400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
Hell ya it is. I want to get stoned mane. I smoked my last little chunk of nug last night and now I'm wishing I would've saved it for today.... Oh well I'll be fine. Did you quick dry those nugs are just dry natural?

sorry g, had to go out earlier, (wine course - it's brilliant:-P) i actually hung it up to dry for the last week & 1/2....so natural.


Active Member
I hang them upside down from a hanger and put them in the back of closet. I'll have a fan blowing above them to circulate the air better. I can't dry in the tent cause as soon as I cut the big girl the clone is going in for a two week veg under the hid and then flip 12/12.

cool cool, when these finished, startin my next lot in january so will be using the tent to dry.



Well-Known Member
hey im getting ready to start a 400w grow and im wondering what you think i will need for proper ventilation?
welcome dr chef, it depends on what sort of space you are groing in, the surrounding environment to the grow area, etc, etc. if you are growing with a 400 there are plenty of journals on here that explain their systems, just click and learn bud. good luck


Active Member
Tasty streats in store joe.....lekker. top job geez
thanks man, well chuffed at how well she turned out, and to top it off, manged to get a seed out of some ''church'' i got hold of and it sprouted today!!
planted it straight into the soil and 3days later it popped up! i will post some pics 2mora, it will have to come down tho unless i find a trustworthy home for her :sad:
as soon as she sprouted i thought, F**K........:wall:.........i should of labelled it and stored it instead of planting it in a fit of excitment, without thinkin ahead!! oh well, :lol:
anyway, gettin real excited now harvest is coming!!!! :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
hey guys sorry thread jack but i just found this for sale on craigslist for 25 bucks it looks like a hps i called the guy he said he does not know how many watts or what kind it is he said i looks like a street light and xtra brite so is it worth it



Well-Known Member
DST: Gotcha ya its much better natural dry than in the microwave or something but shit when you haven't smoked in a good bit a bowl of the quick dry shit isn't that bad.

Grow4Joe: Ya man sounds good I got to be done growing by the end of jan. until about july of 2010 got a baby coming so gonna have a lot of out of town traffic. I don't even wanna deal with anything about finding weed plants so I got get as much as I can out of these next three months.

Proud Stoner: That looks like a 150 maybe a 250. Not a 400. You just got check the bulb see what it is. But yes that will grow plants well enough.



Well-Known Member
there are ones that cost the same from major hardware stores that cost jus the same if not a dollar less

hey guys sorry thread jack but i just found this for sale on craigslist for 25 bucks it looks like a hps i called the guy he said he does not know how many watts or what kind it is he said i looks like a street light and xtra brite so is it worth it


Active Member
Great work G!

And a little sample of og kush. I cut this bud around 2 weeks ago, i am cropping on Sat. so this bud was cut at 7+ weeks, still smellin good. just blasted a :joint: and I am really looking forward to cropping the others with 2 weeks extra....
Good going bro, let us know the harvest weight when there done.
Great work .. really informative .. and thanks a lot for sharing ..

Thanks all! Now I got a noob question, cuz I'm a noob lol. Super Silver is supposed to be a 70 day flower, and I should have 26 days left right now. But it doesn't look that way. The most recent pic I posted before is 5 days ago. Have a look now. They're really getting orange, and one is clearly
maturing even earlier than the others - upper fans beginning to yellow, much more orange, more amber and milky than others. I had just begun gravity right before I noticed all this and I wanted to give at least two doses before flushing, but I showed pics to an experienced grower who helps me sometimes and he said I should start flushing cause they're almost ready, even though that means they would finish 10 days earlier than what seed sites claim. The mantra I hear on RIU is that you always add 10 days or so to what seed sites say.

Okay finally getting to the question, what would you do? Is it common/possible for any strains to really be ready 10 days early? I trust the other guy's judgement, just want a few more opinions before I decide



Well-Known Member
Thanks all! Now I got a noob question, cuz I'm a noob lol. Super Silver is supposed to be a 70 day flower, and I should have 26 days left right now. But it doesn't look that way. The most recent pic I posted before is 5 days ago. Have a look now. They're really getting orange, and one is clearly
maturing even earlier than the others - upper fans beginning to yellow, much more orange, more amber and milky than others. I had just begun gravity right before I noticed all this and I wanted to give at least two doses before flushing, but I showed pics to an experienced grower who helps me sometimes and he said I should start flushing cause they're almost ready, even though that means they would finish 10 days earlier than what seed sites claim. The mantra I hear on RIU is that you always add 10 days or so to what seed sites say.

Okay finally getting to the question, what would you do? Is it common/possible for any strains to really be ready 10 days early? I trust the other guy's judgement, just want a few more opinions before I decide

Looking at this one, I would leave it G. Whatever happens it isn't going to hurt it. There are still loads of white hairs on this. the calyx's will also fatten out over the next 10 days. you will def still get a great bit of weed if you cut it now...but your choice. Just keep monitoring.

When you mention Amber, are you talking about the Trich's? Do you have a microscope? that's the best way to tell, and even then it's a matter of personal preference. More milky than amber, higher buzz, more amber, couchy buzz....as a general rule


Well-Known Member
And this is one of my girls which will have its last day of sun (light) today, then darkness until Saturday when I crop.

p.s the right one actually grows sideways like that....



hi iv had my in flower a week can u tell they r going in flowerdo i need any thing to force thm into flower i do the12/12 but nothin


Well-Known Member
hi iv had my in flower a week can u tell they r going in flowerdo i need any thing to force thm into flower i do the12/12 but nothin
any pics? it can take up to 10 days for flowers/stigmas to appear. you don't need to do anything, just switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
ok becos i started them on 12/12 yea then put them 18 now 12 this make diffreac thre about 3 foot
Swapping them from 12/12 then to 18/6 is not going to be a disaster, but they need to be on constant 12/12 for them to start flowering (if they are indoors)...if you then up the light time to 18 this will confuse/stress the plants i would have thought.

IMO, once they are on 12/12, as long as the light you use is decreasing in time (like the natural sun over a season, the plants should be okay and will flower)
3 foot is more than big enough to go into flower (again IMO)


Swapping them from 12/12 then to 18/6 is not going to be a disaster, but they need to be on constant 12/12 for them to start flowering (if they are indoors)...if you then up the light time to 18 this will confuse/stress the plants i would have thought.

IMO, once they are on 12/12, as long as the light you use is decreasing in time (like the natural sun over a season, the plants should be okay and will flower)
3 foot is more than big enough to go into flower (again IMO)
so will i get a gd yard out of them m8