Max Yield


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that's exactly what I needed to hear. This is a pic of a big plant, if might give you an idea of the yield that I'm aiming for, only indoors instead of outdoors. (Please turn the XX's back into tt's) hXXp://

And on this page (step 3) I beleive that may be a pic of the top halves of big plants curing. Now that's what I call max yield. hXXp://

Do you know if you can grow plants this big using hydro?

Any problems with the rocks getting dirty over time? (or any other problems?)

Are there any strains that are better to use if you want plants of this size? (or what's the best strain to use?)

Thanks again

Ok everyone, I've begun to plan. I'm going to reveg my plants after harvest so I'll never need to start more clones as long as the sex of the plants remain female. Also, the plant should get bigger each time I harvest and produce more yeild. I'll have to use dirt because hydro wont support the weight of a big plant and I don't want to have to re-tie the plants every day to support the weight.

I can buy rooted clones to get this party started, but I'm limited to the strains that I have access to. The first dispensory I contacted has 2 strains available currently, Skunk & Sour Diesel.

Skunk seems to be a pretty generic term. I'm not sure it's even a real strain. But are either of these strains suited for the type of growing that I'm going to be doing.

I liked the NY Diesel that I used to get on the east coast, how close to that strain is Sour Diesel?

The dispensory told me that they have different clone strains available at different times, so if there's a strain that I should be seeking for this type of growing please let me know.


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone, I've begun to plan. I'm going to reveg my plants after harvest so I'll never need to start more clones as long as the sex of the plants remain female. Also, the plant should get bigger each time I harvest and produce more yeild. I'll have to use dirt because hydro wont support the weight of a big plant and I don't want to have to re-tie the plants every day to support the weight.

I can buy rooted clones to get this party started, but I'm limited to the strains that I have access to. The first dispensory I contacted has 2 strains available currently, Skunk & Sour Diesel.

Skunk seems to be a pretty generic term. I'm not sure it's even a real strain. But are either of these strains suited for the type of growing that I'm going to be doing.

I liked the NY Diesel that I used to get on the east coast, how close to that strain is Sour Diesel?

The dispensory told me that they have different clone strains available at different times, so if there's a strain that I should be seeking for this type of growing please let me know.

P.S. I'm going to start building the room tommorow (hopefully). I can go around and collect the information that I'll need, but it would help a lot if I could find a diagram of what a grow room with individually potted plants should look like. Anyone know of any diagrams like that out there (I'm really good with diagrams)
Your question: Can You Trim Bud And Leave The Plant Alive To ReGrow Bud?

Well, you *can*... but I wouldn't recommend it.

You can trim the bud off a plant and try to "re-veg" it and regrow the same plant. It's technicially possible. The process stresses the plant immensely (making it possible for your female to grow male organs and pollinate all over your plants, seeding your bud and making it worthless for your situation) as well as providing a diminishing return. In other words, a plant that once yielded three ounces might only yield half that if you reveg that plant. And you would still have to re-veg the plant before putting it back into eight more weeks of bloom, so why take a diminishing return instead of just spending the extra couple weeks in veg and getting a plant that will give a full yield?

For "Maximum Yield", there are a ton of factors... type of grow (soil or hyrdo, personally I'm a soil guy), the strain that you grow, the equipment that you use (lights, nutriants). Strain selection is really important - take some time and do some research before just grabbing seed and getting started. Plus differant strains treat differant problems in a medicinal state.


Active Member
P.S. I'm going to start building the room tommorow (hopefully). I can go around and collect the information that I'll need, but it would help a lot if I could find a diagram of what a grow room with individually potted plants should look like. Anyone know of any diagrams like that out there (I'm really good with diagrams)
yo dannygreeneyes. did you used to live in g-wood? i think we know each other. anyway, in colorado you can posses 3 plants in veg and 3 plants in flower.


Well-Known Member
you really can't find any good clones where you are..?
colorado has sooooo many good strains going around.
i can point you to a dispensary that sells TGA seeds too..
they are sexing their TGA plants and should have clones in a month.
pm me if you want to talk..

co law is 3 plants in veg 3 plants in flower.
any more than 3 plants in flower and you're outside the law.


Well-Known Member
both skunk and Sour D are great strains. I'd get some of each.

Yeah, I was doing some thinking, and I was thinking maybe 3 strains, 2 of each. This way if one goes male I can destroy it and start over with a clone from the other.

But if I'm only allowed 3 flowering at a time then I'll probably do 2 strains, 3 of each and make a seperate room for each strain so I can flower them seperately.

Is Skunk an acutal strain? I always thought it was a generic term for good stinky bud.


Well-Known Member
Your question: Can You Trim Bud And Leave The Plant Alive To ReGrow Bud?

Well, you *can*... but I wouldn't recommend it.

You can trim the bud off a plant and try to "re-veg" it and regrow the same plant. It's technicially possible. The process stresses the plant immensely (making it possible for your female to grow male organs and pollinate all over your plants, seeding your bud and making it worthless for your situation) as well as providing a diminishing return. In other words, a plant that once yielded three ounces might only yield half that if you reveg that plant. And you would still have to re-veg the plant before putting it back into eight more weeks of bloom, so why take a diminishing return instead of just spending the extra couple weeks in veg and getting a plant that will give a full yield?

For "Maximum Yield", there are a ton of factors... type of grow (soil or hyrdo, personally I'm a soil guy), the strain that you grow, the equipment that you use (lights, nutriants). Strain selection is really important - take some time and do some research before just grabbing seed and getting started. Plus differant strains treat differant problems in a medicinal state.
There has to be a way. A few messages ago I posted a link to a pic of a big outdoor plant around 6 foot. Since it's an outdoor plant it has to flower at least twice a year, and at that size it's at least a year old. So if that plant can survive & thrive after 2 or more flowering periods then there has to be a way to do it indoors.

The only fear that I had.... The pics that I used to see in Hi Times of the guys with guns in the middle of fields full of plants over 6 ft. in S America were pictures of where the "doo doo brown" comes from, if you follow my meaning.

I'll experiment with the first few flowering periods and try to get this to work and I'll let everyone know how it's going & if there are any secrets that I figure out.

Oh, I'll be checking the plants daily so as long as I can tell right away when a plant turns male, then it shouldn't become much of a problem as long as it only happens occasionally.


Well-Known Member
you really can't find any good clones where you are..?
colorado has sooooo many good strains going around.
i can point you to a dispensary that sells TGA seeds too..
they are sexing their TGA plants and should have clones in a month.
pm me if you want to talk..

co law is 3 plants in veg 3 plants in flower.
any more than 3 plants in flower and you're outside the law.

Well, I haven't found any of the super strains yet. Either that or they're just not being grown properly. I saw some NY Diesel last time I went, but it smelled like hay so it wasn't cured properly. So I can't tell you if it was actually NY Diesel or not. I can tell you that the Maui Wowie wasn't real, still wasn't too bad though.

Not sure what TGA is but I can't wait a month. In the video I saw with the guy with the green face, when he said a Qtr Lb in 2 months, I thought he meant total time for both veg & flowering stages. If I have to veg them for a month then flower them for 2 more months, I'm already looking at Dec or Jan before my first harvest. And since I'm growing in dirt it may take even longer.


Well-Known Member
Well, I haven't found any of the super strains yet. Either that or they're just not being grown properly. I saw some NY Diesel last time I went, but it smelled like hay so it wasn't cured properly. So I can't tell you if it was actually NY Diesel or not. I can tell you that the Maui Wowie wasn't real, still wasn't too bad though.

Not sure what TGA is but I can't wait a month. In the video I saw with the guy with the green face, when he said a Qtr Lb in 2 months, I thought he meant total time for both veg & flowering stages. If I have to veg them for a month then flower them for 2 more months, I'm already looking at Dec or Jan before my first harvest. And since I'm growing in dirt it may take even longer.

Hey everyone, just thought of another question.....

When it comes to re-veging. Would it cause less stress to the plant if you cut off the top half or if you just cut the buds off at the branch/stem?


Active Member
word. sounded like someone i used to work with. name was danny, had green eyes, sold him a qp of dank a week.


Well-Known Member
word. sounded like someone i used to work with. name was danny, had green eyes, sold him a qp of dank a week.

Hello again everyone. Thanks for all your help so far. I was on line doing some research and ran across a site that talks about regenerating plants after harvest. (reveging) I ran across some info and need it verified, this may also help if others if there's any truth to these claims. The site is greenmanspage . com

Quote 1: You can stop any watering as the plants begin to make the resin rise to the flowers. This will increase the resin a bit.

Question: Is this true? and if true, when do the plants start to make the resin rise?

Quote 2: If the plants are sprayed with Ethel early in their growing stage, they
will produce almost all female plants. This usually speeds up the flowering
also, it may happen in as little as two weeks.

Question: If Ethel is good for female production & encourages flowering, then can it also be used on stressed plants to "soothe" them and reduce the risk they'll turn male after a harvest?

Quote 3: (MOST IMPORTANT) You can employ a growth changer called Colchicine. This is a bit hard to
get and expensive. (Should be ordered through a lab of some sort and costs
about $35 a gram.)

To use the Colchicine, you should prepare your presoaking solution of
distilled water with about 0.10 per cent Colchicine. This will cause many of
the seeds to die and not germinate, but the ones that do come up will be
polyploid plants. This is the accepted difference between such strains as
"gold" and normal grass, and yours will DEFINITELY be super weed.

The problem here is that Colchicine is a poison in larger quantities and
bay be poisonous in the first generation of plants. Bill Frake, author of
CONNOISSEUR'S HANDBOOK OF MARIJUANA runs a very complete Colchicine treatment
down and warns against smoking the first generation plants (all succeeding
generations will also be polyploid) because of this poisonous quality.

However, the Medical Index shows Colchicine being given in very small
quantities to people for treatment if various ailments. Although these
quantities are small, they would appear to be larger than any you could receive
form smoking a seed-treated plant.

It would be a good idea to buy a copy of CONNOISSEUR'S, if you are
planning to attempt this, and read Mr. Drake's complete instructions.

(Sorry, I know that's a long quote, but I dont want to be responsible for someone getting poisoned, so I had to paste the whole thing)

Question: Is this really how super plants are made? If yes, is there any other way?

Question: Does anyone know if Colchicine purchases are on any kind of govt watch list?

Quote 4: Another still-experimental process to increase the resin it to pinch off the leaf tips as soon as they appear from the time the plant is in the seedling
stage on through its entire life-span. This produces a distorted, wrecked-looking plant which would be very difficulty to recognize as marijuana.
Of course, there is less substance to this plant, but such wrecked creatures
have been known to produce so much resin that is crystallizes a strong hash all
over the surface of the plant - might be wise to try it on a plant or two and
see what happens

Question: Do the plants really create more resin in response to leaves getting damaged?

Question: As long as you only pinch off the very tip of the leaf, will there be enough leaf left for the plant to eat & breathe?


Well-Known Member
top and supercrop... that will maximize ur 6 plants into so much... i pulled 17 zips off 7 plants 6 weeks vegged(toped and supercropped) and a 1000 ... the 4x5 area was a blanket of weed, no holes or gaps...

cropping(LST, super-cropping,) is to train and menipulate ur plant... u bend the plant sideways which tricks the plant to grow vertical shoots at the nodes... the more nodes u have above ur bend (menipulation) the more shoots will grow and become tops... by doing this ur optimizing ur lights cause they will only penatrate so deep, SC will alow those lil buds at the bottem to become tops, by keeping ur canopy short and even.. and ur optimizing ur space cuz u pretty much make a blanket of weed rather then having areas /holes where buds could fit... supercroppin is so benifical espeacilly if plant numbers is an issuse..
check this link it will explain the process and such... check it good if it intrests u cuz every QnA is in there... even 1's u didnt think to ask... cheers


Well-Known Member
top and supercrop... that will maximize ur 6 plants into so much... i pulled 17 zips off 7 plants 6 weeks vegged(toped and supercropped) and a 1000 ... the 4x5 area was a blanket of weed, no holes or gaps...

cropping(LST, super-cropping,) is to train and menipulate ur plant... u bend the plant sideways which tricks the plant to grow vertical from its shoots at the nodes... the more nodes u have above ur bend (menipulation) the more shoots will grow and become tops... by doing this ur optimizing ur lights cause they will only penatrate so deep, SC will alow those lil buds at the bottem to become tops, by keeping ur canopy short and even.. and ur optimizing ur space cuz u pretty much make a blanket of weed rather then having areas /holes where buds could fit... supercroppin is so benifical espeacilly if plant numbers is an issuse..
check this link it will explain the process and such... check it good if it intrests u cuz every QnA is in there... even 1's u didnt think to ask... cheers
Thanks raider, I appreciate the help


Well-Known Member
npz... the guy who wrote that thread is like u, can only have 8 at a time.. ull see what he does... i do it all the time.. im a ferm beliver on it

Ok, 1 more long quote then I'm done for the night. This is the third way to harvest & regenerate that I've come across. Let me know which one you guys think is best. Thanks

Quote: Did you know it's totally possible to harvest a crop and then rejuvenate the marijuana plants into a vegetative state for a 2nd or more harvesting. When you harvest your plants for the first time, remove only about 1/2 to 1/3 of the very top buds. Leave the little bottom buds and small leaves. Throw the plant back into a vegetative state atmosphere i.e. change light timers and fertilizer. Pay attention and make sure the regenerating plants have enough nitrogen. This should ensure not too many of the remaining leaves will fall off. You should see new leaf growth in about 7 to 14 days. You'll notice the buds getting fatter and maybe adding more crystal to themselves. Allow the plant to grow at least a little bit before you go after those nice new phat buds on the bottom. Some friends have experimented with cloning at this point. It's pretty cool watching a bud get cloned and start to grow again. You can grow your new 2nd generation marijuana plant outside or inside, your choice. It seems 30 days is the going norm for growers to re-harvest. If you are into time schedules for new clones or seedlings and mature buds for harvest, this technique can fill any time gaps waiting for buds to mature. Pretty simple eh?


Well-Known Member
Ok, 1 more long quote then I'm done for the night. This is the third way to harvest & regenerate that I've come across. Let me know which one you guys think is best. Thanks

Quote: Did you know it's totally possible to harvest a crop and then rejuvenate the marijuana plants into a vegetative state for a 2nd or more harvesting. When you harvest your plants for the first time, remove only about 1/2 to 1/3 of the very top buds. Leave the little bottom buds and small leaves. Throw the plant back into a vegetative state atmosphere i.e. change light timers and fertilizer. Pay attention and make sure the regenerating plants have enough nitrogen. This should ensure not too many of the remaining leaves will fall off. You should see new leaf growth in about 7 to 14 days. You'll notice the buds getting fatter and maybe adding more crystal to themselves. Allow the plant to grow at least a little bit before you go after those nice new phat buds on the bottom. Some friends have experimented with cloning at this point. It's pretty cool watching a bud get cloned and start to grow again. You can grow your new 2nd generation marijuana plant outside or inside, your choice. It seems 30 days is the going norm for growers to re-harvest. If you are into time schedules for new clones or seedlings and mature buds for harvest, this technique can fill any time gaps waiting for buds to mature. Pretty simple eh?
i read a few yrs bak in a HT's mag that once u reveg a plant it loses its original qualilities... thats y u take clones