Growing in the Whirlpool Fridge


Well-Known Member
i like your grow man, nice set up im currently on my second grow im thinking about posting a thread for the last month of flowering
Thanks NeverSmoke

It's starting to get crazy in the fridge

Take a look at the kids today

I gave the a TSP of Black Strap Molasses last night, they really seem to like it

Straight up water tonight, I have been using Western Family Sping Water from the store to feed them

The Ph has been spot on

Here are tonight's pictures

I have an idea on keeping these guys warm since it is starting to get into the 40's here in the morning but I have the light running from 8pm to 8 am so the light will keep the temp up enogh

So more fine tuning still to come, it is starting to smell in the garage now so I have to look at a filter in the next couple days and to bring up the temp in the am and to add some C02, I may have found something at the pet store to work for me I just have not found it at my local stores

So sorry to ramble, take five.....................



Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3198310]Hell yea man, there taking off now, cant wait to see them in a couple weeks[/QUOTE]

You are sooo right

I have had to move the light up twice since I have had it, like a week now

Everyone is super happy and reaching for the sky and look nice and green away from the UFO

That thing really messes with your eyes

But I cannot argue with the results so far

Thanks for watching

Smoke one for me


project fuoro

Well-Known Member
Yeah its nuts huh! Crazy stuff! Love that unit! So much! Got some mad growth goin on. Cant wait to see your updates man!

Keep that baby right on top of your ladies, the difference between a few inches is dramatic. Keep it as close as possible with as much of your coverage as you need. You area is perfect already though!



project fuoro

Well-Known Member
You should remove the grid and hang the light right from the top man. If thats not possible its all good, but who knows, maybe your getting some bad refraction / reflection happening keeping some precious light away from your ladies. It all counts, right?



I 2nd the removing the grid and hanging directly from top.
I would also suggest a possible mixed spectrum or maybe even addin some cfls in with the led i heard its a great combo.


Active Member
for that few square ft a couple of those 4 inch muffin fans should work fine. and they are are real quiet

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
I 2nd the removing the grid and hanging directly from top.
I would also suggest a possible mixed spectrum or maybe even addin some cfls in with the led i heard its a great combo.
Good on the first second, lol! But on the second suggestion, I think he will be just fine with the 180, in such a small area, that light will rock it perfectly. Heat may become an issue with added CFL, but only if thats a problem for him.

The LED he uses is not some basic knock off LED. I have seen the results in comparison. I don't need to prove this to you, however.

Just my 2-cents on the light. No offense BM, don't take anything personal. All in good intentions here.



Good on the first second, lol! But on the second suggestion, I think he will be just fine with the 180, in such a small area, that light will rock it perfectly. Heat may become an issue with added CFL, but only if thats a problem for him.

The LED he uses is not some basic knock off LED. I have seen the results in comparison. I don't need to prove this to you, however.

Just my 2-cents on the light. No offense BM, don't take anything personal. All in good intentions here.

your probably right
i didnt notice it was a 180 light
i guess stoner goggles made it look smaller to me. I also didnt realize he had a high quality one. I made my suggestions based on
the CFL and LED tests that ive seen on high times.
also im cheap and in love with my CFLS
led doesnt seem worth least not yet
technology is to new and to expensive


Well-Known Member
alright bro looking sweet. what a big diff from last time i seen them. maybe u can get a heating pad to keep ur roots warm in those temps. set ur pots on them to warm the soil and ect.


Well-Known Member
alright bro looking sweet. what a big diff from last time i seen them. maybe u can get a heating pad to keep ur roots warm in those temps. set ur pots on them to warm the soil and ect.
I was thinking of something for heat

A heating pad sounds really good

I need to look into filtering the air coming out, my brother just walked in the garage and he does not smoke at all and said he just got high from the smell

I told him I was planning on fixing it and he can be my tester so we will see how things go

I will also look into a heating pad and lamp I thing to bring the temps up a little more

My SSH and Romulan and SS are the kings of the lot right now, the La Cons are looking OK but not as happy as the others

I used a different camera tonight so the pictures look very trippy


T :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
And since I got so many responses for putting the light under the grill you all will notice that the light is hanging

Thank you all, I listen to the people..........

When it makes sense

A few more shots, enjoy


project fuoro

Well-Known Member
Very nice TC! It may not make a huge difference, but I know you were going to be overgrown anyhow in not too long! The rate of growth is bonkers huh!!? What are your temps staying at? Looking good TC, I am glued to this thread! I am sure its in here somewhere, but what was the dimensions of that fridge, and where did you get it? I always wanted to try that! Also, are those ladies flowering? 12/12? Whats the status there?

Keep up the pics and good work! Keep loving those ladies! Make sure your dirt is trying out at a somewhat normal rate. Don't want too much moisture sitting around in there for too long causing problems. Bugs like it too, I think.

Lookin good TC!



Well-Known Member
complete noob question but can LED's cause heat stress/burning?
I believe so, but I am trying to keep the light at least 10 inches away from the plants

Usually the leaves will twist or something if they get too close but that has not been a problem yet and I do not foresee it being an issue


Well-Known Member
Very nice TC! It may not make a huge difference, but I know you were going to be overgrown anyhow in not too long! The rate of growth is bonkers huh!!? What are your temps staying at? Looking good TC, I am glued to this thread! I am sure its in here somewhere, but what was the dimensions of that fridge, and where did you get it? I always wanted to try that! Also, are those ladies flowering? 12/12? Whats the status there?

Keep up the pics and good work! Keep loving those ladies! Make sure your dirt is trying out at a somewhat normal rate. Don't want too much moisture sitting around in there for too long causing problems. Bugs like it too, I think.

Lookin good TC!

I found the fridge on CL for free, the price is very important here

I think it is 3x3x4 or something like that

My temp have been lately mid 70's to mid 60's, I am looking into bringing the heat up a little more

And yes once I got the UFO on the 1st I start it on 12/12 so it has been a week of 12/12 now, a few of the kids are starting to tighten up the leaves and my SSH and Rom are really taking off, I cannot give them enough water

They are all completely dry when I am giving them water so I don't think moisture will be an issue, I hope not

I do not think these guy will out grow the fridge I can still drop the tray they are on now and I will have 4 feet of vertical grow

I am off to the hydro store for a carbon filter

Time for one rip for the road bongsmilie

I am out



Well-Known Member
And thanks for the feedback guys, I have no problem with good input about the grow have a great start to the weekend

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
OOh damn its a full sized fridge!!! I thought it was a mini! HAHA! OOPS. Ok. Well thats good good man. You are on the perfect track I think! Just keep on keepin' on!

Good deal about being dry. yeah they seem to want to drink a TON! You know its not evaporating/fast drying from the heat too, so you know them ladies suckin it up!

Consider me a close-follower!

Lovin it TC. Keep up the good work! I may hit you up about some mods on a mini fridge.
