OK, first off, this thread is going to have a few rules. I know, but I gotta do it. We've had too many threads already that just turn into garbage because everyone is free to post whatever they want. So I'm going to ask everyone who decides to post in this thread to PLEASE FOLLOW THE RULES AND RESPECT THEM.
1. Personal attacks will not be tolerated, this goes for everyone, no exceptions
2. Stay on point
3. Keep in mind the goal of the thread with each post you make
4. Keep your posts limited to one paragraph, and explain everything you are trying to communicate as clearly as possible (imagine you are explaining your opinion to a child)
5. (and this one is very important) Once a point has been made and a counterpoint offered, SOMEONE MUST CONCEDE THAT THEY ARE WRONG! That makes the thread unique, and it shows US ALL where we may have flaws, and gives us a goal to work towards
Alright, so basically this is what I was thinking... Someone asks a question they've had about a belief, I have a million of them myself, stuff that just never made any sense to me in my own mind, stuff I've always been looking for an answer for. So anyone is allowed to pose a question, anyone is allowed to post a reply. The main thing is I'd like to keep on topic and not move to another point before the question has been answered to the askers satisfaction, and someone admits where they may have been wrong in their thinking. We gotta remember guys, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being wrong about something, all of us have been wrong. What is wrong is when you won't admit when you're wrong, when you keep thinking or doing the same thing because you think whatever it is is right. That is the definition of insanity. That's what we want to avoid! We're all guilty of that as well.
So, I'll start.
I pose this question mainly to any believer of the Abrahamic religions.
-Why would God give us this incredible gift of knowledge with the ability to figure out the background of the universe, figure out exactly how things work, what everything is made of, where we come from, but then have all* the information gathered through it contradict what all of the religions say about such questions, and what do you think is the most logical reason to why such a God might punish it's creation for pondering such questions?
*virtually all, ex. 99% of the data collected on evolution agrees with predictions of the theory of evolution, it all compliments eachother
Thanks guys, lets keep this civil and prove that believers and non believers can actually accomplish something other than a 100 page bitch/argue fest!

1. Personal attacks will not be tolerated, this goes for everyone, no exceptions
2. Stay on point
3. Keep in mind the goal of the thread with each post you make
4. Keep your posts limited to one paragraph, and explain everything you are trying to communicate as clearly as possible (imagine you are explaining your opinion to a child)
5. (and this one is very important) Once a point has been made and a counterpoint offered, SOMEONE MUST CONCEDE THAT THEY ARE WRONG! That makes the thread unique, and it shows US ALL where we may have flaws, and gives us a goal to work towards
Alright, so basically this is what I was thinking... Someone asks a question they've had about a belief, I have a million of them myself, stuff that just never made any sense to me in my own mind, stuff I've always been looking for an answer for. So anyone is allowed to pose a question, anyone is allowed to post a reply. The main thing is I'd like to keep on topic and not move to another point before the question has been answered to the askers satisfaction, and someone admits where they may have been wrong in their thinking. We gotta remember guys, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being wrong about something, all of us have been wrong. What is wrong is when you won't admit when you're wrong, when you keep thinking or doing the same thing because you think whatever it is is right. That is the definition of insanity. That's what we want to avoid! We're all guilty of that as well.
So, I'll start.
I pose this question mainly to any believer of the Abrahamic religions.
-Why would God give us this incredible gift of knowledge with the ability to figure out the background of the universe, figure out exactly how things work, what everything is made of, where we come from, but then have all* the information gathered through it contradict what all of the religions say about such questions, and what do you think is the most logical reason to why such a God might punish it's creation for pondering such questions?
*virtually all, ex. 99% of the data collected on evolution agrees with predictions of the theory of evolution, it all compliments eachother
Thanks guys, lets keep this civil and prove that believers and non believers can actually accomplish something other than a 100 page bitch/argue fest!