Fact or Fiction You Tell Me?


Well-Known Member
I like to read a lot and I have run across a few things that are published or even just said that are passed around as truth that I think are total BS and I would like peoples input. The only thing that I ask is if your sister's boyfriend's cousin did it and you didn't see it don't say "yeah thats true!"

The first one that really pisses me off cause I did it is
use your hand to test to see if your lights are to close, if your hand is comfortable then the lights are ok

I have to call fiction on this one, I use CFL's and they are hmmm maybe uncomfortable to the touch maybe...they don't feel hot just pretty warm so I kept them at an inch-inch and a half BAD IDEA...I personally don't think this should be used as a rule of thumb maybe it works for HPS or MH I don't know since I don't have them but it definitely does not work for CFL

you can use coffee grounds, vinegar, orange peels to lower ph
I have only experimented with coffee grounds in water but the ph didn't change over the course of 2 hours.

oils from your skin will kill cannabis
I don't know where this one came from but I heard it a few times as a kid just wondering if anyone else heard it and knows where it came from?

Well if people actually like this I'll try to think of more I just didn't see anything on here that set out to kill rumors/myths thought it would be fun to see some or even back some up.


Well-Known Member
I dig it. I am growing with CFL's and so far I have been checking the light with my hand too. I should probably go and move the proximity of my plant away from the light, excuse me.


Too many brownies
I like to read a lot and I have run across a few things that are published or even just said that are passed around as truth that I think are total BS and I would like peoples input. The only thing that I ask is if your sister's boyfriend's cousin did it and you didn't see it don't say "yeah thats true!"

The first one that really pisses me off cause I did it is
use your hand to test to see if your lights are to close, if your hand is comfortable then the lights are ok

I have to call fiction on this one, I use CFL's and they are hmmm maybe uncomfortable to the touch maybe...they don't feel hot just pretty warm so I kept them at an inch-inch and a half BAD IDEA...I personally don't think this should be used as a rule of thumb maybe it works for HPS or MH I don't know since I don't have them but it definitely does not work for CFL

you can use coffee grounds, vinegar, orange peels to lower ph
I have only experimented with coffee grounds in water but the ph didn't change over the course of 2 hours.

oils from your skin will kill cannabis
I don't know where this one came from but I heard it a few times as a kid just wondering if anyone else heard it and knows where it came from?

Well if people actually like this I'll try to think of more I just didn't see anything on here that set out to kill rumors/myths thought it would be fun to see some or even back some up.
Man I can hold my hand about 6 inches from my 600w hps for a while and it doesnt feel to hot to me...but I know my plants would burn if they were that close.

Vinegar will definitely change Ph

and I have never heard the last one before. Thats pretty funny and really stupid.

good luck growin man :peace:


Well-Known Member
dnt know much but hears what i know: if you spray vinegar on a plant it will kill it i use it in my garden to kill weeds so i would say putin it to your roots can't be a good idea don't know maybe it does change ph but might kill your plant while its at it, coffee is high in nitrogen great for composting don't put it in water unless your gonna drink it, never killed a plant by touchin it


Well-Known Member
Yeah the first two are from "the cannabis grow bible" to be honest I'm a little disappointed if the hand test doesn't work for any lights why is it out there cause it is on the video "Ultimate Marijuana Grow (Jorge Cervantes)" as well.


Active Member
The first one that really pisses me off cause I did it is
use your hand to test to see if your lights are to close, if your hand is comfortable then the lights are ok

I have to call fiction on this one, I use CFL's and they are hmmm maybe uncomfortable to the touch maybe...they don't feel hot just pretty warm so I kept them at an inch-inch and a half BAD IDEA...I personally don't think this should be used as a rule of thumb maybe it works for HPS or MH I don't know since I don't have them but it definitely does not work for CFL

You need more ventalation on your plants if 1 inch burns them.
you can use coffee grounds, vinegar, orange peels to lower ph
I have only experimented with coffee grounds in water but the ph didn't change over the course of 2 hours.

vinegar changes ph, the others not really, orange peels could make it acidic, over lots of time.
oils from your skin will kill cannabis
I don't know where this one came from but I heard it a few times as a kid just wondering if anyone else heard it and knows where it came from?

Well if people actually like this I'll try to think of more I just didn't see anything on here that set out to kill rumors/myths thought it would be fun to see some or even back some up.
this is a myth


Well-Known Member
"You need more ventalation on your plants if 1 inch burns them."
I had/have a 16" oscillating fan blowing directly on them, granted it is on low but I would think that would take care of the ventilation but maybe you're right I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Alright so here are two more just to get things going again. Both of these are very arguable so if you say one way or the other please say why and where you got your info from, even if its just experience.

1)You can't/shouldn't grow more than one plant per pot.

2)You shouldn't start your plant in a large pot.
I tried large pots and it didn't go well but I put that more on the soil drainage and inexperience than the pot size. Also I know that a lot of people say that you want the roots to fill the pot and then move up to a bigger pot but why (other than a lot of people say its better), they don't do that naturally.


Well-Known Member
Oh also just to go back to ph and household items I found today that 1/2 tsp of white distilled vinegar added to 60oz of water @ a ph of 7 will bring it down to a ph of 6. Just thought that was kind of interesting.


Well-Known Member
2)You shouldn't start your plant in a large pot.
I tried large pots and it didn't go well but I put that more on the soil drainage and inexperience than the pot size. Also I know that a lot of people say that you want the roots to fill the pot and then move up to a bigger pot but why (other than a lot of people say its better), they don't do that naturally.
You are right, it doesn't work that way in nature. And outdoor growers are probably not transplanting twice to let the roots develop. The difference is in nature they would have three to six months of veggetative growth before the sun changes the light schedule and induces flowering. Water availability and the nutrients in the soil may not be ideal and a large root structure may be necessary. marijuana and Hemp can grow large root structures. Indoor Growers try to make this large root structure not necessary by supplying the plants with all they need so they can grow buds instead of roots. The plant you had in the big pot would have probably grown just fine, it would have just taken longer. 3-6 months longer. VV


Well-Known Member
Yeah I actually read that some where on here after I posted it, well they didn't say that it would take longer or how much longer but it was implied. I more so posted all this to see if people would get on here and debate their opinions but apparently that only happens on other peoples grow journals. But thanx for actually posting, I watch the visit number go up everyday but for some reason no one has anything to say?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Yeah I actually read that some where on here after I posted it, well they didn't say that it would take longer or how much longer but it was implied. I more so posted all this to see if people would get on here and debate their opinions but apparently that only happens on other peoples grow journals. But thanx for actually posting, I watch the visit number go up everyday but for some reason no one has anything to say?
Hi Grow it, I think you are smart. There are so many ways to do it all eh? We all have our own little tricks. Who is sure they are all right or wrong. What ever works for you I guess, as long as it produces the nice fine buds we all desire. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thank you, I try to educate myself as best I can but I also know that the personal experience that everyone here has is just as good as any book that I could read. Hopefully my first grow will turn out well it seems to be on track.


Well-Known Member
I have planted many plants in large pots and they grew fine, in amonth they wer 12-15" sometimes bigger depending on strain ive flowerd them in a reasoneble amount of time, doesnt seam to make a differance in my grow room


Active Member
here's one:

I've heard that when you start growing, the light cycle is to be 12/12...So for about a month, I was doing 12/12...then I heard that if you interupt the night cycle with 1 hour of lighting that you can change the sex of the plant to female...so I did that for about a month as well...then about 2/3 weeks ago I was told that the plants are to be on 20/4 lighting and NOT to interupt the night cycle...SO, now my plants are at 20/4 and they are growing a lot quicker then when the lighting was 12/12...

so, which is correct, lighting-wise? and can you really change the sex of the plant by interupting the night cycle with an hour of light?