Why can't people get as high as the first time they smoked/got high

This doesn't apply to everyone. But I've heard a lot from people about how they can not get as high as their first time. Is there a reason for this? Is it just a matter of tolerance that needs to go down? Or is it just impossible?


Well-Known Member
I do believe it's tolerance... I remember when I was 14... I'd smoke a joint in the cabin of the boat we had on the side of our house and would be doing flips in my head I was so stoned.... and it was shwag... I miss those days.


Well-Known Member
I have heard alot of people who claimed they couldnt even get high their first time haha. I think it has to do with tolerance, but also experience, which can't be lowered really, once your high so many times its just not the same anymore, especially not the same as when you were younger. You just kind of get used to the feeling I think.


Active Member
I think its impossible, basically you're brain gets used to the chemical levels so even if you hold off a while them days are gone.


Active Member
a break will bring back that first high... i smoked (6 blunts a day) with my bros from when i was 12 to 14 and quit for a year and started back up with my bf and one hit felt like i just smoked 3 blunts... and when i did smoke a whole blunt i got so high and light headed i passed out but now like 5 years later i i gotta smoke the whole blunt to even get a head high... for the whole body high i need a blunt a bowl and one hit from the bong... bongs kill me... ahhh but the burn feels sooooo goood...... lol my opinion.. it will come back if you take a break but the more and more you do it you build tollerance.... like everything thing else... you start needing more and more....


Well-Known Member
take this question and apply it to anything else.
why was the first time you did anything the best..?
it's the amazement of the human mind that something like that even exists and is happening at that point in time.


Well-Known Member
i gotta smoke the whole blunt to even get a head high... for the whole body high i need a blunt a bowl and one hit from the bong...
Wow. I mean, I consider myself to have a high tolerance, but I only gotta smoke like half a bowl of chronic to the face to get me good..Sounds like your on the verge of having to find a way to shoot up or snort it haha.


Active Member
with me.. my 1st time.. was pretty fuckin intese.. my xe didnt tel me wait a min n it wud hit me.. i was like i dont feel it! so i kep smoken.. and when that shit hit me.. it hit me HARD. but that wasnt my 1st time SMOKEN.. it took me like 4 trys 2 get hi. is that weird? i tryed 3x befor i got hi, and i hit bongs, bowls nothn got me hi..

when i was smoken every day it took more 2 get me stoned, but i hardly smoke 2 or 3x a month now, and i get pretty fuckin skydddd.

so i agree, its all about tolerance, and the 1st time u get hi, ur not sure what will happen..

i thought i was going 2 fuckin die my 1st time hi. lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah 1twstd, I have heard from quite a few people that they didn't get high their first few times smoking, I personally don't get it as I didn't have that problem. I used to smoke cigs and did for a little while before I ever smoked weed, maybe just knowing how to hit and inhale something makes a difference, not to say that your too stupid to know how to either, but I have no clue as to why else it would happen.


Its all about tolerance. I smoked exotic 4-5 times a day for 6-7 months straight, I'm talking 1-4 gravity bong rips every couple hours with an occasional bowl thrown in. If you want to talk about tolerance, come talk to me. Towards the end of that half a year of heaven for me it took 6 or 7 gravity bongs of some dank weed to get me feeling good. I quit for a few months, and what do you know... I was back to where I used to be. It was never quite like my first time, or my second, or even my tenth ever again, but you get my drift. :P


I like to put it this way... I get high so many times a day that being sober to me now, is what getting high used to be back in the day. New and strange.

I'm so used to being high, relaxed, calm, happy, stress free... that if I take a day off I feel weird... just weird because I'm not used to it.


I like to put it this way... I get high so many times a day that being sober to me now, is what getting high used to be back in the day. New and strange.

I'm so used to being high, relaxed, calm, happy, stress free... that if I take a day off I feel weird... just weird because I'm not used to it.

I have the same effect...It's really odd actually. Being sober when you've been high for months at a time is so different. Everything in your head is totally quiet. I love being to the point where being sober is so different is almost exciting. :)


Well-Known Member
i think the anxiety and adrenalin cause is the first time youre smoking get it the way of enjoying it properly too...


Well-Known Member
The first time I got high, I hated it. I started jumping on a tramp, running around the block, washing my face, anything that made me "un-high". 2nd time I loved it :)


Active Member
My very very first time hittin some herbs was in freshman yr hs, it was some mid grade street stuff a friend had. we went up to the college hills to smoke it out of our coca cola can pipe, i took one small barely even a hit and maintained for about 5 seconds. the next thing I remember I thought I heard someones voice and ran about a mile and a half to the gym and sat there until my friends came to get me 2hrs later. The next time was about 8 yrs later at a party, took a few good rips from the hookah and still went on to drink my ass off. Its just different for everyone I guess.


First time I smoked I didn't get high, or at least not much...and my first time was out of a bong, got about 3 medium sized hits (wasn't very good at it back then). 2nd time around was just out of a bowl, split a gram with me and 2 friends, was ripped as fuck


Well-Known Member
First time i smoked i didn't feel shit! I smoked in the 8th grade with a buddy of mine at his house...I thought that getting high was that which i was feeling(nothing), and i thought WTF this is what MJ is all about, dude this sucks, gettin wasted rocks so much more!! But then on my second time, dude, i felt like i was levitating forever, it felt so damn good, much better than drinking!! A lot of peeps that i started out with MJ say the same thing, no buzz on first time! Till my sister and i somekd some amsterdam white strain i don't remeber the name =) with her BF who was starting out, he got so high he thought he was gonna die...funny shit! Nowadays i don't smoke so much weed, i smoke like every other night when i get home...still feels awsome!! PLUS - Dude, try ripping up a vape...it's how i'm get high nowadays, it beats anything....tastes better, feels better, the aftertaste's really good, even more when you get a tasty strain like Blueberry!! First time i vaped up some MJ i got fuckin stupid with one big ass hit!!