I just have to say, I agree with can.i.buz 100%.

We should link up some day.
I used to work out in South Bay area (Santa Monica)
I've read all pages thus far. Some of you are full of shit... others have shared some great info. I might be a n00b by join date and post count... but definitely not new to this game.
dispensaries are the ones raping the market..
They are buying lbs from the grower, @ wholesale pricing for $2000.00-$3000.00 (and possibly a little higher, depending on strain)... per lb. Just think also... If it is a collective, and they are growing it themselves... they are raping in profit...but will stick to the grower/dispensary theory....
They are turning around and breaking that lb, into grams, 1/8th and 1/4.
A properly broken down lb into grams at a dispensary is a little over $9000.00, when that dispensary is paying $2000.00 for that lb, They are making $7000.00 profit.
A properly broken down lb into 1/8's at a dispensary is a little over $7600.00 (assuming the dispensary is selling 1/8's for $60.00). AGAIN.. do the math. over 5k in profit from the dispensary.
A properly broken down lb into 1/4's at a dispensary is a little over $6400.00 (assuming the dispensary is selling 1/4's for $100-$110) for the weight discounts.... AGAIN... do the math... that's over 4k in profits.
THE GROWER... now, the grower on the other hand.... is getting the shaft.
The typical grower across the nation is either growing in an APT. A house. or a condo. There are still those few that grow outdoors and produce major weight.. but for the subject of this discussion, let's focus on the indoor "small guy".
Rent - $800.00-$1000.00 PER MONTH. x's 3 months - $2400.00-$3000.00 (there goes your $2000.00 for that lb, right there in rent)
Water- $60.00-$100.00 PER MONTH. x's 3 months - $180.00 - $300.00
Nutrients - $150.00 PER Harvest (only organic nutes)
Electricity - $180.00-$300.00 PER MONTH x's 3 months - $540.00-$900.00
co2 refills - $7.00-$15.00 EACH. 1 refill per month (being very modest) x's 3 months - $21.00-$45.00
now on the low side... That 1 lb, that your selling for $2000.00, will cost you around $3200.00 to make.
now on the high side...That 1 lb, that your still selling for $2000.00, will cost you around $4300.00 to make.
So unless your pushing weight... meaning growing more then 1lb per harvest... YOU ARE IN THE RED.... and not just by a couple bucks... by HUNDREDS, if not in the Thousand range.
To make a profit, at current given numbers... you would have to turn @ least 2.5 lbs. of PREMIUM Every 2.5 months, to begin to see a profit.
Also, with the growing of more medicine, comes more problems... electricity goes up, water consumption goes up, risk gets higher and higher.... so tell me... Is it worth it "to see a profit"? It is if you are business minded... MMJ (love it or hate it) is a cash crop... it's a business opportunity that some people will venture into, and some people will stay away from. They even got "weed college" In some countries
and if I am not mistaken, In Northern Cali, they have a type of weed college up there as well. It's a business... much like growing Tobacco... Lettuce.. ect. It just happens to be one of the most profitable crops out there (if your growing 15 ft monster plants out doors) coughNORCALcough. haha.
Now, on the other hand..if your a sick patient that wants MMJ for $25/zone or for free, then you my friend, are your living in a dream world. This is not a traded commodity on the stock exchange (yet),
Unless they can come up with a miracle manufacturing process to make MMJ like Zoloft, Viagra, Penicillin [insert your fav. pill] ect.... where they can press buttons and BAM! You got yourself some pills!
MMJ TAKES TIME to grow, and TIME is money.
So for the guy saying he would like MMJ to be @ $25.00 an ounce... I got some Beach front property in Idaho I can sell you for $3.00 per square foot.

It will never happen. Cheapest you'll see zones gone for in the dispensary is gonna be around $200.00 and for top shelf will be around $240.00. (That is if it becomes legal).... and remember ladies and gentleman... The State tax per zone in CA will be around $50.00. So do the math on that.
Anyhow.. I am done ranting.
