Where Y'all from?


Well-Known Member
Here's how it works, You're all silly about your locations.
Just yell where you're at currently and where you're originally from. You can be vague or detailed. Vague in sense of at least giving a state/province to the country you Harald to.

I'm Canadian/American
Live in Ontario.
Was born in Texas U.S.A.
Irish background - both my parents parents 100% Irish immigration station.
Want to live in: South Africa, without the material inconveniences of living in South Africa.


Any other Canadians aboot?


Well-Known Member
Born: Virginia
Currently lives: Georgia
Wants to live: MMJ State with nice college :)

DJ, why you wanna go to South Africa? Not knockin it or anything but it's not typically a westerners retreat haha.


Active Member
Born on the planet Orax 3 in the Dephius star system galactic year 45678903425j. Only here to grow and find weed to harvest and sell on my planet. A quarter oz on Orax 3 runs about 60 gillaks or about 1000 Earth dollars.


Well-Known Member
Nice you basturd, I wish you luck.
And, it seems suitable for growing, beautiful weather, decent people, awesome culture, and it's fucking cheap.(All listed before apply to everything and anything there, not just for growing specifically now that I read it.) I could live in relaxation the rest of my life.
However, of course, there'd be an exchange. Cant have everything now can we? I'd lose all of my lovely material possessions like super market convenience, the internet(reasonable internet) and access to purchase as a luxury shared by most first world countries. Not much of which reside typically within South America.

C'est la vie though.


Well-Known Member
born in los angeles.,.,
still in los angeles.,.,.,.,
going to africa.,.,
where i belong.,.,
black and irish decent.,.,
yellow like cheese.,.,hair like wo0l.,.,eyes green like sensi.,.,.
the girls love me.,.,


Active Member
Born and raised in Newburgh NY
Residing in GA north of ATL
I want to move back to NY
then ultimately retire in Canada


Active Member
i live near an area in so-cali where you can find about 200 medical dispensaries in the surrounding cities :bigjoint:
not really vague but u can get a good idea.


Born & raised in San Antonio, Texas.. lived here my whole life.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
ive been to many parts of soth af. and it was much like the us in most places i went to
there were citys and skyscrapers and it seemed like a gr8 place to live
but i did not go to the country side