• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Help with Blackmail! big time!!


Well-Known Member
This is really crazy but I am being blackmailed by a neighbor, so it would seem.

I live in CA where I am growing plants with 5 others and we all have legal scrips for our grow. We are close to harvest now and the following letter is what I found taped to my gate of my home.

Dear Neighbor, (my last name here)

As a good neighbor I have been silent all summer as your marijuana crop has grown. It is such a large crop it is clearly not for medicinal problems. Based on its size and quality you should be able to make tens of thousand of dollars, even if you wholesale the entire crop. As a good and silent neighbor who works hard and pays taxes it bothers me that you will make more off your illegal crop in our little neck of the woods than I will all year long. You will pay no taxes for little work while I will pay a lot of taxes for hard work. I feel that as a good and silent neighbor I am like a silent partner. This is what I propose to keep peace and friendship among neighbors. Just cut 8 oz. of quality bud. Don't dry or trim just walk out cut and put into a ziploc bag, put that in a grocery bag. (the letter then goes on to describe where to leave the bag of marijuana). You don't have to do this, but it's such a small amount and it would make me feel better that I work my ass off pay taxes and you make more than me. If I wanted to turn you in I could've a long time ago. You have a good thing going don't get greedy. Do this little thing for me and you won't have to pull up your crop early or worry about distribution. Cops, Feds, IRS, TV Stations, just smile and tell your friends I have a good neighbor who only wanted 8 oz.

This really pisses me off as we have always worked and paid taxes and still do! We are within the legal limits of plants, but of course I would rather that law enforcement not be involved. This is so shitty, this is my first outdoor grow. Nosy ass neighbors need to stay off my place and mind their own business.

Does anybody have any ideas on this? I'm also feeling a bit threatend in general. O.K. I am really pissed. :evil:


New Member
You wanna know what i'd do? I'd go and have a "chat" with nextdoor. Then after the "chat" you got nothing to worry about, cos corpses dont report people do they?

Hint: Use a plastic bag over the head when shooting, as this stops alot of the blood spatter.

No growing outside no more either, even if it is legal because, it's NOT legal and you'll still get fucked by the big guns, just cos small time meatwagon pig twats dont care, dont mean it's fine and dandy, if it was, this "blackmail" wouldnt be able to happen.

But yeah, theres no way i'd allow that, i'd despatch the moron who thought he'd give it ago.

And yeah, im serious, i wouldnt allow myself to be blackmailed, lose weed, be threatened etcetc, especially not by nextdoor neighbours. I'd rather risk prison and murder them than me lose everything, it's a dog eat dog world, kill or be killed.


Well-Known Member
Wat a Cock ur neighbour must b. Simply explain 2 him u are legal, then dare him 2 call the cops. It's his prints that are all over the blackmail letter.. N he will burn like a mutha-fukr 4 that.. So no way he will ring d cops.
.. N as u said there r 5 of u.. Stomp his fkn Weed Rortin head In!
..Not hard work indeed, it's a tireless effort 2 get to harvest, n wen u finally do u hav 2 worry about fuktards like him!

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
I'd be pulling those ladies up and playing dumb. Who? What? When? Where?
He might keep wanting more and more.
Sides that, he doesn't sound like such a good neighbor. Good neighbors mind their own bidnez unless you start infringing on their rights as neighbors.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
next year it will be 16oz and who knows the year after. deal with the neighbour or move house.

you could try showing him your within the legal limits ( if you are ) hell if he has a card ask him if he wants to buy any then remind him you will shoot to kill thieves.


Well-Known Member
(My last name here):

1/2 oz ain't shit, but will it ever stop?

Its not much but then I would definitely be breaking the law as you can't sell or give marijuana away. You can grow if you have medical scrips.

the letter also says

"Do This by 10/2/09 no later than noon, then relax and enjoy."


Well-Known Member
your legal and your within your limits,right? tell your neighbor to fuck themselves. leave them a note saying youll call the cops and show the cops the note they gave you (which is extortion) unless they shut the fuck up and mind their own business. lol


Well-Known Member
The other thing is I do not know which neighbor it is, thus the instructions have me leaving it in a specific location.


Active Member
Well dude, let's say you don't have a green light for the amount you have growing. If you are over you're limits, let someone else handle the amount you're not supposed to have, give the guy what he wants, kill him (jk), deal with it, etc... do something. If you are 100% legal then tell that guy to fuck off nicely if not then be creative :).

Edit: Buy a CCTV system and catch the fuckers who are trying to extort you or even want to jump your fence when you're sleeping.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
You could get a dye pack like the bank uses. When he opens the bag, the dye pack goes off and he becomes purple. You'd know fo sho who it is then.


Active Member
damn. just go right now, leave a fucking bag of dog shit in the specific spot, and call it a day. or u could wait around til noon for this asshole who thinks he's gettin free trees and when u see him, kick his fucking teeth in....


Well-Known Member
what did GOD say...? thou shalt not covert thy neighbours home...? I think that about covers it....what is it with godless heathens ...lol


Well-Known Member
i'd put up like a trail camera that doesnt have a flash on. that way if they try to jack your grow since their first idea failed(which i believe they will try to steal it).then u can confront em in person and that if they dont give it all back you'll show the police the pics on the trail camera and that little note they left you. ever think of putting up an electric fence? lol


Well-Known Member
I would get rid of any extra plants that are not within your limit. Get someone to look after them.

In the place where the dude is asking you to leave the weed, leave some weed there and calls the police from a phone box and say you think hes dealing drugs.

Or if you find out who it is, pay someone to ruff him up good and scare the shit out of him.

Remember, fight fire with fire.


New Member
Cut them throw them in a garbage bag and take them to a friends house to trim and then move when you get the chance. If you do pay him off your just going to have to pay him off again. And since you don't know who it is it could very well be some neighborhood kid who happen to see it at some point or someone you know and is trying to figure out how to get some. I would write a note and put it where he told you to put the weed saying that you can't be sure if the person who wrote this is a kid and if a kid got caught with it you would be in serious trouble.Explain that what you are growing is in the legal limits let them know that its for more than 1 patient and that if you did give the pot away you would be doing something illegal which you are not doing now. Also write that what they are doing is extortion and that is illegal and that if they want to talk about it more to come over but that you really can't leave it somewhere that kids could get a hold of it. So if the cops do show up you have nothing at your house and if the guy does come to your house you will know who it was and be able to tell the police who is trying to extort you. Good luck!


Ganjman, i dont know why your so intent on killing this guy; if he does the things you describe the first place the cops are going to look is at the neighbor he is blackmailing, discover his crop ANYWAY, discover this website where your specific murder instructions are, yeah he certainly wont get caught :roll: . Anyway I think the dye pack thing is a good idea. ALSO: watch your crop closely because I think this guy really has no intention of reporting you or anything (if he does your within your legal limits anyway, i understand you dont want the fuzz involved but its better theyre there to count your plants than to arrest you for murder), but if you dont give into his demands he'll probably try to take it himself. Put up a few cameras (even fake ones if your on a budget) to watch the grow until its done. Then try and find out who this guy is and open a can of non-murderous whoopass. And ganjman: frankly your scaring me a little. Why do you like the idea of murder over such little things? I dont think the guy deserves to DIE because of this.

I would get rid of any extra plants that are not within your limit. Get someone to look after them.

In the place where the dude is asking you to leave the weed, leave some weed there and calls the police from a phone box and say you think hes dealing drugs.

Or if you find out who it is, pay someone to ruff him up good and scare the shit out of him.

Remember, fight fire with fire.


Well-Known Member
I would go ahead and put the weed there (with under 8oz in it and a decent amount of stem) and then watch the spot with binoculars to see who it is. You should then be able to finish your grow in peace. This way you know who you are dealing with, but can deal with it when you dont have a grow going. Its worth the 8oz for the piece of mind for this grow, as long as you definatly find out who it is, so you can make sure this doesnt happen again. Obviously dont kill them, there are plenty of ways to make this go away, once you know who it is. My suggestion would be to bribe them with a great price on weed in the future, that way you are covering some expense but they are still happy.


Well-Known Member
Cut them throw them in a garbage bag and take them to a friends house to trim and then move when you get the chance. If you do pay him off your just going to have to pay him off again. And since you don't know who it is it could very well be some neighborhood kid who happen to see it at some point or someone you know and is trying to figure out how to get some. I would write a note and put it where he told you to put the weed saying that you can't be sure if the person who wrote this is a kid and if a kid got caught with it you would be in serious trouble.Explain that what you are growing is in the legal limits let them know that its for more than 1 patient and that if you did give the pot away you would be doing something illegal which you are not doing now. Also write that what they are doing is extortion and that is illegal and that if they want to talk about it more to come over but that you really can't leave it somewhere that kids could get a hold of it. So if the cops do show up you have nothing at your house and if the guy does come to your house you will know who it was and be able to tell the police who is trying to extort you. Good luck!
thats funny. you seem to understand that they are legal medical growers within their limits but then you say he should chop em early cuz his dickwad neighbor tried to blackmail him by saying he'd call the cops if he didnt give him some of his perfectly legal mj medical grow.......cops coming to his house w/plants growing is fine. let the little fucker call the police. then you just gotta show the cops your med cards and hyour roomates and then give the cop the little note he left.....


Active Member
ow shitty man, real shitty....

It's extortion, plain and simple. Not only is the law being broken by your "hard working" neighbor by leaving the note, him demanding something technically unlawful to possess w/o a card is also him digging his grave deeper.

If you know you are within your legal limits, don't sweat it; when the cops come in response to his call, you give said cops that letter. situation handled.

I had a similar problem. Not with plants, but with my car alarm. long story short i parked my car on the street, it had an alarm, any time a huge truck came by, off it went. I received a letter on my windshield one morning threatening that my car's windows would be broken with a rock, tires slashed etc etc if i failed to turn my alarm sensitivity down. So i took it upon myself that evening to handle the situation. Me and a friend waited in his truck parked 3 or 4 vehicles back on the same street while i purposely hit the panic button repeatedly. this was at 2 a.m. At about 2:20 a.m. the dumbass came walking out with a rock in hand and a knife in the other, blade drawn and everything lol. Me and my buddy jumped out with a bat and the sum bitch dropped the rock and knife and looked like he was about to piss himself. After we scared the proverbial poo out of him i explained to him that there's a right and wrong way to handle every situation, and that his method was the wrong way. I then further explained to him that if the note had instead said that he would like to talk to me about my car and heres my unit number, or lets find some common ground to make a compromise on, that i would have been COMPLETELY COOL with that. I saw where he was coming from, as did he from I. Im a firm believer that it takes a bigger man to approach a situation calmly, than to go in guns blazing when both sides of the story are not known. Im not saying that you should lay down, if the situation calls for it, then by all means BEAT HIS EXTORING ASS!

My final thoughts are: Your neighbor prides himself on being a hard working, tax paying citezen. Well, if he's so damn hard working, why doesnt he just put in some more hard work growing his own damn plants, instead of extorting you for yours.... You're harming no one by growing, none of us are. You also said you have a card, so that also implies that you wont (or shouldnt at least) be selling (thats just asking to get caught IMHO) so him making a stink about "how much youll be making" is ridiculous. Anywho, good luck with this my friend. Remember peace first, then react accordingly. Things will happen as they are supposed to.