help! last living plant


Active Member
more problems :( the flowering plant i had died.

now my very last plant, the white window is in trouble. her leaves are mega brittle in some places. her leaves are super thick and strong like i have never seen before.

she has been growing super strong and fast with really tight nodes. i cant tell what the problem is. the nut mix was really weak when i first noticed this so i mixed it stronger for the next batch, but it might have been overdone from the begining. is this overfert?

what causes the ultra brittle leaves like that? that will snap by barely touching

since i am leaning towards that guess, i drained 3/4 of the solution and refilled with distilled. is this ok to recover from overfert? or do i need to completely drain and run nothing but pure water?



bongsmilieI don't really see that as looking that bad. You need to flush it and get your ph correct. IS that the worst looking leaves? If it is those aren't that bad. I would definately clean out completely, flush a few gallons in and clean out once more and start with no nutes until it looks better. Then make sure you get your ratio's right on those nutesbongsmilie


Active Member
they are getting worse. i really dont know what to do. i cant tell even what it is. is it nutrient burn? or defeciencies? i dont have a ppm meter. the nutrient mix is very weak right now. what should general hydro 3 part nutrient mix be mixed at? 1/2 strength? full? which stages nutrient instructions should i mix for at this size of a plant? "general mild? or vegetative? thanks so much for helping



Well-Known Member
looks nute burned. you really should at least get ph strips to make sure your not going toxic(low ph under 5) or into lockout(hi ph over 6.5) good luck


Active Member
damn, nutrient burn huh? i was just mixing the nutrients again to be stronger. the current mix is 1 gallon of water in a 2 gallon bucket at 1/4 teaspoon of each. which is 1/4 of whats reccomended per gallon for "general purpose mild"

what strength should i mix gen hydro nutrients at for a 8 inch plant? is the reccomended nutrient charts on the side what i should be mixing at?


Active Member
ok i was just reading online right now, and i have a theory. i dont think its any of the above. i am now leaning toward light burn being whats causing it. its not an obvious light burn like when a leaf lays on a cfl bulb, so it might be harder to notice. i really do have alot of light comming down on it. its a young plant and i have 7 26 watt cfls burning 4 inches from the canopy. now while as my mini-fridge is absoutely incredibly effecient in moving air and keeping literally 1 degree higher than the rest of the house at 76, that is alot of light for a small plant. there is 2 weak pc fans blowing directly over the lights and is sucked out with a 110 cfm fan keeping the ambient temps usually around 77 3 inches under the canopy, and isnt over 82 at the very top growth. BUT, can there still be too much light even though it would have to be the energy thats burning it and not the heat? take a look at the pictures again if you want and give me your advice. also i removed 2 fan leaves that were incredibly brittle, but not really brown or yellow, but a dull greyish color. can too much light cause that? what does dull greyish leaves usually indicate? thanks for taking the time to answer so many questions :) its undoubtably comperable to a 150 watt hps


Active Member
anyone know whats causing the leaves so much trouble? its still happening to the leaves even though i pulled it away from the lights. i mixed the nuts using lucas method and 0-4-8 in 1 gallon of water in a 2 gal bucket. only the fan leaves it seems to be happening too.


Active Member
pics to go along with last update. as i said, i remixed nutrients using lucas method. i went a little weaker since plant is still small. about 0-4-8. this was happening to the leaves at less than 1-1-1 mls per gallon.

that makes me hesitant to the idea of overfert. almost all plants i grow seem to have defeciencies because i am afraid to overdo it now. what is causing that to the leaves.

i still havent got an answer and its dying.

would somone please take a minute to tell me precisely what the problem is?


Well-Known Member
It appears to me as though pH fluctuation is causing a nutrient lockout, specifically magnesium, which is giving your plant the necrotization on its leaves. Distilled water usually has a pH of 7, which is too high to grow grass with. You want a pH of around 6 - 6.5


Well-Known Member
I dont know about light burn from cfl's I've got 12; 26w cfl's less than 2 inches away from all my clones and starts and have yet to see anything like that, Like people said above it looks like over fert, flush fully, wait till plant recovers, and then try mixing 1/4 str nutes again and go from there.

Picture #1 is CFL's within 1-2 inches of canopy..

Picture #2-5 is a flowering clone I had nute burned.. looks like what your pictures are showing, or very very similar



Well-Known Member
if i was u i would deffo stop giving it any nuts
just give it a week of just ph water and u should b ok
i did the same with the couple of batches i mixed
only 1 plant survived ;o(
but hey u live and learn lol
i also tried using the lucas formula but like i said it was very strong
i now use about a 1/4 of what they recomend and eveythings good
but ur gonna need a ppm meter 4 sure and maybe some seeds 2 get u going again
good look


Active Member
gah, i dont have a ppm meter and getting one tonight isnt an option. some now saying fungus ect. the question is this: is 4 mls of micro and 8 mls of bloom in 1 gallon of water too much or too little for a 9 inch tall plant thats 4 weeks old?


Active Member
a ph defeciancy? you have 9 career posts...... i hate to say it, but i feel that i may actually know slightly more concerning this subject than you. please dont give advice on something you dont at least have some background in. there is about 6 different diagnosis i have been given here, and from what i have learned, it cannot possibly be more obvious than a magnesium deficiency. I am assuming from too acidic of solution.

My research tells me that mag gets locked out when too acidic not too alkaline. I have been keeping it more acidic than i usually do since i am told its better to be slightly under 6.0 for hydro. in the past i had kept it at 6.0 now i bring it down to about 5.7 or so and let it drift back to the low 6's. i am using gen hydro brand liquid broad spec ph indicator. i try keep the color yellowish orange. anyone know whats the best color to go for? is the color chart accurate or a little off? is yellow the color i am going for or?

the plant has stopped growing basically too. i foliar fed the leaves with very diluted mag sulfate in distilled water as i am told this might help till the ph gets unlocked. how long does that take? what do i do to get it to start growing again?