once again...cloning from fan leaf


New Member
was thinking if u take a fan leaf ,slice it at the end of the petiole where u want shoots,put a mixture of cytokinin and auxins on the slice for shoot formation(2mg BAP,Kinetin,any cytokinin and.01mg IAA,NAA,any auxin).....then like usual put ur root gel on the other end and stick it in a dome.......
i dont see y it woulnt work....its more or less the same thing as tissue culture just minus all the bs.....
i already found where to get the hormones....i think im gonna try it
some chinese (kelong)guy is selling this method....called ternpc....google it
he doesnt say how he does it this is all i could think of



Well-Known Member
Is the cytokinin and auxins in the compound this guy has itself or do you get it elsewhere?

It sounds to me like it basically turns a small piece of 0.3-1cm length plant material into a seed. You will be able to get all your clones from a single mother, but instead of having a rooted 4 inch plant in a week, you have a rooted "seed".

As for most plants, an entire regenerated plant with developed roots will be got within 4-11 days. After 15-50 days training, it can be moved out of the garden for transplanting. Rapid propagation is factually realized.

Not sure what that '15-50 days training' is supposed to mean either.

Can't imagine the number vs time spent is efficient enough to beat out having several mothers and just cloning normally, since you can fit more then 1 mother under a small veg light easily anyway.


New Member
Is the cytokinin and auxins in the compound this guy has itself or do you get it elsewhere?

It sounds to me like it basically turns a small piece of 0.3-1cm length plant material into a seed. You will be able to get all your clones from a single mother, but instead of having a rooted 4 inch plant in a week, you have a rooted "seed".

As for most plants, an entire regenerated plant with developed roots will be got within 4-11 days. After 15-50 days training, it can be moved out of the garden for transplanting. Rapid propagation is factually realized.

Not sure what that '15-50 days training' is supposed to mean either.

Can't imagine the number vs time spent is efficient enough to beat out having several mothers and just cloning normally, since you can fit more then 1 mother under a small veg light easily anyway.
the guy doesnt say what he uses....but that would be my assumtion...
u can buy the hormones and mix them urself....
the idea i have is if u can get multiple clones from 1 leaf then u will have more bud sites on ur plant thus increasing yeild
i think the 15-50 days is shoot formation or humidity control....i know its a long time but some people dont have 2 rooms to grow so it would be more convenient
i would love to learn how to do this..plz keep updating...i have a few mother of different kinds....but when i move babies in i always have to mess with the light so if i could find away to get around that....it would be sweet...keep me updated..plz..


New Member
i would love to learn how to do this..plz keep updating...i have a few mother of different kinds....but when i move babies in i always have to mess with the light so if i could find away to get around that....it would be sweet...keep me updated..plz..
i really do plan on trying
just gotta get the hormones,but times r rough right now:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I googled it and can't find any thing about it but the things you stated already.......sounds pretty cool if it was real


New Member
I googled it and can't find any thing about it but the things you stated already.......sounds pretty cool if it was real
well if u think about it...all tissue culture is,is plant material and hormones with sterelity......my thoughts r if u cut the stem and expose those cells to the cytokinins,then stick the other end in the medium with rooting hormone ..it will produce shoots after or at the same of the roots
im hoping someone (with experience in this) can comment and let me know whats up


Well-Known Member
It's highly doubtful you can clone from a leaf. It doesn't have the right type of cells and it lacks any nodes. Where would the shoots come from?


Well-Known Member
It's highly doubtful you can clone from a leaf. It doesn't have the right type of cells and it lacks any nodes. Where would the shoots come from?

That's a rational question just as i had.....i read and their is lot of literature of how successful this technique with many species of plant but nothing on how to do it......I would also like to know more if anybody has some knowledge on this


New Member
It's highly doubtful you can clone from a leaf. It doesn't have the right type of cells and it lacks any nodes. Where would the shoots come from?
if it doesnt have the right cells then how is tissue culture possible?
nodes come when the shoots form from the hormones that its treated with....and the shoots would form where the callus forms,from the slice made....i.e.tissue culture


New Member
That's a rational question just as i had.....i read and their is lot of literature of how successful this technique with many species of plant but nothing on how to do it......I would also like to know more if anybody has some knowledge on this
they wont tell u how to do it cuz they want to partner up with u and take a % of what u make off of it....
u have to have a legitimate company to sign up to buy it
i researched everything aboput it and its the same thing on every website.....so i read everything on the main site and he says after he treats the leaf with his special mixture,it can propagated.....
so thats how i came up with this


Well-Known Member
why go through all the trouble, just clone a stem. gee. so many of these. if you do it congrats but i havnt see any resluts.


New Member
also wanted to show this,so basically each leaf can be one clone with no cytokinin hormone
Leaf-Bud Cutting
This type of cutting is made up of a leaf blade, petiole, and a short piece of the stem with an attached bud. Leaf bud cuttings are best of species that are able to create roots but not shoots from cut leaves. This method works best when you have a healthy plant, but have very little cloning material to work with because it maximizes the propagating material.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much the same theory behind regular cloning of plants... the picture you show there shows a large chunk of stem with the leaf, and if you're gonna take off a huge chunk of stem like that, why not just cut off a shoot? the giant hole in the side of the stem will be highly susceptible to disease, regardless. why not just cut a few shoots before she gets done flowering and have those for clones? take WAY less than 50 days! Also, you'd have to rearrange the DNA of the plant to "create more bud sites" you can do things to make it grow better, or lst it, or top it, etc. but you're not gonna change the genetics enough to create more bud sites just because it was cloned from a leaf.... Also, this is all just my 2 cents, but if this was a practice that was something easy or something you could do with hard to grow plants, etc. it would be on RIU.org or atleast have SOME shread of evidence of it being done. I'm not saying it's not possible, because i'm sure it absolutely is, but it's a lot easier to start another seed or clone the lady you have. good luck with growing either way!

Hippy Girl

Yes, you can clone a leaf.

We do it with African Violets as well.

But with Cannabis it's very different.
It's like taking a leaf off your tree in your yard and try cloning it.
It's possible but quicker results is through stem propagation.



New Member
Pretty much the same theory behind regular cloning of plants... the picture you show there shows a large chunk of stem with the leaf, and if you're gonna take off a huge chunk of stem like that, why not just cut off a shoot? the giant hole in the side of the stem will be highly susceptible to disease, regardless. why not just cut a few shoots before she gets done flowering and have those for clones? take WAY less than 50 days! Also, you'd have to rearrange the DNA of the plant to "create more bud sites" you can do things to make it grow better, or lst it, or top it, etc. but you're not gonna change the genetics enough to create more bud sites just because it was cloned from a leaf.... Also, this is all just my 2 cents, but if this was a practice that was something easy or something you could do with hard to grow plants, etc. it would be on RIU.org or atleast have SOME shread of evidence of it being done. I'm not saying it's not possible, because i'm sure it absolutely is, but it's a lot easier to start another seed or clone the lady you have. good luck with growing either way!
but if u take a shoot u still have multiple clones in that shoot
light come on at in 30 min ill take a pic for u


New Member
Yes, you can clone a leaf.

We do it with African Violets as well.

But with Cannabis it's very different.
It's like taking a leaf off your tree in your yard and try cloning it.
It's possible but quicker results is through stem propagation.
im not worried about the time it takes
i actually prefer for it to take longer


New Member
Pretty much the same theory behind regular cloning of plants... the picture you show there shows a large chunk of stem with the leaf, and if you're gonna take off a huge chunk of stem like that, why not just cut off a shoot? the giant hole in the side of the stem will be highly susceptible to disease, regardless. why not just cut a few shoots before she gets done flowering and have those for clones? take WAY less than 50 days! Also, you'd have to rearrange the DNA of the plant to "create more bud sites" you can do things to make it grow better, or lst it, or top it, etc. but you're not gonna change the genetics enough to create more bud sites just because it was cloned from a leaf.... Also, this is all just my 2 cents, but if this was a practice that was something easy or something you could do with hard to grow plants, etc. it would be on RIU.org or atleast have SOME shread of evidence of it being done. I'm not saying it's not possible, because i'm sure it absolutely is, but it's a lot easier to start another seed or clone the lady you have. good luck with growing either way!
these were taking from the top(cutting) of a topped plant
about a week old



Well-Known Member
The cutting needs a node to grow from, with just a leaf there is no node. You can root a fan leaf but it will not grow