I don't hold a grudge against the guys who "invented" the hula hoop or the pet rock either, although I am sensitive to trickery in marketing. Of course it works well, it's dwc, but it's very debatable whether it is any kind of improvement. And debate is what is not allowed. Back when I sported the bubbleheads logo (that's right I was a charter member) I was viciously attacked for suggesting in one post that "maybe" the pump and tubes could be left out. That's when I saw the light (and the dogma and the hypocrisy). The idea of leaving out the pump and tubes is anathema because it could burst the (pardon the pun) bubble.
I'm not looking for a guru and I'm not going to be anyone's blind follower. Unfortunately many will. No-one wants to explain why pumping water to the inner root zone (whatever that means) is so special, it's just another kind of drip. Instead noobs are being shown pictures as proof that prove nothing. They are supposed to think - "if I buy this I can grow that." Well of course they can, but they could without it too. It's like putting a fifth wheel on a car and calling it a breakthrough. The fact is that if the cube is damp enough and not too wet it doesn't matter a hill of beans how that was achieved.
As for "bubbleponics" being a craze, in what reality is that? It is a small minority of people on riu using it, and half of those using the term bubbleponics are not using the pump and feeder tubes at all. Sophanox, you are being open-minded and objective and I see that in all your posts. Don't end up like Galileo.
Because a select few offended you, your group us all into one category ? And label us all ? Thanks...
The feeder tubes provide more water, and more nutes directly to the plant. These nutes, and the water do not have to travel as far up the plant in order to be used. They take a "shortcut" with the feeder tubes.
Same reason why foliar feeding is used by some people. Quicker travel for the nutes/water.
Both of these were answered in some semi-recent ask-ed's. That is Ed Rosenthal. A far bigger name in botany then Illegal Smile I think.
Have you considered maybe, that you are the one with blinders on ? Roseman has made DIY threads, teaching people how to make this system on the cheap, easily, without using the "evil" SH "empire". He tells us where else to buy the parts, he has done the research to make sure we get the best deals on these parts when we follow his advice. He is nothing but helpful. I would say a good 1/4 or more of the bubbleheads have a DIY tub vs. sh mail order tub. Ordering from SH is just easy and quick for me. Next up is a ebb and flow project. I grow in soil outside. I don't have any bias towards any method of growing. We are all looking for the same goal. We all have something in common. Why not spread love vs. hate ? Encourage vs. talk down. Be happy my friend.
You also talk about marketing, as if advertising is bad ? Or do you think it has to be exact ? Do you think K&N filters add 10+HP ? Nope, but they claim to. Does that mean they are garbage and there is no science behind it and it's a gimick ? Nope. You toot your own horn when advertising. You have to. Over hype it. It's all part of the "game". But, for the record, I have never seen a bubblehead talk down about other systems the way YOU do, constantly might I add.
Note that when they are unable or unwilling to respond to the message, they attack the individual. You don't see that with the confident.
I have tried
repeated debate with you. I have even
pm'd you as to keep it private. You have
never responded to me, not once. I have been nothing but nice and respectful to you. Heck, you are still listed under "friend" on this account here. I don't understand why you have so much distaste for us...
And why do you consider this an attack ? Not to offend, but are you hyper sensitive ? If so, maybe the internet isn't the best social media for you. Again, no offense met. I just do not understand how you get offended by someone pointing out your qualifications, or lack thereof. You spew your opinion all over this site as if it is fact. Yet, you have nothing that qualifies you as a growing expert, or a knowledgeable grower in any stretch of the imagination. You have zero first hand experience. You remind me of those child rearing books, written by authors who have never once had a child. You give advice on T-5 lighting, but have never used it. Advice on bubbleponics, but haven't been successful with it. I just understand where you get off on this "smack talk"
Good luck with life. You will need it if this is any reflection of who you are. Take care IS and best wishes.

Nothing but love.