My cfl grow first ever indo gro


Well-Known Member
Gut some pics up of the new light and new bud growth.

Comments are encouraged.

Got a question though. I put two pics up of the leaves my lower leaves are turning a shitty yellow color but my upper leaves are a nice green still. I was wondering if it was a deficiency or just comes along with the flowering? Someone please help + rep for help. The buds have swelled since I gave it it's last dose of molasses. And I've gotten 2 more bud sites with many hairs have shot out too. I'm getting more and more optimistic about this grow everyday.

Oh yeah and pics of my kitty (Buffy) lol. Im high and feeling like putting up pics of my cat.
dont you worry bro. im 90 % sure from tons and tons of reading that its something that comes with budding. i just dont know if your suppose to see that when ur almost done budding or what but i do know that it always comes along when ur flowering. ill subscribe to ur grow man. i can use yours as an example for what we should expect. peace nig


Well-Known Member
Well if its supposed to happen near the end then I'm not concerned cuz its a bit further along than halfway 3-4 more weeks to go til harvest. And would it be wise to chop those yellowing leaves off or just leave 'em there?

Thanks for subscribing and thanks for the insight bro.


Well-Known Member
people might tell u to leave them, others will tell you to take them off. its up to u, i would say leave it and let it fall off itself. are u using mollasess for the buds? if u aint u should. the plant loves it during flowering.


Well-Known Member
I've been using molasses since vegging with this one. I've upped the amount since it started budding. Since like day 1 of budding I've noticed crystals allover the bud sites. I think it was the molasses. Every time I give it mollasses (once to twice a week) the budz double in size in a day or 2 its crazy to watch. I heard ur supposed to get crystals near the end of budding with most but some have the genes to do it at the beggining or you think its the molasses? Either way I'm stoked about the crystals just oozing off the shit. If you look at some of the bud pics by clicking on it while viewing you can zoom in the pic and sorta see the crystals in some of the pics. I use my girls camera on her fone which is better than the actual camera I have so the pics are a bit limited but enough to see whatcha gutta see.

I just can't wait to smoke some of my own shit that I've grown and worked hard for. I can't wait to have that feeling of pride you know. Plus this particular strain is my favorite weed ever to smoke so thats a deffinite plus.:weed:


Well-Known Member
u need to read up on some stuff before u give this a go again.. that plant will yeild a joint IF U R LUCKY...

srry to be a downer.. .. ..


Well-Known Member
u need to read up on some stuff before u give this a go again.. that plant will yeild a joint IF U R LUCKY...

srry to be a downer.. .. ..
I've read enough dude. I'm more of a outdoor grower anyway. And its got about a joints worth right now and getting bigger.

U can be a hater if you want dude. Not like this is a commercial grow or I'm trying to grow the next cannabis cup winner or nothing. Just want the pride of my own smoke. Plus the only female out of 3.


Well-Known Member
I've read enough dude. I'm more of a outdoor grower anyway. And its got about a joints worth right now and getting bigger.

U can be a hater if you want dude. Not like this is a commercial grow or I'm trying to grow the next cannabis cup winner or nothing. Just want the pride of my own smoke. Plus the only female out of 3.
im not trying to be a dick @ all!!!!!!!

i see how that sounded pompus, i apologize, I see where ya coming from !

Is this ur first indoor then?

Just getting ur feet yet?


Well-Known Member
Well this current plant is sorta my second indoor but thats cuz my first was a male if u read the begining you can see that wierd plant in the tiny box lol. This plant was one I had going good outside for awhile and it got too cold so I brought it in. Yeah just sorta getting a feel for it. Next grow I intend to be way more serious and invest alittle more for some high grade sensi smoke. You gutta grow some ghetto shit before you can grow award winning plants you know?Aim for the stars start from the dirt you know dude. STONED:joint::joint::joint::blsmoke:

This one right now was the first plant I've ever topped and did intentional trimming. I butchered it, it had a slow beggining but now its doing strong and making some crystally little buds there gunna be 2 lolipop buds off it and I have plans to roll them into 2 joints each after drying and curing lol. 1 for me n my friends 1 for me and my fiancee.


Well-Known Member
Well this current plant is sorta my second indoor but thats cuz my first was a male if u read the begining you can see that wierd plant in the tiny box lol. This plant was one I had going good outside for awhile and it got too cold so I brought it in. Yeah just sorta getting a feel for it. Next grow I intend to be way more serious and invest alittle more for some high grade sensi smoke. You gutta grow some ghetto shit before you can grow award winning plants you know?Aim for the stars start from the dirt you know dude. STONED:joint::joint::joint::blsmoke:

This one right now was the first plant I've ever topped and did intentional trimming. I butchered it, it had a slow beggining but now its doing strong and making some crystally little buds there gunna be 2 lolipop buds off it and I have plans to roll them into 2 joints each after drying and curing lol. 1 for me n my friends 1 for me and my fiancee.

i def agree u need to do it getto and learn before u spend money and alot of time i currently have one plant and its outside now but its getting cold and i think that mine is some kinda sativa so i dont know what im gonna do cant go inside so i think ill just chop it this weekend. sweet little plant and it has def added alot of weight since comming in good job


Well-Known Member
So 2 of the yellowing leaves fell off wasn't concerned I bumped one with my finger on accident and i thought I damaged it so I lightly tapped the other extreamly pale white/yellow leaf and it just ploped off so I wasn't worried. 2 days ago I gave it a good flush and some mollasses. The buds have deffinitly fattened up. They are getting so delicious looking. The under bud growth is coming along too I took one pic of that.

1st pic - How I set my lights n shit.
2nd pic- Give ya an idea of the size with my blackstrap mollassas.
3rd Pic - The bigger of the nugs
4th pic - The under bud growth I was reffering to its on the other branch as well and just as big
5th pic - The smaller nug out of the big nug tops also the more matured looking one for some reason.
6th pic- I really like the angle of this pic the closer of the tops is the smaller one the bigger is in the back obviously lol my fav pic so far



Well-Known Member
they are looking good man... i gotta give you rep just for learning the right way... at least the right way in my opinion... those same values are what i have based my grow off of... start small (with dirt), then go big or go home (shooting for the stars)... get your feet wet first, then slowly wade in to deep waters... ur grow isnt too big, neither is mine... but as you said, we will both smoke our own shit... what joy that will be... ignore the nay sayers and do what you want... you control your plant... it doesnt control you... you wanted a dual lollipop plant and you got one... mite not be a fucking 3 foot cola, but it WILL get you and your chick stoned... i will subscribe... i am curious how much bud you will yeild... i am guessing (and pleased dont be mad that it isnt as high as you may have wanted it to be) it will be somewhere around 5 grams dry weight... which really isnt that bad... i would be happy if i got that of of mine, but i wont... i suspect me to get about half of that... due to me only having one 3 inch cola i will harvest... anyways... looking good and i will follow this ( i ramble when i am not stoned)...


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro you get what its all about fo sho. I'm aiming for a 1/4 in dry weight but in reality I'm expecting an 1/8th or so but either way its still my own smoke regardless of how much it is. :bigjoint:

Plus I've never seen Maine Greenbud with crystals all over it like this and that just amazes me.

( i ramble when i am not stoned)...
hahah I have the opposite problem man. If I'm stoned I'll like non stop talk and get way off subject with everything I talk about lol. At the moment though dead sober waiting for 4:20 to toke the last bong pack outa the ice bong.bongsmilie

Pce n stay high man


Well-Known Member
yeah man... i have a pretty nifty roor... my favorite part about it, besides the ash catcher is the ice chamber... a bong is not a bong without ice... about seeing the green bud all crystaled and shit... i understand.. the bud i grow or will grow will prolly be from schwag for awhile until i figure out alot more... i dont want to waste money on good genetics and not be able to grow it out rite... i need knowledge before i need a muh fuckin cannabis shooting for the stars once again... keep it real, and like i said i will follow... my work allows me to spend 75% of my day online, so i will use it to follow yours and others grows... it's sorta like we grow it with you when we follow, due to advice given...and also we basically only get good piks till we smoke it, in which i can view you piks all day and enjoy your grow with you... all the way up to harvest... and then YOU really get to enjoy it...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm gunna start taking more pics every day or so because I notice it grows a bit every day its pretty steady. And most def I'm gunna hafta follow this journal with a smoke report.

Tell me how ur shwag smokes man I'm most interested in that because I'm looking to grow a buncha shwag and brick seeds outdoors next season. Of course your shwag will prolly be better than the initial bag was dude.


Well-Known Member
I'm so high I'm loving this yellowy kush hmmmmmmmm not much to say I've been drooling over these nugs. They're starting to smell like a skunks asshole.:leaf: I can't wait to smoke this shit man.

I got pictures I'll descuss shit tommorow I'm to fried to pay attention to shit



Well-Known Member
No one got shit to say... Thats shitty.

hahah anyway

Heres the name of my piece's in the pic in the last post.

I named them very simply
Big bong
Tiny bong
Big bowl
Tiny bowl

I bet you can't figure out whos name belongs to who lol. :bigjoint:

P.s. still as high if not higher than the night before lol kush r good


Well-Known Member
Guess know ones interested.... hmmmph kids today.... lol

Bump:wall: more pics up later today or tommorow not much happening. I mostly notice the growth everytime I give it the mollasses. Then for a while after it slows til the next feeding. I'll prolly feed it today and take pics today and tommorow so everyone else can see what I see the shit like fattens up almost instantly it seems overnight a day after I give it molasses. its fucked man. This plants eatten so much of this shit. I've been giving it molasses through the whole growth process and it loves it occassionally I add a tiny bit of clover honey to the conconcion just for added carbs.