24 days old cfls grow PICS !!

Well there 42 watt and 23 half and half
and there 2 inches from tops
yeah itopped her
and u got two fans circulating the box
when does sex show it self?
New pics comeing tonighttt!!
What nuts is best for flower stage?

bone inc.

Active Member
your plants look good. like the others said , just give the plant some time and she will grow tall with cfl's... the lights you wanna look for are the daylight cfl's for growing(6500k) and the soft white cfl's for flowering (2700k)


Active Member
the reason why they are small and bushy is because the lights are close enough to the plants that they dont have to stretch for it,mine are doing the same thing as yours but they are WAYYYY bushier,im gonna let em go for another couple of weeks before i move my lights a lil farther away so that they stretch a lil before i switch to 12/12

edit:i just noticed you said you lights are like 2 and a half inches from the plants but in reality they are too far from the plants,your fan leaves are wide because they need more surface area to capture the light....mine are waaayyy closer to my plant than yours so my plants have secondary growth all over the stems,you have long stems with out any secondary growth on yours


Active Member
oh and im not knocking your plants they look fantastic,i just wanted to give a heads up as to why they are so short and stocky,im only growing one at the moment and it looks like im growing from a clone....super bushy,like i grew with metal halide(sort of)


Active Member
na its all good bro thanks for the heads up
so u saying move the light closer?
how close?
and how long u going to b veggin for?>
like i been veggin for like 3 and a half weeks,but to tell you the truth i stunted my plant cuz i had problems keeping the rez temps down,but since i fixed that problem my plants been takin off,the trick is to keep the lights as close as possible without burnin them for a couple of weeks(about an inch) put a fan on the lights so they dont burn the plants and just let em rock until she fills in,when she does she'll look completely different,my shit actualy looks like a fuckin clone how bushy she is,and as she fills in just move the lights back a lil bit at a time until she's where you wan her


Well-Known Member
Veg light color: 6500k (Kelvin) Best is 26 watt 6500k Daylight. They are still $6.97 for two (2) bulbs at Walmart.
Bloom light color 2500k to 4000k

My FRIENDS use the 26 watt cfls during both periods with great success. Each bulb puts off 1600 Lumens. Amazing!!


Well-Known Member
Also: raise the lights to 10" and let her stretch a bit.

My FRIENDS would put her into bloom the second the roots look developed enough. You've seen pics of those short little plants with two huge buds? Thats what you could do with this one.



Well-Known Member
Hey IWanna, Nice plants. I wouldn't stretch them, they look great just the way they are.
But that just my opinion.
Veg light color: 6500k (Kelvin) Best is 26 watt 6500k Daylight. They are still $6.97 for two (2) bulbs at Walmart.
Bloom light color 2500k to 4000k

My FRIENDS use the 26 watt cfls during both periods with great success. Each bulb puts off 1600 Lumens. Amazing!!
I fully understand the concept of using the daylight bulbs then the darker lower rating bulbs for growth, but what is Lumens and what does it have to do with the grow?
I fully understand the concept of using the daylight bulbs then the darker lower rating bulbs for growth, but what is Lumens and what does it have to do with the grow?
Lumens refer to the measure of how much a light a bulb puts off. Higher wattage bulbs have more lumens, which means their light dissipates later, thus more penetrating light to the plant.