Quick Drying - The Other Side Of The Coin

SeaMaiden said:
Schweet. :smile: Yeah, I'd smoke that.

All of my friends too :D

Looks like i want a bong tokebongsmilie

haha, I love how it smokes already in dutchies, bud reminds me of haze. it also grew with predominantly sativa traits. It also has a sour smell to it. I got the seed from a bag of some pretty good bud that was a hermi. He said it reminded him of sour diesel.

The buds look haze-like but with some sour / sweetness to them. I'm going to call it Sweet & Sour! :weed:
Sour diesel really smells sour? I'm a bit tripping on my Papaya, it actually smells a lot like an overripe papaya. Do the "cheese" weeds actually smell like cheese? :shock: I love cheese.
Sour diesel smells like citrucy fruit to me...mmmm one of my favorites. Ive had blue chees before, definitely a very unique smell, I guess you could say cheesey.
Next thing you know someone's gonna come out with some kind of stank and call it Toe Cheese. :lol:

(Hey, I have a Hip Hugger/Buster in my plans, I've got three beans from an unknown strain that took ALL bursitis pain away, and lemme tell ya, that's something, something special.)
Latest Reputation Received Thread Date Comment
quick drying - the... 10-16-2008 03:01 AM Your advice is lame, your ganj must suck balls
Dear pussy, SIGN your negative statements or fuck off.

edit- the pussy is Greymattertripp.

FYI- rep comments to me are no longer anonymous. admin has switched on the elite features for me.
hey buddy... i got a friend who's gonna hook up some cuts of ST3 after he finds a keeper in the group, can't wait to see why it's the only strain you run...

welcome to elitehood... have you checked out the private forums yet?
hey buddy... i got a friend who's gonna hook up some cuts of ST3 after he finds a keeper in the group, can't wait to see why it's the only strain you run...

Um, I run Sweet Tooth #4. #3 was superseded because of not-so-good mould resistance. If you use ST3, be sure to have a sulfur evaporator and control RH to 50% as best you can.

welcome to elitehood... have you checked out the private forums yet?
I'll nose around in a bit, thanks. :)

not to change the topic, but fuct- greymattertripp has been my personal -rep pin cushion :)

heh, that ought to drive him mad, he's still butthurt over getting pwned by me not long back. :lol:
Um, I run Sweet Tooth #4. #3 was superseded because of not-so-good mould resistance. If you use ST3, be sure to have a sulfur evaporator and control RH to 50% as best you can.

I'll nose around in a bit, thanks. :)

heh, that ought to drive him mad, he's still butthurt over getting pwned by me not long back. :lol:

... sorry, stoner memory... numbers get mixed up...

but the RH shouldn't be a prblem.... i'm in the desert... and with the winter coming won't be running a swamp cooler, so 30-40 should be normal =] how's it otherwise?
heh, that ought to drive him mad, he's still butthurt over getting pwned by me not long back. :lol:
Great link! I've been using Main Page - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia mostly to research Raptor Jesus - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia (and the lesser Jesii, including OptiJesus Prime). :D

And BOY am I glad I've been using the term "butthurt" correctly! I was worried after learning that we'd nicked "hella" from you Aussies and have been using it incorrectly. :lol:
Um, I run Sweet Tooth #4. #3 was superseded because of not-so-good mould resistance. If you use ST3, be sure to have a sulfur evaporator and control RH to 50% as best you can.

I'll nose around in a bit, thanks. :)

heh, that ought to drive him mad, he's still butthurt over getting pwned by me not long back. :lol:

Actually it doesn't matter to me, unlike you I have a life outside of an internet forum, by the way, anyone of worth knows your a complete jackass and nothing you say will help produce quality cannabis, go back to twiddling your thumbs and hitting on underaged girls, your much better at it.:mrgreen:

You were proven wrong and can't admit it, but I'm used to internet trolls, your not even the best I've seen as far annoying interwebz personalities go.

Anyone who doesn't think curing your bud matters is just a greedy dealer.
Your era is over son, step to the side for the quality growers.

edit: Furthermore anyone who doesn't flush a hyrdro grow should be promptly taken into the street and shot. (b fuct) I'm lookin at you scumbag.
Actually it doesn't matter to me, unlike you I have a life outside of an internet forum, by the way, anyone of worth knows your a complete jackass and nothing you say will help produce quality cannabis, go back to twiddling your thumbs and hitting on underaged girls, your much better at it.:mrgreen:

That's funny... the only people I have ever seen talk shit about Fuct is you kiddies who know nothing about growing, and generally stick around for less than 6 months because they end up getting banned for all of the unwarranted shit you talk.

You were proven wrong and can't admit it, but I'm used to internet trolls, your not even the best I've seen as far annoying interwebz personalities go.

I personally don't think you did anything to prove anything... and when it comes to internet trolls, it's hard to compare to you- so don't expect anyone to.

Anyone who doesn't think curing your bud matters is just a greedy dealer.
Your era is over son, step to the side for the quality growers.

It would help if you quoted him saying that curing bud doesnt matter... Also, this forum has yet to see a single thing you've grown. Just another kiddy with a dream, and not the knowledge, patience, or skill to do it.

edit: Furthermore anyone who doesn't flush a hyrdro grow should be promptly taken into the street and shot. (b fuct) I'm lookin at you scumbag.

Before you go telling anyone they should be shot, and calling the a scum bag- you should take a good look at yourself. I think you've earned yourself ONE ally on this forum, and she's as useless as yourself when it comes to contributing quality advice.

Quit being such a butt hurt whiner, nobody cares to hear your constant bullshit about your "proper drying methods" or "norcal weed is better" - You're a silly little punk... you come here, talk shit to everyone, and then leave. I can only hope that today you talk shit to the wrong person, and end up gettin mollywhopped . :roll:
yeh, wot GT said. :D

I do have to say this is the first time any butthurt whinger on a cannabis board has ever threatened to shoot me, but I guess the empty threat goes pretty well with the empty head. :lol:

Back to the topic... LJI, ST3 is apparently quite similar to ST4, heavy yielder, heavy enough that it is its own worst enemy. Your desert conds should be great for ST3. :)
It would help if you quoted him saying that curing bud doesnt matter...
I'll make it real easy to find that quote... curing doesn't matter- not only that, it can decrease potency. THC is an unstable molecule which breaks down into non-psychoactive isomers with time and exposure to heat and light. The very best you can do with your buds is not hurt potency. Nothing our violent little pot buyer (or anyone else) can suggest will improve potency.

That's a fucking GREAT word, I'm stealin' it. :D Let me know if you need it back for anything, I'll take good care of it. ;)
I spent god knows how fucking long reading all this shit. Yeah, I'm nobody... but fuck. Step back and check yourselves! Bunch of douchebags duking it out on a fucking weed forum. GAY.
Gail.. not to change the subject (but I am), but, is that a Chilhouly glass piece as your avatar? It looks like a cephalopod.
why would 'bunching thc' particles make them harder to burn? thc has the same melting/burning point whether you have .1g or 10g, its always going to 'burn' at the same temperature regardless...unlsess maybe you have no oxygen or you're in space?
i grew some weed out side then clipped and put in jar it ended up all moldi

If you were to seal damp buds in a glass jar, you'd be much more likely to wind up with fuzzy mould all over the buds in a few days- presumably to keep your aerobic bacteria company!

Don't ever put damp buds in a sealed container![/QUOTE]