do these look healthy? cfl grow**alaska ice

ok so I have these two "feminized alaska ice" seeds. They sprouted and have been under 4 27 watt 5500k, and 2 26 watt 6500k cfl's in tote, with fan going for 2 weeks now
watering only when it dries out
lights are 20/4 and plants are 1-2 inches from lights. They seem to be doing just fine, big ones leaves seem to point downwards but looks healthy and small one is growing but the growth is very compact and much slower then bigger one.

dont mind the duct tape, i got these givin to me in the clear cups and heard clear wasnt good so i just taped them up until I transplant.

any thoughts?comments?



Well-Known Member
transplant into a deeper pot.
a plant's size is limited by its root growth
also those plastic cups have a way of not letting any oxygen get to the roots because of no drainage holes, the water pools in the cup and causes the soil to compact...
just my .02
transplant into a deeper pot.
a plant's size is limited by its root growth
also those plastic cups have a way of not letting any oxygen get to the roots because of no drainage holes, the water pools in the cup and causes the soil to compact...
just my .02

actually the bottoms are littlered with holes and bottom edges but still small cups, also if I transplant to new soil do you think I should hit it off with superthrive or some nutes? they will be going in 2:1 fox farm ocean forest/ pro mix. also do you think my lights are sufficient? i mention them in first post.

thanks again keep it coming


Well-Known Member
It looks like you have a magnesium deficiency going on. What type of soil are they in now? Im using Pro-Mix BX and im disappointed in the soil myself. Im gonna pick up some FFOF like you and cut it with my remaining Pro-Mix till it runs out. Dont forget to get some perlite to increase aeration for your new mix.

It wouldn't hurt to up the lights. Your plants are lagging behind, but it may have more to do with nut def.

Heres a good link for you to look over and study lots OP. It'll probably be your most important tool for growing, imo.
It looks like you have a magnesium deficiency going on. What type of soil are they in now? Im using Pro-Mix BX and im disappointed in the soil myself. Im gonna pick up some FFOF like you and cut it with my remaining Pro-Mix till it runs out. Dont forget to get some perlite to increase aeration for your new mix.

It wouldn't hurt to up the lights. Your plants are lagging behind, but it may have more to do with nut def.

Heres a good link for you to look over and study lots OP. It'll probably be your most important tool for growing, imo.

thanks man appreciate it

I am about to transplant the bigger one, roots are hitting the side walls of the cup so they need room to grow, also its currently in pro mix not sure what kind, but i know it had a low NPK also I topped it off with FFOF for strength and to introduce small amount of nuts, hasnt seemed to help. I am about to check out that link, they are going into the fox farm ocean forest/ pro mix 2:1 mix so there is plenty of nutes in there hopefully it does the trick, I just dont want to transplant to ealry, does this sound like what I should do to yall?

thanks again by the way


Well-Known Member
Definitely time to transplant, and when you do, bury those babies up to about an inch below the leaves.


Well-Known Member
thanks man appreciate it

I am about to transplant the bigger one, roots are hitting the side walls of the cup so they need room to grow, also its currently in pro mix not sure what kind, but i know it had a low NPK also I topped it off with FFOF for strength and to introduce small amount of nuts, hasnt seemed to help. I am about to check out that link, they are going into the fox farm ocean forest/ pro mix 2:1 mix so there is plenty of nutes in there hopefully it does the trick, I just dont want to transplant to ealry, does this sound like what I should do to yall?

thanks again by the way

Your fine to transplant now. Just make sure the soil is fairly dry and pulling away from the inside of the cup. Ive had a bad transplant because the soil was too moist. Plant is doing okay though.

A fool-proof way to transplant with dixie cups is to cut the bottom inch or two off, then place into new medium. The roots will grow downwards through the cup. Hard to fuck up that way.

Heres a great article that debunks the myth of superthrive.
Your fine to transplant now. Just make sure the soil is fairly dry and pulling away from the inside of the cup. Ive had a bad transplant because the soil was too moist. Plant is doing okay though.

A fool-proof way to transplant with dixie cups is to cut the bottom inch or two off, then place into new medium. The roots will grow downwards through the cup. Hard to fuck up that way.

yea man good idea, but im just going to cut the cup away since its such thin plastic, I just wonder if I should use the superthrive or if it wont matter. I was givin some and feel like I need to use it...haha



Well-Known Member
yea man good idea, but im just going to cut the cup away since its such thin plastic, I just wonder if I should use the superthrive or if it wont matter. I was givin some and feel like I need to use it...haha

Smart move. If at all possible for my next transplant, Ill cut the bottom away, then make some cuts vertically along one side, backfill the dirt, then gently snap apart the pot at its weakpoints and lift it straight up out of the dirt. No more collapsing rootballs for me :).
Smart move. If at all possible for my next transplant, Ill cut the bottom away, then make some cuts vertically along one side, backfill the dirt, then gently snap apart the pot at its weakpoints and lift it straight up out of the dirt. No more collapsing rootballs for me :).

It's Genius!! haha


Well-Known Member
Interesting article DaveCoulier, thanks for shareing. I don't entirely believe it, however. My first grow, I didn't have Superthrive, didn't use it. Second grow I did. All three plants were chopped within a few days of each other (they wound up flowering together). After I was done, I emptied the soil out into my yard. I found that in both of the plants from my second grow, the roots were nearly twice as large, and stronger, than those of the first. I could grasp the main stalk of the first plant and rip it out of the soil. The second grow plants, I wound up pulling the entire wad out of their three gallon buckets - roots, soil and all - couldn't rip it.
Now I'd like to mention - aside from me learning a thing or three, Superthrive was the only product difference between the two grows.
So maybe it works, and maybe it doesn't - but I'm gonna keep using it.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Id love to be able to do a side by side with superthrive w/ enough plants where you actually have a sample size that means something, but Im not able to do that. I think Ill do a search and see if anyone has done that before. Maybe there is something in it that actually helps that isn't B-1. I dunno. Anyone wanna give me some for free so I can try it someday? :)

Heres a link to the main page for some more good reading if you're interested:

I found a little info about a side by side study(not using Marijuana though). The clones were treated with Superthrive and they showed faster root development than those without, yet there was no visible difference between plants above the surface. It was repeated multiple times and the same hold true everytime.

Heres the link if anyones interested in reading it.
thanks for all the info and what not.

idk if your looking for free superthrive...or plants...but the superthrive is only 10 bux at walmart or wat not...haha

maybe ill turn this into a journal...could be interesting...cfl***superethrive***AK Ice**grow