexuality as among the greatest of sins and, believing in the indoctrination of the times, he considered homosexuals to be dangerous to the fabric of society. he despised the practice and the very concept of what he saw as a crime against nature and god, but when a homosexual walked up to him and asked for his help, he did not falter. in the face of what he knew as great evil, he gave what was needed and offered a prayer as well because it was right. he put aside his fear and his loathing because it was the christian thing to do.

as i have previously stated, i am an atheist. i have never had real faith and don't even know what that's like, so you know i don't bring up these people in an attempt at conversion. i despise the hypocrite that uses the trappings of religion to gain power and prestige and would spit in the face of this god that demands obedience but offers so much suffering and despair, without so much as a word to assure the faithful of his interest in our affairs. i bring up these people to remind us that religion is not only about power and domination. it is also about charity and taking care of the world around you. religion is not made up just of popes and televangelist and blind buffoons, meekly following the words of an ancient and jealous god. it is also made up of people who honestly care and who are devoted to man's higher instincts. we atheists tend to paint the religious with a broad brush, labeling them all as deluded crusaders and unthinking zealots or hypocritical oafs and lying scoundrels. the claim that religion poisons everything is as hypocritical as a pedophilic priest. it is man's baser instincts that are the poison, defiling even our highest ambitions and most generous endeavors.
I too have loved ones who are very christian. The entire side of my fathers consist of a great great, great, and grandfather who were all preists, my uncle and my father who does spirtitual therapy,(going into past lives with others and using crystals and cards)and the rest just go to church every sunday and are devote christians. so i know all about faith from those people influencing me since i was born. It worked for awhile, and i believed in something more than just nothing. Long story short i even asked my father where was god? when we were in an airplane in the clouds. I think his response was he was in your heart? something along that line. But when i became older church was nothing but a bore that i didnt pay attention to, so i questioned my faith and desided not to care about religion, and see if my life became worse or better. Nothing changed, i was the same. So that answered many questions! My family says they pray for me every day aswell, which ofcourse cant be bad, but i know isnt going to save me or answer any problems i have unfortunatly. I really wished it worked like that.
Everyone knows i despise organized religion and Jesus Junkies, but in the end... i really dont think im wrong, so ill gve them 20 years to figure out Jesus isnt coming to save them!

I agree with most of you that organized religion is a poison. It seems to deter and hurt more people than it brings and helps. However, atheists always confuse me when they ask "If God exists, and is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, then why is there pain and suffering in the world?" As thedutchiecouple said it,

If god really has power on the world, why do we face poverty, murder, war, flesh eating diseases, cancer, global warming, child abuse, dictatorship, racism and sexism, slavery.. the list goes on and on.
Why havnt any of these critical issues changed? Why hasnt god saved any of them?

I don't agree with the logistical implications of this type of question. It assumes that God views love in the same context as the person, most of the time an atheist, asking the question. How can one judge an omniscience God with any other set of knowledge besides an omniscient one unless God reveals himself unto that person? Furthermore, if we cannot do this, because we definately cannot, then how can we justify assigning expectations to God about how he should run the world if we are not omniscient ourselves?

Simply put, if love was a box of crayons, then what makes your box of crayons better than God's? They're not, he has a superior brand name and more colors. Whatever shades and colors he uses in the coloring book, this big place we call the world, are the best. That's not to say he drew murderers and and deadly diseases with his crayons. He used his crayons to allow his characters in his coloring book to make their own choices. He gave them choice, or free will. Whatever people do with that free will is up to them. How can one have love without choice anyways? God allows us to chose to follow him or not. If we want to be bad we can. If we want to use or crayons instead of his, we can, but the picture won't be as pretty as it would if we allowed him to color it.

Don't most responsible people, even if reluctantly, allow their kids to drive a car once they reach an appropriate age? Don't those people also realize that their kids could be killed in an instant in an accident? Don't they love their kids? Using the logic of the original question I responded to, no, they don't. That's obviously not true though, they do love their kids. They are allowing them to take the risk of being in an accident to go hang out with friends or to get places faster in a car. They are giving them a choice, or allowing them to use their will freely, hence the term "free will".

I see where your coming from, and i understand people have free will, but then why do people still pray if its obvious god just dosnt have power when it comes to a persons choice or action on the earth. If someone had a gun, and he wanted to shoot your best friend in the head, and your at home praying for their well being, what can god do? It seems like your saying he cant do anything. Which is true... so whats the point of prayer?


New Member
I cannot understand how the religion of atheism cannot exist.

Religion= my system of thought and practices that gives meaning to my experiences through reference to my understanding of ultimate truth.

Thoughts become things.


Little things become big things.

Some things include other things, and everything quickly becomes entangled.

Hippie hint: entangled is a physics term.

Watch the parallel universes episode of The Universe for a visualization.


Well-Known Member
There would still be good people doing the same good things without religion, it's in their nature to do those things they are just those type of people.
not all religious people who do good works would be so inclined without the impetus of their faith. the will to do good may exist within us all, but sometimes it takes an outside force to bring it to the fore. for many people, religion is that lightning rod.

it's easy to look around yourself and, seeing the evil that men do, get caught up in that malevolence. the herd instinct is strong in many people and they become followers far too easily. for some, the messages within religious dogma speak to and bring out their more positive aspects. in a world where corruption is seen as almost the norm and we have the worst of humanity splashed across ever headline, some need that extra push to see what good we are capable of and follow a better path.

of course that lightning rod can attract the bad as well as the good. the concept of being among the chosen can feed the ego and create a false sense of superiority, but you have to ask whether these people would be any different without the backing of their faith. those who can pervert the positive messages within the philosophies of most religions are capable of using almost anything to justify their agendas.
''The school, Victory Christian Academy, was an all-female fundamentalist boot camp surrounded by a ten-foot high barbed wire fence. The girls? – Everyone from atheists, to drug addicts, to lesbians in trouble with the Lord. When the girls arrived, many kicking and screaming, they were taken to the “Get Right Room”, a pitch-black room half the size of a walk-in closet, where Jerry Falwell sermons were blasted over the stereo. Mike Palmer, the school’s Dean, locked people in the G.R. Room for as short as hours to as long as seven days. The rules at Victory? No pants, no phone calls to parents for three months, and no outside visitors. In short, the girls at Victory were caged like animals.''

Going to Victory Christian Academy, or any christian boot camp would be my personal hell