1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
hehehehe ... folks .... looky lookie there .. that is some some dank frostiness ... yyyeeeeoooowwwwzzzzaAAAAA!!!!!!

re: the Scotch ... Lagavulin .... is one that I have liked ... can't remember the name of another .... me and liquor do not do welll .... I just can't stop when I start ... so I never start anymore ... hehehehe! Walking on into a fabulous new week! ThermoNuclearified!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
subscribing, don't mind me :p
welcome to the show!
hehehehe ... folks .... looky lookie there .. that is some some dank frostiness ... yyyeeeeoooowwwwzzzzaAAAAA!!!!!!

re: the Scotch ... Lagavulin .... is one that I have liked ... can't remember the name of another .... me and liquor do not do welll .... I just can't stop when I start ... so I never start anymore ... hehehehe! Walking on into a fabulous new week! ThermoNuclearified!
man your really lovin that dairy queen eh T hahaha good work fella. not tried lagavulin, but i do like islay malts, who knows i may give it a try. but its dangerous havin a bottle of scotch in the cupboard....:twisted:


Well-Known Member
hahahah ... yeah ... me an the liquor had our relationship ... it didn't end well ... so we rrespect each other mostly ..... a good single malt can't be beat though ... unless it is accompanied by a bong and some dank from our own gardens ... hahahaha! yes I am truly luvin trhe DQ. I think it has as much to do with my own lack of exposure to other strains as its dankness ... I'm sure its a good measure but for me it is just so different and so pleasureable ... I really do freakin love it .... and the purple goo and DQ buds continue to swell and grow and crystalize .... I'll have to take sum pics ... like I said in my thread ... them my be stunted and slow but giving them the time will max their potnetial anyhooo .... walking on!!~~~

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its definately a love hate thing hahah i love it till the morning. then i hate it but ill still love it a little bit...

bring on the pics dude i want to see the dq's in their glory

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

the querkle smells so good its unreal my pal i gave cut to had some probs with it seemed to be soaked in water in the pot but the buds were crispy so he chopped it 2 weeks early said it made his missus stomach turn it was that strong.

i cant wait to see what shes like at 8-9 weeks...
psychosis @ 9
querkle @7
querkle @7
cheese @9
psycho @9
cross tent shot for shits n gigs

the creche DQ's blue mystic, querkle another couple of weeks n they go in maybe staggered maybe not well see

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nice looking buds there don. gud work
why thank ye kindly princess!
yeeoooooozzzaaaaaa!!!! those bud photos of cheese and pyschosis at 9 are sicko schmicko ..... and made that missus sick to her stomah? whoa .... that must be pretty powerful. the frostings and tight buds wow ... just fukin wow! :blsmoke:
cheers T, i know made her feel queasy and it was taken 2 weeks early. its gonna be a handle with care job:mrgreen:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
mmmm yeah...that cheese looks real close.....swelling up a treat! How long till choppity chop!! :)
well after the mould fiasco n chopping them at just before 9 weeks im going to let them go probably near 10 weeks which is next friday but who knows if they look done ill take the blade to them! i want to see little to no hairs and all amber on them
excellent show Don, that querkle jus keeps going dunt it lol
cheers westy yeah they show no signs of slowing up yet, ive been hammering the nutes in aswell and no sign of burn at all they're at 5ml A & B, 5ml pk, and 2ml purple max and the odd dose of big bud for shits n giggles.