First Grow! God's Haze With PICS


Active Member
Hey tmsculli my babies are actually 13 days into flowering as of today sunday october 11 2009... and they are doing fine lol i just water in that tub.. so that way its easier to drain out i guess.. and tkjoe my babies did actually already show there sex like some days ago i got 2 females out of 6 that i had... so 4 were male i thru them out and chopped them down also. Hey blackroses i cant wait to see sum budd to start forming my self bro so far the pistils are starting to come out a bit more i cant wait till they jus start producing sum budd REALLY EXCITED hoping for the best! stay tuned guys i will have an update for u guys soon


Well-Known Member
Sorry for you bad luck with those males. Plant Lookin real healthy mate :) I would definitely get on the fertilizers tho or you will see some deficiencies once you start making bud. If you havnt already I would start on molasses at least. My lady kush is getting yellow leaves and its 30 days into flowering, exactly a month today.

Good luck with those clones, pictures of em would be great:mrgreen::peace:. And maybe some close up of your bud sites. :leaf::-P


Active Member
hey thnx for the comment slagg3r and thnx klassen kidd i also noticed that sum fan leafs were starting to turn a bit yellowish.. im planning on giving them molasses soon and about the nutes.. i actually got to talk to the guy at the store where i get my nutes from.. he was actually advising me not to use no nutes jus yet cuz they mite jus b too strong for them because i am using MG SOIL so im pretty lost on the nute part.. he toll me that if i start seeing yellowish shit or shit go rong near the top or my budsites thats wen id really need it because rite now my 2 ladies are standing real tall and healthy from the looks of it and all i have been doing is feeding them water and thats it. But if n e thinks maybe i cud still use sum nutes with out burning them or killing them please let me no.. because so far they doing really good i will b posting sum pictures up today or tmr, im sorry i havnt really got to update as much latly iv been real bzy with skool and all but will b updating real soon! today or tmr with pics for sure.. so that way maybe u guys can suggest if i even need nutes or if i do what nutes wud b good for MG SOIL cuz it contains nutes in it from what i hurd.. well take care guys im out stay tuned for new updates for today or tmr

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
The guy at the store is right mg soil will feed your plants all the way to the end of harvest, you can feed near the end but very very week just as a top up.


Active Member
Hey guys im really sorry about the pics i have NO idea wtf is going on.. wen i finally was able to go down Yesterday and take sum pics of my ladies the fuken camera fuked up on me again! so i dunno wtf to do and my phone camera really SUXS.. but i am currently working on looking for a camera asap! that i can use if mine doesnt pull its self together and start snapping pictures... BUT I DO HAVE GOOD NEWS O MAAAN!!! I FELT SO HAPPY SEEING MY LADIES TODAY i can actually see the places where all the budd sites are O MAN O MAN!!! the pistils are EVERYWHERE i can actually see the budd beggining to form together its all hairy rite now im 3 weeks! into flowering now as of yesterday! they are looking very healthy! i cant wait to show u guys pictures PLEASE hang on guys i am trying my best to get u guys sum budd porn for sure very soon rite now im off to skool im already late as usual LOL take care guys stay tunes i will b trying my best to get a hold of a digi. camera


Well-Known Member
Sounds good bro, I'm currently day 15 flowering and I am pretty sure I have one male and two females. I am getting scared that I haven't seen any pistils yet. Are you just now starting week 3, or have you just completed week 3? Basically, are you at day 15 Flower or day 22 Flower?


Active Member
Sounds good bro, I'm currently day 15 flowering and I am pretty sure I have one male and two females. I am getting scared that I haven't seen any pistils yet. Are you just now starting week 3, or have you just completed week 3? Basically, are you at day 15 Flower or day 22 Flower?
hey bro umm i actually started noticing the pistils with in a week, 1 week max it took now im 3 weeks and 1 day into flowering so yes thats 22 days.. and my ladys look so hairy all over i see the pistils im just waiting on a camera so i can show u an example of what im talkin about and show u guys how the ladies are doing


Well-Known Member
Damn dude, check my journal in my sig. I updated pictures today. I have no pistils that I can see and today is Day 15 Flower.


Active Member
what kinda light schedule are you on man? and what kinda light, i forgot... im sure you are 12 and 12 was it an HPS?


Active Member
thnx for the bump welsh wizz i guess i really did need that since i got no new pics to show u guys as of for now!! FUKK lol yea man of course id love a new camera to take pics and show u guys;) lol but yea man im working on it BIG TIME im giving it my best to get a hold a camera and tkjoe im on the 12 and 12 bro come on as i member, me and u pretty much started this journey at the same time u planted urz 1 day after mine but started ur flowering earlier then me also... how long have u been in the flowering stage now? and im using two 250 watt HPS lights so in total 500 watts of hps. I have one 250 watt HPS light above the 2 ladies and one 250 watt HPS light hanging on the side to get all those branches some light also... HOPEFULLY i can do an update before this weekend goes by good luck with ur grow bro and thnx for the bumps and comments everything and anything always HELPS!!


Active Member
i started flowering on either the 27th or 28th of September. it was a few days before i left for my surfing trip. so almost a month ago.


Active Member
from whati have found with mine, the side lights dont seem to help. someone really close to me, said side lights dont help, and i didnt believe it, but when i added lights ont he side, i havent noticed any difference at all.


Well-Known Member
Great thread!!! I just spent about 30 minutes reading through most of it. You're plants look great. Quick question Newbganjafarma. How tall are they?


Active Member
:wall:... i really dont have much to say but its all over... i never slipped... myself.. but there was a snitch and cops took it all and sliced up my babies i feel like my own kids got snatched away from me and my dreams are completely shattered... all i gotta say is i wanna thank every1 on this site who helped me out thru out the whole way thru its means alot i learned sooo much! and straight fuck up im gonna go for another ROUND!! but im movin out so i'll b bak.. dunno when but .. soon. my heart is like broken i wanted to show u guys pics so bad but the fuken camera but THEY were buddding up they were all so hairy and crystals o man... im sorry i cudnt get u pics before all this bullshit had to happen. hope u guys enjoyed what i had goin atleast.. peace out:joint: