neighbors have caught me!!!!


Active Member
i have a big problem!!!!!

im on day 52 of flowering and my neighbors have defo caught me....

last couple of days ive been going into the shed to check up on the plants and i can see my neighbors watching me through their windows!!!!

i dont know wether to cut or to leave it for a few days and risk it, im chopping on exactly week 8...

please help


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i have a big problem!!!!!

im on day 52 of flowering and my neighbors have defo caught me....

last couple of days ive been going into the shed to check up on the plants and i can see my neighbors watching me through their windows!!!!

i dont know wether to cut or to leave it for a few days and risk it, im chopping on exactly week 8...

please help

let me get this straight......your neighbors caught you going into your shed?
Dude if I was you and didnt have a license to grow I would cut my losses and cut those baby's down. If you do do it do it as late at night as possible and put all your grow material in your home. In the attic if possible or basement, lights for sure. Now leave shed door open for a couple days to throw them off. You can go as far as putting a work table outside the door and go mess with it as often as you would the girls. But my friends call me paranoid.
hmmm....maybe they are looking for a new connection :) no but seriously, if you are worried cut it down and lay low for a while
Lol why dont you just move the plants inside and go even more often in the shet as you used too. But dude the cops can't just go in and search your house or property. They also cant just get a search warrent by just neighbors saying this or that. So i wouldn't worry about it. Just flip them the middle finger when they look at you through the window or ask them what the fuck they want.
Are they cool, and like would only steal them, or are they very striaght and might report you?
Lol why dont you just move the plants inside and go even more often in the shet as you used too. But dude the cops can't just go in and search your house or property. They also cant just get a search warrent by just neighbors saying this or that. So i wouldn't worry about it. Just flip them the middle finger when they look at you through the window or ask them what the fuck they want.
I don't think flipping the neighbors off is a good idea at all. One of the keys to not getting busted is being a good neighbor. Keep your property maintained and your lawn mowed. Don't throw wild parties or have fights with your girlfriend at 2:00 in the morning on the front porch. Being inconspicuous is how you keep from getting into trouble, not being confrontational. IMO I would finish your plants unless you think they will narc for sure. Just be more careful in the future. Best of luck my friend.
Lol why dont you just move the plants inside and go even more often in the shet as you used too. But dude the cops can't just go in and search your house or property. They also cant just get a search warrent by just neighbors saying this or that. So i wouldn't worry about it. Just flip them the middle finger when they look at you through the window or ask them what the fuck they want.

They can search your garage or shed without a warrant.

Clear out the shed
They can search your garage or shed without a warrant.

Clear out the shed
Exactly. I've researched this extensively. A structure on the property that isn't attached to or part of the home doesn't have the same protection as it pertains to privacy and warrant requirements as the home.
They can search your garage or shed without a warrant.

Clear out the shed

Umm, no they can't.

"Under the Fourth Amendment, searches must be reasonable and specific. This means that a search warrant must be specific as to the specified object to be searched for and the place to be searched. Other items, rooms, outbuildings, persons, vehicles, etc. may require additional search warrants."

Meaning, the police can't just come up and walk into your shed anytime they please, that is unconstitutional.