this sound wierd but...


Active Member
right, sometimes when i am bored just befor bed I will go in my growroom with my ipod and and listen to music and talk to my plants, usually with a joint or a drink for a night cap. am i wierd or does anyone else do this?
lol. No man, I think its natural to have a connection with your plants. I love all aspects of gardening and find my most relaxing times are working in the garden and tending to my plants. Well, fishing and hunting a close second.
nah buddy every ones got some neurosis, for me i know its that whenever I start a new grow and i just start to germinate I'd waste my days sitting around my zip lock container waiting for something to happen.
Me too, i think growing takes you to a different level, make oyu appreciate nature more. I love being in the room with my plants listening to classical or jazz ( i play music 24/7). But it is very relaxing like fishing as godspeed said.

I love growing... Good luck!!
"Just as long as your hands stay out of your pants I see no problems...."

I will make a mental note of that.
i love havin a spliff with my babys lol i just sit in front of my carbord with the doors open and watch 'em grow lol..... its like watching paint dry lol
you all know that smoke of any kind isn't really good for your plants, i do spend alot of time sitting in my grow room with the door closed just relaxn, never smoke in their though as it is toxic to plants.
I will never smoke in my babies room again!!! It is kinda canibolistic, poor plant watching you smoke them....

Good Growing!!
yea you wouldn't lock 1 month old baby in your closet and sit their blowin smoke in it's face would you, you want the best environment for your plants so you have happy healthy plants. my plants are the only children i have or ever want and i want them to grow up big and strong, not weak and gimpy.
:clap:yea you wouldn't lock 1 month old baby in your closet and sit their blowin smoke in it's face would you, you want the best environment for your plants so you have happy health plants. my plants are the only children i have or ever want and i want them to grow up big and strong, not weak and gimpy.

That depends, is it my baby or someone else's?
That depends, is it my baby or someone else's?

lol...I got a laugh outta that.

I WOULD like to see some pics of "smoke stunted" plants. Im sure alot of people smoke in or around the grow. You'd have to close yourself in the room, turn venting off and begin chain smoking for a day or two to harm anything.
I'm a big smoker and I smoke all the time around them I'm sure it's better if I didn't but oh well, live in my house follow my