1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Bummer dude. I'll know you'll get it sorted though.
I still don't understand how even high RH can make the carpet wet?
Did you get some spillage a while back of something?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
It'll be fine Don. It'll dry out in no time and then find a way to vent the moisture/heat directly outside and the problem will be solved. I vent mine straight outside through one of those vented bricks (which was luckily already in the room). I know it seems bad now but you'll find a way round it, its a good job you found relatively early before it did some REAL damage.
to be honest the only way i can continue to grow in the present surroundings is if i run the dehumidifier in the grow room which is what's looking likely at least till i know how shits going to play out.

i cant put a hole in the wall or the ceiling and i cant run an outlet to the window as its the front of the house n will be suspect. i've considered a lot of options n its just not do-able.

your a poet and ya didnt realise lol..........
gonna get a house n not a flat so i can have a garden and a cat.
lets hope my decorating skills are as good as my word smithery eh...
that sucks, ma heart goes out 2 ya man
thanks princess, im still totally bummed
shit mate......I'm really sorry for you and you mrs. That's a nightmare!!! Hope you can keep those genetics alive till you work things out though. All the best man. :peace:
cheers fella im gonna work round shit, my pal will look after my 20 in veg if needs be so i recon ill be able to keep shit rolling.
Bummer dude. I'll know you'll get it sorted though.
I still don't understand how even high RH can make the carpet wet?
Did you get some spillage a while back of something?
cheers fella yeah i know it'll work out eventually its just a bitch in the here n now lol. as for spillage, no. not a drop but the high humidity in tent had to go somewhere i guess and i did have a lot of stuff pressed up against the wall so i had it coming really. i could kick myself.
poop poor man
itll be reet in a few weeks.

Thanks for all the well wishes n support peeps! its much appreciated. on the plus side i have a friend in the business who has a front carpet cleaning so i may not have to completely shut down. its all up in the air at the minute.

i got the dehumidifier in there n took like 10 litres of water out overnight. the floors nearly dry so the paint stripping can begin soon.

while i had the girls out i trimmed all the lower straggler branches n got me a half a jar of popcorn to make bho with and i think i've had some mall success with Fimming the dairy queens !!! i think......

tonight im blazing the weed cigar. i need to get fucked up:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
we might not see him for a while now. You're gonna grow roots wherever you smoke that thing. Typing will be out of the question due to impaired vision! bongsmilie

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah night mam! ill have a good cough for ya! ill take some pics n maybe a vid depending on how it works out.

n yeah snowy i think ill be a write off for a good few hours... cant friggin wait

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Fkin hell mate it never rains it pours.

Whats the rental market like up with you? down here as soon as a property comes up for rent its gone by the next day £550 pcm 2 beders.
Glad I own mine Id hate to buy it now though for £160,000 the 1 down the road just sold for.

Hope you cigar dose the trick tonight for you

Heres a fat cheese one for you

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers WW bud! I know i seem to lurch from one disaster to the next but apparently that's life :lol:

no idea what the rental markets like tbh but ill have to start investigating, tho i think ill wait till after xmas and its associated costs :roll:

aye the cigar should make me forget just about everything:eyesmoke:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
cheers SICC! its going up in flames tonight fo sho!

just ordered a new rhino filter (cheers ww) £41.65 ebay. its a deal its a steal its the sale of the f@ckin century.


Well-Known Member
Would moving the tent away from the wall help? You'll get through it mate. I can't remember the phrase but its something to do with the mother of invention or some shit lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well my mates have gone out to see orbital so the cigar is gonna wait for another day.... a couple of bowls instead.

the tent is now well away from the wall lol necesseity is indeed the mother of invention :lol:

ebay is a danger when you sit at the internet everyday haha nice score tho westy. didnt have you pegged as a golfer lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ok so i think i may have managed the fimming?!?!?

psychosis @ 8 weeks

querkle- real hairy still 5 weeks to go

cheeeeese grommit! @ 8 also

talk about towering calyx formation

less is definitely more with the gravity stuff im backing off the nutes a little for a week before flush.