help!!!!! what is this?????


Well-Known Member

His Pic

hi and welcome to RIU.
Give some more info, based on what you gave, looks like nute burn, flush and wait 2 weeks to renute at 1/4 - 1/2 strength what you were using. use 1 table spoon black strap molasses on the last gallon of water of your flush to help add carbs and micro nutes.


Active Member
look at the undersides of the leaves, do you see little whitish balls and webbing. get rid of those fucker quick or you'll never get rid of them. if you look close enough you can actually see them moving around


Well-Known Member
well shitty on a tittie, that really sucks, better act before it's too late.
Lady bugs I hear work.


Active Member
wellcome to the world of mites, the spider variety being a personal favourite. They're just like bad neighbours brother, you can shout and scream, and throw what you want at them, but unless your lucky as a mo fo, your just gonna have to learn to live with them,


Well-Known Member
Go easy on the pesticide as to much will kill you plant It might be major nute deficiency or burn if it's not little spiders


Well-Known Member
i had that same problem on my first ended being soil that had gone to acidic probably with salt lockup too I flushed and rebalanced my nutes and problem was fixed if u dont find mites. Also could u have foliar sprayed with the lights on burning it or too strong of spray??


Active Member
i had that same problem on my first ended being soil that had gone to acidic probably with salt lockup too I flushed and rebalanced my nutes and problem was fixed if u dont find mites. Also could u have foliar sprayed with the lights on burning it or too strong of spray??
yes actually i did foliar spray awhile ago with the lites on and my buddy who i got the clone from said to not do it cause it burns the leaves so i havent done it since. is that what it is?............i havent used nutes untill yesterday...was to broke for em. ill check for the mites but im pretty sure its the watering the foilage thing if that can cause that???????????


Active Member
nice thanks bauks ya i think its just the foliage spray i did it when i first got it hahaha oh well live and learn. but hey another question........i now have her under a 250w mh light and 7 23w 2700k soft white cfls. is that good or should i take away the cfls and just leave the mh light????


Active Member
I would get rid of the flo's unless your using a grow cabinet, if you can afford it I would go with a 400 watt hps light, works better than mh for the whole life cycle of the plant, but mh will work


Well-Known Member
freaking spider mites.
buy some azamax.
it works wonders and its randomly organic! (omri listed..)


Active Member
I would get rid of the flo's unless your using a grow cabinet, if you can afford it I would go with a 400 watt hps light, works better than mh for the whole life cycle of the plant, but mh will work
just out of curiosity whats bad about the cfls with the mh. i always thought the more light the better????


Well-Known Member
I would get rid of the flo's unless your using a grow cabinet, if you can afford it I would go with a 400 watt hps light, works better than mh for the whole life cycle of the plant, but mh will work
6500k CFLs veg way better than HPS, HPS doesn't have the correct color for the best veg growth, it outputs more light but not the correct light for veg state. :bigjoint:


Active Member
today would be the fourth just started, there are white hairs already half an inch long coming off the main cola


Well-Known Member
today would be the fourth just started, there are white hairs already half an inch long coming off the main cola
Yeah I wouldn't have started with a on going problem. You really should go back to veg for a week or 2 until it's back to healthy.