Mr Roseman,
I apologies for not keep to the mood of the "POT" forums. If'n I'm every too much out of line, please you'll let me know !My position is a unique one as I've mentioned. My only advice for the folks here, is your advice, like back at you.

Probaly get tired of samo el samo. My families who has heard so much about you, thinks I should just be myself for now. So mabey I can come looking just ordinary to you guys and spook you away. Leaving already, Love you Tiddles!!

+-What gets me is how you seem to have the patience of Job. Yet I'm ten years younger, and the patience of a Rattle Snake. Does ten years around the island really make that much difference. Perhaps you were born with it or gifted to from God, either way, extraordinary Sir!!!
Your expertise in the Bubblephonics field, is the facto standard, There is no use argueing it, I tell you it is so!

My brothernlaw is dying again from cancer , we've said good bye five time now. I've threatn to throw his in the ground and cover him with dirt, if he dosen't croak already. He heard all our sincerities many time over. He ready and we love him. So fuck 'em, his troubles are about over and we got to still eat broken glass around when he's gone. Lived in heaven for a week and ahalf some years ago, God had kill me and I had go down and face the Devil. But then he let me come up and live with him for awhile. Fantastic, he'll be in so such great hands. And we'll con't the WTF game with daily with God. Such is life.
Married with blond, big tits long legs, blue eyes. Yes, she is the bitch of bitches. So what wife isn't. She seven years my senior, more your age, than mine. 34 years, she's been hanging around, mabey magnatism and bitch run in the same family.
Texas born and bred, when she nailed me she drug my ass to Wash State. Worked in Wash, Montana, and Oregon Parks for some time , then God pulled me out and back home. Told me he was putting me on the back of the desert, for a period of rest, out of the church and everything, that was twenty something years ago. Still waiting, Re- trained myself to fixing, building Computer about 10 years or so ago. Originally thought I'd make some extra pepper for the salad, but just never had the heart to charge any one. I did charge one guy some time ago, because my wife said I should, they are always right of course, but it broke my heart and took the joy away I had gained from working on them. So I chose never Lord willing not to do so ever again. Wife reminds me the extra $20,000 in parts I'd given away as well. Women, got the memories of an elephant.
Please don't think I was an obediant servant of Christ. Far be it! I tried every possible way of getting out this hole I call it. Finally one day I told God , did'nt give a shit I waited long enough, going to go out any get job anyways. He said fine( guess he got tired of hearing bitch about everything)so He'd get me a job at the local cab company that afternoon, murder me that night and take my ass out of here for good. Fine I said ! Started up the car, grabbed the gear shift and then it crossed my mine that everything that God has ever told always came to pass. And did'nt really want to leave this shit hole this, this way after everything I've already been through. So I told God fine. Don't know what so damn important for me to being here anyways ! Well that afternoon the cab company in the little country town I live in hired a fellow, he was murdered that night for $22.00 from a couple of farm workers. So here I wait, with only the things that God has told me to offer anyone. Not that they want to hear it of course, goes without saying.
And yea, there times we needed money and of course pray O Lord you stingy bastard, we, need $34.17 cents to get by till next month after food etc.. And sure enough although nobody would know nothing of us, We, get a check for $34.17 in the mail the next day or two, from some yahoo we never heard of and on and on and on... I know Jews are suppose to be cheap skates but God, trust me on this, Knows how to save a buck. It's not that we' were lacking in anything. that any other extremely poor person might have. Clothes on the back, food in the stomach, such as it was.. I fear I bore you.
Many years ago, God told my wife and I we would not have many friends brought the point home by telling us three times already. And true enough as nice as I tried to be to people and give thousands away. Yet I've had one person come visit me in like 4 plus years. I do get some company when I can worked on someone's computer though. But that seems to be winding down now as well. Books, got lots and lots of books, yawn. Nice company for a lazy afternoon, I suppose. So where does "POT come in all this" They just passed a law in Wash State here a while back ,says you can have fifteen plants and 24 usuable ounces. So out of nothing than more than pure fucking spite, ( work for the state of Wash some years ago) I mabey do if for anything of sticking to this redicules State Government they have here. Use to smoke this years ago before and after becoming a Christian. I guess if'n he dosen't give a shit why should I, and so fuck the State!! Mabey you'd have to live here (God forbid!!)to understand. Liars, thiefs every damn one of them. Nothing new under the sun. Anyways, been checking into to it like, so far you and yours setup is about the only truly honest person not trying to score a buck. I also however learned some valuable lessons about growing pot if'n I decide to do it. Really hate to see you guys having to weasle your way around on the internet, I'm so sorry, for you guys, Hope God sends all your enemies straight to hell!! One thing about God though dosen't give an iota for anything I want. But mabey if'n you guys ask him mabey he'll send them to hell for you !! With God anything is possible and I'm not just a kidding he really is the wierdest S.O.B. I've ever known. Saw him kill people, just cause, wierrrrrd.... Haven't typed this much in one day in years. But thought I lay some ground work on how I was and my intentions. Wife says I got a kind of thing for laying my cards on the table and it sometime troubles people, I'm sorry if'n that is so. I have no idea if'n you or your friends have any intentions of listening to likes of me. But if anyhow I got to finally say THANK YOU to you Mr. Roseman and your friends as well.
One more thing, If'n I may, when the whole world throws you in the ditch and nobody is there to help you. Give me a call, who knows mabey I can do something, God Willing.......... Bob (509-943-0780) Smoke one for me one day ,guys THANKS!!