Ak-47 hempy winter grow!!!


Well-Known Member
looking good :hump: I have an ak47 hempy grow in my sig. Slow slow slow going until that tap root hits the rez, then its off to the races.
good to see you stop in boneman. I read your ak and ppp grow months ago. They were great lookin plants. Its what made me try it. How does the ak smoke???? I hope if i screw anything up your there to help thanks

my setup is in 5 gallon hempy buckets and i'm using just grow big with the everyday feeding guideline. I use a cap full per gallon of water and fill my buckets until water leaks from the hole in the bottom. Ever since i started the grow big the plants erupted.
i really think the ph i was watering with slowed the growth so much. Now that its right we'll see what happens. They get a full water tonight


Active Member
I have been, I read somewhere that with hempy buckets you can water it with full strength nutes everyday. I am not sure if that is true but, i have been filling a gallon of water with 1 capful of nutes and using half of it each day for the last week with no ill effects.


Well-Known Member
so, not much happened last night. i emptied the bad ph water out of the reserve. made a new nuted water mix. ph'd to 6.0 to 6.2. left the plants to set over night without new water. will water them tonight. will have pics of the room up first thing in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Ok i filled the reserves back up with correctly ph'd nute solution 6.0 to 6.2. Thought about putting the mylar that i have up but im going to wait till the ladies get a bit bigger and i put up the 600w hps. I did take a few pics of my redneck grow room. Its done on the cheap. But it works great and thats all that matters to me.

Here are the newest pics of the girls.

these are some shots of the room, my 600w light (it will most likely have a hood on it b/c i didnt buy a reflector bulb.


anyone know what could be up with this one. One set of fans are wrinkled and small. Dried looking. All the other leaves are in good shape.


Well-Known Member
My AK (I still have some for spec occasions) is absofuckingloutly awesome. One hit wonder and hard hitting. Its so cured right now that when I smoke a joint, it gets all clogged up and you get resin on your fingers. It drips like a popsicle in the summer...LOL not that much but you get tthe point.


Well-Known Member
My AK (I still have some for spec occasions) is absofuckingloutly awesome. One hit wonder and hard hitting. Its so cured right now that when I smoke a joint, it gets all clogged up and you get resin on your fingers. It drips like a popsicle in the summer...LOL not that much but you get tthe point.

Pure Porn :peace:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey, why are you using 100% perlite in a grow? No soil? They appear small for the age? Is that normal or is that the perlite? Advantages to soil/perlite?

The buckets look interesting. Has the bucket water res. slowed the watering down? Maybe a good use for people who travel and need to be away for 4-5 days?


Well-Known Member
my ak (i still have some for spec occasions) is absofuckingloutly awesome. One hit wonder and hard hitting. Its so cured right now that when i smoke a joint, it gets all clogged up and you get resin on your fingers. It drips like a popsicle in the summer...lol not that much but you get tthe point.
sweet. I cant wait.

hey, why are you using 100% perlite in a grow? No soil? They appear small for the age? Is that normal or is that the perlite? Advantages to soil/perlite?

The buckets look interesting. Has the bucket water res. Slowed the watering down? Maybe a good use for people who travel and need to be away for 4-5 days?
i think a hempy bucket is just easier. They start very slow. But they dont stay behind. When the roots hit the reserve they take off. My deal is im going to go over to hydro. IM DONE WITH SOIL. Really this grow was easy to do while i build and set up my hydro for the clones i take from these ak's. As far as the reserve of water. They dont use the water very fast while there small, when there are a bunch of roots in the reserve the water goes fast. You can still leave 3 or 4 days. Perlite holds the water well.


Well-Known Member
There will be an update today. I had to resolve a weather problem. It has got cold here. Room was in the 50's. Added a heater (old one) i think i got it at a garage sale for 3 bucks. But the thermostat works perfect and room is 63 to 71. Pics are comin today


Well-Known Member
Sorry its been a bit since an update. Ive been fighting weather one day it will be 38 deg. The next will be 84 deg. Not really fun to fight. But through it all the room styed nice as hot as it ever got was 79 deg and the low was 59 deg <<<but was only that for a few minutes. So, these are the pics from a few nights ago.

last night i had to find a way to hang the t8's as side lights. Then put up the 600w hps. So here are some shots of my jerry rigged side lights (they seem to work great) and can be moved up as the plants grow. I didnt put up the newest bulb that i have. I wanted to give the plants some time to get use to the brighter lights.

boneman where you at????? These plants are 4 or 5 days short of a month. There are no roots in the reserve yet???? What do you think????


Active Member
I'd bet your roots will hit your res. very soon. How often are you watering? Do you water until it comes out of the hole in the bottom? It could just be your strain because your stuff looks healthy. They do seem to be growing really slow though, I germed my seeds the day you started and have fimmed already.

Good luck man, yours look about the size of mine when they started to blow up.


Well-Known Member
I'd bet your roots will hit your res. very soon. How often are you watering? Do you water until it comes out of the hole in the bottom? It could just be your strain because your stuff looks healthy. They do seem to be growing really slow though, I germed my seeds the day you started and have fimmed already.

Good luck man, yours look about the size of mine when they started to blow up.
im watering about every 3 days. since the roots arent in the res yet ive been watering at the hole till the res is full. trying to force the roots to grow to the res. they are very short, but the spacing between nodes is very very small. there all 5 or 6 nodes tall..


Well-Known Member
well everything is pretty boring around here. i think the plants got a bit nute burned with the last watering. not all of them. 3 or 4 show signs of it. dry, yellowish brown leave tips. ak-47 should be able to take pretty high nute dose. i only used grow big. 1 cap per gallon of water. i will water today with pure ph'd water and mag. maybe mollasses? here are pic from sat..



Well-Known Member

I only ever grow in 100% perlite it's the only way to to go... It can take about 3-4 weeks to see roots at the bottom of your res/bucket. I've had nothing but 100% tip top results growing this way. It's impossible to over water, in fact you will find yourself watering more than soil.

Good to see someone else growing this way. Good luck and keep the oics coming mate.


Well-Known Member
well everything is pretty boring around here. i think the plants got a bit nute burned with the last watering. not all of them. 3 or 4 show signs of it. dry, yellowish brown leave tips. ak-47 should be able to take pretty high nute dose. i only used grow big. 1 cap per gallon of water. i will water today with pure ph'd water and mag. maybe mollasses? here are pic from sat..

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You shit looks good bro :hump: I love growing in 100% p'lite as well. The plants may start slow, but they get nice and beefy and grow nicely.

What is your ph at? Easy on the nutes, they immediately start to work.

Dr. VonDank

Active Member
Looks nice----That grow big is some HOT nutes(unless you have massive plants 5ml/gal every other watering of the growbig is great---you said capfull--how many ml is that???---I would back my ppms down(your plants look very healthy but the dark-blueish leaf color is a sign your definitely a little over the peak NITROGEN ppms.) That is why their growing a little slower---I would drop the grow big over the next 2 watering's all together and add the 5ml/gal cal mag with every watering. wait to use the molasses till you have bud-set. I love the molasses and it replaces my cal/mag in my grows after bud set( I love that molasses has calcium/magnesium/iron/simple and complex carbs). Can't wait to see those blow up---great job brother!!!


Well-Known Member
looks nice----that grow big is some hot nutes(unless you have massive plants 5ml/gal every other watering of the growbig is great---you said capfull--how many ml is that???---i would back my ppms down(your plants look very healthy but the dark-blueish leaf color is a sign your definitely a little over the peak nitrogen ppms.) that is why their growing a little slower---i would drop the grow big over the next 2 watering's all together and add the 5ml/gal cal mag with every watering. Wait to use the molasses till you have bud-set. I love the molasses and it replaces my cal/mag in my grows after bud set( i love that molasses has calcium/magnesium/iron/simple and complex carbs). Can't wait to see those blow up---great job brother!!!
thanks doc, i will do that. Mag and water only for a couple waterins. Ph to 6.0 give or take .2

you shit looks good bro :hump: I love growing in 100% p'lite as well. The plants may start slow, but they get nice and beefy and grow nicely.

what is your ph at? Easy on the nutes, they immediately start to work.
ph of the nute water and without nute is 6.0 going in. Ive never tested the runoff. Should i????


Well-Known Member
? Guys!!!!! My 600w hps is running for about 2 hours and then going out. If i unplug it and plug it back in it works for a couple more hours and then goes out again??????????????? Bulb or ballast?>?????


Well-Known Member
Probably bulb....You need to test the PH once all your nutes are mixed. I'm willing to bet you are way low. 6.0 is low to begin with, then adding nutes and cal mag will lower it more. PH'ing runoff will only add confusion and you'll start chasing the numbers. Get it right going in and you should be fine.