The BubbleHead Gang


Well-Known Member
one more question when do tha 3 leaves fall off?
If your talking about the first set of real leaves that grow after the seedling leaves(cytoden I believe), they may never fall off, or in my case, they curled and died when all the full leaves above it drowned out any light from them.


New Member
You think it's worth the money? Since you don't have to vent it may come in handy for those who can't. I also think the price may come down with some competition showing up lately.


Elite Rolling Society
What ya talking about?

LOL! Just kiddin!

This thread is sure getting a lot of action and attracting alot of very talented BubbleHead growers.



Well-Known Member
I can't say if it's better than HPS/MH type, cause I've never used those. But my last tree was good enough for me. Got me high as shit...I went the LED route because I'm afraid of the heat of the other type lights. I leave for several days sometimes. Also I hear helicopters flying over all the time. I've seen on tv that they find grow rooms with heat sencing cameras that hone in on the heat that typical grow lights give off. Also, the energy use is none. If it's what the advertisers say is true that it is equivalent to a 400w traditional light then I guess it was worth the money.


Well-Known Member
I have a ufo. Tri band.

I will let you guys know how I like it as soon as I form an opinion. I have previous led experience and know its vegging potential well.

So far so good. I have no led flowering under my belt yet, maybe in the near future.
Ive always been interesting in using led lights, but from all the posts on here most people say they are not good for flowering. Not to mention they are really expensive, but If you got 1000 dollars to drop on a nice led light I bet you could get some good flowers.


New Member
That's the kind of info I want to share with the Bubbleheads! Thank you and please continue!

I'll be running a 400 next grow and have done CFL onlys and cfl in veg and 250 hps in flower. Always looking out for new tech that makes a difference and I think LED tech has a growth spurt coming. In the mean time we must vent!


Active Member
w/e i did, so never mind me posting on this thread, if your not going to be helpful then i bet the rest of you guys wont be either, so have fun in ur little club

thanks for being an ass!

have a nice day


Well-Known Member
w/e i did, so never mind me posting on this thread, if your not going to be helpful then i bet the rest of you guys wont be either, so have fun in ur little club

thanks for being an ass!

have a nice day

Sorry for your misunderstanding, but in no way did i mean any insult by that.. of course you be a member. this isn't some high and mighty group, although thats the kinda bud we grow. if you grow with bubbles, and you help people that grow with bubbles... YOU ARE A BUBBLEHEAD.. much love for all bubbleheads and please dont think i was tryin to do anything but helpl you man


Active Member
Sorry for your misunderstanding, but in no way did i mean any insult by that.. of course you be a member. this isn't some high and mighty group, although thats the kinda bud we grow. if you grow with bubbles, and you help people that grow with bubbles... YOU ARE A BUBBLEHEAD.. much love for all bubbleheads and please dont think i was tryin to do anything but helpl you man

i just didnt know if i had to wait for some one to say ok u can put that logo in ur sig, i was asking if i could, i think it would be stealing if i didnt ask, and im also tired so sorry about wut i said



Well-Known Member
i just didnt know if i had to wait for some one to say ok u can put that logo in ur sig, i was asking if i could, i think it would be stealing if i didnt ask, and im also tired so sorry about wut i said

lol same here... i thought it was like the freemasons or skulls at first.. lol