A few things. Start with the most recent post. Thrive alive does help a lot with foliar, but be aware the green bottle is all organic and can mess your res up if you put it in there. But it does help them to stay healthier through the rooting process. I used to use it all the time, but have now switched to Wilt Pruf, with even better results. And as stated above, new clones wilt a little, In my dwc cloner with Wilt Pruf on the cuttings, I have managed to get no wilt and roots under 7 days every time(I mean roots, not little white nubs where roots are forming). And to the painted tub/bucket question on the previous page, If light gets into your nutrient solution, it can easilt cause alge, but thats not a gauruntee it will or cause any negative side effect. But having complete absense of light will make your plants grow quicker and your roots be healthier in general. I originally had my DWC cloner tub not light tight and it worked, but it took 2 weeks for roots, after being redone, I cut the time in half with no change but the light-proofing. So do you have to do it to grow, no. But is it a good idea to promote healthier roots and faster growing plants, YES.