what do you find disrespectful?


Well-Known Member
I deliver gasoline to gas stations at night. I can't stand it when I'm out there busting my ass for 12 hours a day to pay my bills and a hefty 1K a month child support and then have someone walk up to me while I'm dropping a load of gas and ask for money. I tell them I'm out here working to support me and my family and not assholes like you who would rather beg for money than earn it........ .


Well-Known Member
I hate it when people collectively embrace ignorance i.e. (something religiously offensive here).


Well-Known Member
I hate people that bitch about tipping... seriously it's your job, don't like the pay? find something else... I ALWAYS tip, if i spent $10 i tip $3 but jesus christ don't whine about it, it's not our fault you're to lazy to fill out an application at a better place. I don't even have a problem with tips it's just don't expect shit cause youll get your feelings hurt.
seriously...being a waiter is so hard... you're on your feet all day dealing with people and most the time those people are rude, you get shitty pay (4.00$ish), and then you get shitty tips from people...its not our fault we have to work at that job maybe its the only one some of us could find especially with today's economy


stays relevant.
what are some things that you find to be disrespectful to you?

i work at a gas station and i hate when people throw their money at me or wont set it in my hands.
or when money with all balled up, cant even have the decency to fuckin unfold it.
lol im just weird.... care to share?

Too cute to work at a gas station. :(


Well-Known Member
When you are driving along a road with crosswalks...and people not only do not look before crossing...they slow down their pace too. Like THIS is the moment the whole world should be watching that cottage cheese ass of yours walking or something. Yeah buddy you have the right of way...milk that shit for all it's worth! Hey maybe you should stop right there in the middle of the road and dig through your purse looking for something!

Or I decide to hold the door for you on a whim...SAY THANK YOU. It's not so hard. You aren't showing me undeserved respect or anything...it's simple manners.


Well-Known Member
when someone leaves like 2 or 3 pieces of toilet paper on the roll and doesnt replace the roll or at least leave a new roll on the back on the toilet...


Well-Known Member
I find it disrespectful when I hand a cashier $6.47 in dimes and nickels and they give me a dirty look.
lol i just read the first page, but how does this dude pay 6.47 without any pennys

i think people wearing hats in my house or pointing the bottom of their feet at me is disrespectful. if any one ever spit on me, its the highest form of disrespect, id probably beat them within inches of death


Active Member
I find the education system disrespectful. It's out of date, it tries to help in ways that aren't helpful, and it's mandatory. To anyone with practical hopes of success, there just isn't a way you can't go get a degree. You wanna know how I know it's bullshit? We pay by the credit, not by time spent in class or by amount of useful information/experience imparted. It's a slam-dunk to me that we have to go through a system that's such utter bullshit if we want to be "marketable" for jobs. I can sit my ass down at my computer and learn anything I need to know, more efficiently than I could if I were sitting in most (not all, now..) classrooms. Sorry, but it's true. I'm not at all saying there should be no education system, as I adamantly believe we direly need one.. just that ours as it stands needs serious revision.

I also find television disrespectful. Thanks for teaching the industrialized world how to focus on shit that doesn't matter. Serious props. It's not like there were any legitimate issues in the world that needed to be acted upon, so yeah, let's all sit on our asses and watch coverage of the latest sensationalist fluff story.


Well-Known Member
not exactly. I saved my poops in one of those big ziplock baggies for about a week and poked tons of little holes in it. I then strategically placed the perforated poop bag beneath that assholes pillowcase. He was startled when my chipotle chunks were in his hair and on his face! revenge is to be savored
lol i guess revenge is best served in the form of week old shit

im gonna check under my pillow before i go to bed at night now


Well-Known Member
All these new taxes they are adding like tollbooths went up 25cents, cigarettes also got taxed, electric bill went up a couple months ago and now they are talking about increasing the bill again! Aswell as increasing mortgages on houses close to $88 dollars a month, they also mentioned a soda tax 9cents for every oz in the drink they mentioned this on the news. Mind you I dont even own a house, drive through tollbooths, smoke cigarettes, or drink soda, but it pisses me off seeing my father struggle with his bills because of his work hours being cut in half, and they just keep increasing everything left and right. You should see inside his fridge he doesnt have shit, just soda, eggs, milk, and bread on the table . Like goddamn give us a fucking break your kicking the middle class family while there down. I can only imagine how other people are im sure alot of other people are going through worst. Sorry for the rant but im just venting.