If I don't tell my friends about it, why would I tell y'all ?!?!


Active Member
The title says it all, but:

I am prob asking a question that has been asked many times b4 but it is important(and i am brand new to this site and 'gardening') so here it is:

How safe is it to live in the US and be posting on here???

For instance, I don't want 'my buddy' to post some questions about his garden and have the DEA or local drug task force knocking on or kicking his door in b/c they're somehow able to track who posted from where sort of thing.

and/or is there a safe way to post w/o having to worry about such matters?? i.e. proxy servers or something?? i don't have the first clue about these kind of things,
so any and all help will be greatly appreciated,


New Member
I don't believe, from what I've seen and read on this site, that they would ever even consider going to those lengths, let alone if they even could.
Unless you're being watched/monitored already for some reason or another by the DEA i'm sure you'll have a nice time about it.


Well-Known Member
That would be way too much work and costly for them when they have there hands full just investigating complaints from ex's, old gf's, nosy neighbors and drug informants.


Active Member
i would think its more like a click of a mouse for their computers experts, come on, think a little harder, can some1 who knows please answer ?!
if you wanna increase some security on your computer use a program called peerguardian however running it does cause some conflicts with certain sites but not rollitup in particular


Well-Known Member
Good question you ask with regards to drug squads ect...
futher more:
Is anyone worried about their INTERNET PROVIDERS

Illegal Smile

Your computer is something you have to be concerned about security with. You don't want anyone seeing email notices from riu just like you don't want anyone noticing the book Marijuana Horticulture in your bathroom. As for the site itself and other sites, all I can tell you is my wife is an attorney and she doesn't have a problem with me posting but doesn't like me posting pictures of weed. I don't see the difference but she says pictures are always worse.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
the can of worms that would be opened if the us gov. were to go after a person from a web site would be mind blowing , especially if it were a small personal grow


Well-Known Member
Your computer is something you have to be concerned about security with. You don't want anyone seeing email notices from riu just like you don't want anyone noticing the book Marijuana Horticulture in your bathroom. As for the site itself and other sites, all I can tell you is my wife is an attorney and she doesn't have a problem with me posting but doesn't like me posting pictures of weed. I don't see the difference but she says pictures are always worse.
logically that kes sence .. b/c they can not prove that was u and/or they can not prove that u are not just leing ... BUT if there is evidence such as a pic .. i thnk we have all heard .. a pictuer is owrth a thosand words" ...

but who is to say u do not have a wireless router and someone is STEALING ur connection and using ur IP address .. so everything scoes back to you ;)

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Without getting into detail, i have a wealth of knowledge on information security and there are many different ways one could be tracked down from posting here.

It is entirely possible, but as most say here, it is all relative. There are tons of home growers, and its the big fish that truly matter at this point in time. Of course, if opportunity knocks and a LEO has a chance to bust you, they will; so not telling friends locally is always a good idea.

Despite the Patriot act, organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation are still fighting for our privacy rights online. They are currently in a battle against NSA and ATT because the NSA has set up their own server rooms in all major ATT hubs to duplicate and capture traffic. :finger:

Far as me, I wont say what im doing specifically, but im not even using my own network connection to post here ever, so even if I am traced by IP, good fucking luck because it wont come back to me.

I do always tell myself though,
Dont underestimate any of our govt agencies because they pay out a lot of money to the information security field, and smart people like to get paid.


Active Member
this is true
the police...and especially the feds, are masters at finding 'other reasons' they found your sh*t,
and all they had to do is browse site for a min and then visit their friend in the computer lab,
i don't really think thats what they're doing, but having experienced the consequences of the law,




Well-Known Member
Without getting into detail, i have a wealth of knowledge on information security and there are many different ways one could be tracked down from posting here.

It is entirely possible, but as most say here, it is all relative. There are tons of home growers, and its the big fish that truly matter at this point in time. Of course, if opportunity knocks and a LEO has a chance to bust you, they will; so not telling friends locally is always a good idea.

Despite the Patriot act, organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation are still fighting for our privacy rights online. They are currently in a battle against NSA and ATT because the NSA has set up their own server rooms in all major ATT hubs to duplicate and capture traffic. :finger:

Far as me, I wont say what im doing specifically, but im not even using my own network connection to post here ever, so even if I am traced by IP, good fucking luck because it wont come back to me.

I do always tell myself though,
Dont underestimate any of our govt agencies because they pay out a lot of money to the information security field, and smart people like to get paid.
Fantastic informatioN! I like how you anticipate the counter arguement :)

ya ... I personally do not beileve they are going to put me in jail for 4-6plants .. haha and if they do ?? .. well.. ill get out PDQ ;)


Active Member
Without getting into detail, i have a wealth of knowledge on information security and there are many different ways one could be tracked down from posting here.

It is entirely possible, but as most say here, it is all relative. There are tons of home growers, and its the big fish that truly matter at this point in time. Of course, if opportunity knocks and a LEO has a chance to bust you, they will; so not telling friends locally is always a good idea.

Despite the Patriot act, organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation are still fighting for our privacy rights online. They are currently in a battle against NSA and ATT because the NSA has set up their own server rooms in all major ATT hubs to duplicate and capture traffic. :finger:

Far as me, I wont say what im doing specifically, but im not even using my own network connection to post here ever, so even if I am traced by IP, good fucking luck because it wont come back to me.

I do always tell myself though,
Dont underestimate any of our govt agencies because they pay out a lot of money to the information security field, and smart people like to get paid.
yes...thank you!
all you nay'sayers listen up


Well-Known Member
Ask yourself this. Have you read any threads on RIU that mentions that a person got busted and when it went to court it was revealed that they got the information from a forum on a website?
I think your pretty safe. Like others have said, they have bigger fish to fry. Just use common sense and you'll be fine.


Active Member
logically that kes sence .. b/c they can not prove that was u and/or they can not prove that u are not just leing ... BUT if there is evidence such as a pic .. i thnk we have all heard .. a pictuer is owrth a thosand words" ...

but who is to say u do not have a wireless router and someone is STEALING ur connection and using ur IP address .. so everything scoes back to you ;)
good thought,
thank you,
and maybe some1 is stealing my from my wireless router!!! lol ;-)

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
Ask yourself this. Have you read any threads on RIU that mentions that a person got busted and when it went to court it was revealed that they got the information from a forum on a website?
I think your pretty safe. Like others have said, they have bigger fish to fry. Just use common sense and you'll be fine.
I like this, and his avatar, LOL :bigjoint:


Active Member

Far as me, I wont say what im doing specifically, but im not even using my own network connection to post here ever, so even if I am traced by IP, good fucking luck because it wont come back to me.

I do always tell myself though,
Dont underestimate any of our govt agencies because they pay out a lot of money to the information security field, and smart people like to get paid.
If you are using your own laptop at different locations you are wasting your time. These can easily be tracked in todays world. The whole idea of using a different isp or switching your network or physical ip address no longer will protect you. http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/security/soa/Tracking-PCs-anywhere-on-the-Net/0,130061744,139183346,00.htm the article came out in 2005, much has advanced since then. So unless you use your laptop ONLY in locations that are not your house or you use someone else's computer, say at a internet cafe type place you can be just as easily tracked as if you post at your house.

Posting on someone else's computer poses a whole different set of risks, especially at a commercial business which may track websites you go to while you are on their computers as well as upload/downloads (it is their computers, they don't them used for illegal activities or for someone to try and get unlimited access to their computers).

If you do connect your laptop to the internet only from places not your house, they can still get a general idea where you are at. I'm not sure how this may help them though.

When it comes to using programs to try and protect yourself, those are only good for stopping normal hacker/crackers. The government has access to some of the brightest computer/security minds with vast amounts of money. To say the least, their technology and abilities are far superior to ours.

The cyber attacks on the department of defense, thought to have been propagated by the Chinese government, has not helped this situation. The U.S. is increasing the budget for cyber warfare by substantial amounts to try and combat the threat the internet poses. This is thought to become a large part of war in the future.

Trust me, if they want to find you, they will. Posting online no matter how you do it is a risk. You can minimize your risk by controlling what you say and if/how you post pictures. It all comes down to whether the government really cares to put resources to find you, which I believe is no. But who knows how easy it is at this moment to find you or in the near future. It may get to the point where it takes little effort to track someone and regular police/dea agencies will be able to do it. At that point, who knows whether they will want you.


Active Member
If you are using your own laptop at different locations you are wasting your time. These can easily be tracked in todays world. The whole idea of using a different isp or switching your network or physical ip address no longer will protect you. http://www.zdnet.com.au/news/security/soa/Tracking-PCs-anywhere-on-the-Net/0,130061744,139183346,00.htm the article came out in 2005, much has advanced since then. So unless you use your laptop ONLY in locations that are not your house or you use someone else's computer, say at a internet cafe type place you can be just as easily tracked as if you post at your house.

Posting on someone else's computer poses a whole different set of risks, especially at a commercial business which may track websites you go to while you are on their computers as well as upload/downloads (it is their computers, they don't them used for illegal activities or for someone to try and get unlimited access to their computers).

If you do connect your laptop to the internet only from places not your house, they can still get a general idea where you are at. I'm not sure how this may help them though.

When it comes to using programs to try and protect yourself, those are only good for stopping normal hacker/crackers. The government has access to some of the brightest computer/security minds with vast amounts of money. To say the least, their technology and abilities are far superior to ours.

The cyber attacks on the department of defense, thought to have been propagated by the Chinese government, has not helped this situation. The U.S. is increasing the budget for cyber warfare by substantial amounts to try and combat the threat the internet poses. This is thought to become a large part of war in the future.

Trust me, if they want to find you, they will. Posting online no matter how you do it is a risk. You can minimize your risk by controlling what you say and if/how you post pictures. It all comes down to whether the government really cares to put resources to find you, which I believe is no. But who knows how easy it is at this moment to find you or in the near future. It may get to the point where it takes little effort to track someone and regular police/dea agencies will be able to do it. At that point, who knows whether they will want you.
you put into words exactly what i was thinking
very very well said, couldn't have been better,
many thankyou's