well, ya think you can wait 15 more years? I should be all "grown up" by then ...What am I going to do with you? And I was just beginning to believe that there were at least "some" men that do grow up.....for those very few, I believe it probably begins at EARLIEST at the age of 50.
Now Tahoe, your buds......they amaze me.there ya go .... I picked up that path a while ago .... Walking on!~~~ down that path .... in amazement.![]()
ahi is a fishKeahi, fire in hawaiian
I thought ahi was fire no?
Now Tahoe, your buds......they amaze me.
Keep walking down that path..keep going......you're almost there.![]()
In order that I might "think it"....I should first know what it is. A lemming?really? really? ... I am almost there?"??? ... or are u just leading me to the cliff, the lemming you think I might be?![]()
In order that I might "think it"....I should first know what it is. A lemming?
.....I don't do cliffs, not even with my worst enemy.
What can I say? You lost me with your intention here.
Sigh...you obviously missed out on "what" it is we do better.hahahaha ... good thing I have lotsaDQ and patience to explain this to the species that does everything better than us ... but anyhooo .... my intention ... nuthin subversive .... just thinking that by encouraging me that I am on the right path and thant I am almost there ... then ....this is either genuine or you're possibly leading me off the cliff, as the lemmings do at times of overpopulation and mass hysteria ........ but they don't have WEED MAN ..... lol!
Do Lemmings really jump off of cliffs to their death
oh yes, oh yes..... you are almost there.....really? really? ... I am almost there?"??? ... or are u just leading me to the cliff, the lemming you think I might be?![]()
Sigh...you obviously missed out on "what" it is we do better.
What path you're on....I have no clue. Even with mass hysteria, no leading the rat to the cliff. It's not my style.![]()
Pick 2 deffinitly male. and pic 1 is too early to tell.can you guys take a look at these 2 have the 2 white hairs and this one i think has balls...
oh yes, oh yes..... you are almost there.....
to where the path splits again in multiple places so you may walk on some more..... eventually finding the steps to ascend to the next plain, where again, we expect a new path, more brilliant, more awe inspiring, more labyrinthine than ever.... we shall walk on..... we shall walk tall.... and we shall all walk together on these paths, sharing the journey..... for its not the destination, its the journey itself that holds true substance..... our destinations merely breaks to gather strength to Walk On.....
My friend/s.... I hope you feel the love from me..... I know you do.... feel out your heart..... let it pump harder, faster, stronger..... till you start to sweat.... your eyes water, you begin to shake..... Boom there it is..... right there deep.... Deep..... sagaciously intertwined within your heart.... you feel me.... you feel my love...
"Sigh" ...as in why you chose to reference and measure so awkwardly...and off the path.sigh ... oh whoa is me .... so dense ... the what remains a mystery ....
the path .... you have no clue .... wait you said that I was close, to measure close, there must be a reference point ot measure from ..... oh this is all just too complicated for my mind ... I'll pass.
Style. I'm interested in your style. Tell me more.![]()
well, ya think you can wait 15 more years? I should be all "grown up" by then ...lol..... well gang, the surf is on the rise, y'all know where the doc. is gonna be spending the day at, One love gang, and increase the peace.....